Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

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Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby the4thImpulse » 02 Feb 2013 10:21

I have everything I need to install Windows 8 in my production comp but I have been waiting to hear how stable it is for music purposes. Does anyone here run it yet? If so what your thoughts at it? I currently run Ableton on win7.

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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby bartekko » 02 Feb 2013 10:38

I personally had the chance to use Win8 on an extremely demanding hardware (A FOUR YEAR OLD NETBOOK), and while at first it seemed a bit faster than XP, when installed Dropbox, BitTorrent, Chrome, Skype and IceChat, it works way slower than XP.
But i've never seen it crash. Only go down into unusability.
So if you have a good computer, it should work well
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby itroitnyah » 02 Feb 2013 11:27

I've heard that it isn't as good as W7, but never really heard anything about how it runs DAWs and music software. I'd check the system requirements on Ableton's website to see if they have anything about W8.

I also suspect that people are saying it isn't as good as W7 because it's messy and the UI is plugged up a ton. I'd keep with W7 personally, but if you really want to give W8 a try, go ahead and try it out. Feel free to tell us how you like it if you do choose to try it out.
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby Omnomnomnom » 02 Feb 2013 12:05

I employ Windows 8 as my primary OS. It works as well as any other, and is a small bit faster than W7. Frankly, it's not much different than W7 to me, because I just go into desktop mode all the time (metro is absolutely horrid without touchscreens and the like). So UI isn't a problem, as all the W7 stuff is still there.

It's stable, and is backwards-compatible with most-all W7 stuff. (As with all modern windows versions, you can run programs in compatibility modes). Install if you have it, but be prepared for a few bugs and problems, as with any OS upgrade. Oh, and it has lightning-fast boot/shutdown time, and is generally faster. Looks quite sexy as well.

Anyways, I haven't had problems with my OS and DAW. ASIO still works, Reaper still works, and the sound output is nearly identical to what W7 does (though ASIO and the like forgo this).

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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby Quix » 02 Feb 2013 13:30

Ableton Live runs perfectly fine on my Windows 8 PC.

Windows 8 is a bit faster than 7, but that's pretty much all it's worth upgrading for, besides a few minor improvements. All of my problems with the OS were gone once I installed a program called Start8 to bring back the taskbar:

It costs $5 but it's the highest quality taskbar program for Windows 8, and it makes the apps screen optional rather than necessary. It's a bit absurd that I had to pay $5 to have the option of having a taskbar, but I've been satisfied with Windows 8 ever since I bought the program.
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby CommandSpry » 02 Feb 2013 15:23

I'm using Windows 8 and it's great. It's marginally better than Windows 7 so there isn't a reason to switch, but if you're choosing between installing W7 or W8 on a new configuration, there is no reason whatsoever to choose W7.
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby vladnuke » 03 Feb 2013 04:59

For me, Windows is always: wait till they release the first service pack.

Then buy the new version.
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby senntenial » 03 Feb 2013 21:09

I've upgraded to Windows 8 from 7. Everything seems to work with music; I use Komplete 8 Plugins and FL Studio.

My recommendation is to upgrade unless you have Windows 7. I haven't found any difference in speed for me, and nothing about the GUI is really ground-breaking.
Plus it causes hell if you are using other applications. I have problems with OpenGL (though partially to blame is my graphics card - worked fine before the upgrade, though.) And certain lower-popularity applications do not work properly.

But yeah, it seems stable for music, but if any of you are currently using 7, it isn't worth the money, time, or effort. But if you have Vista or lower, go for it.
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby Acsii » 04 Feb 2013 00:28

I use Windows 8 as a vm to test and debug windows programs I make due to the fact that I use Mac OS
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Re: Windows 8 - Anyone using it?

Postby the4thImpulse » 04 Feb 2013 14:58

Thank you all. I will likely update my production comp to 8 sometime in the coming months.
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