Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

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Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Freewave » 04 Apr 2012 14:51

I am seeing a troubling trend this last month. Maybe it's the sheer amount of new brony musicians coming into the site, maybe its older musicians abandoning MLP for a broader audience, maybe it's all the non-pony Balloon Party entries; my point is this. What makes Brony music is it is influenced BY the show. Whether it samples the show dialogue or songs, loosely and closely covers or adapts a song from the show, or is an instrumental that shows a clear influence by the show, it should be apparent that a show is "Pony" in the song itself. I'm seeing so many people jumping on the instrumental bandwagon AND not making any effort to show the influence and I gotta say that's not gotta cut it in the long run. There's a reason why EqD moved to a pre-listener panel months ago and made "is it pony" the top critieria. It's what defines us.

Pony Music is what it is not based on a music genre (a style) but its a concept and a matter of showing a link and influence. If you water that down or leave it out completely its gonna kill the movement if enough people follow suit. This is a great community not just because we have a big fanbase and a kind and helpful one but because up til now there's been a good job of having music that ADDS to the show. Just like artwork or fanfics it's adding additional fan intervention into cool and new directions. It can move into different directions than the show and give a lot of latitude for new interpretations (see Grimdark for example). But if the majority of newcomers want to just put together a regular Dubstep track, throw on a pony name and an image and consider it a pony track w/o it being apparent to anyone else that's a problem and I don't feel that anyone shouldn't call anyone on that.

It's always been a difficult balancing act for those who stray away from samples and do great original instrumentals (Not a Clever Pony, [voodoopony], Tarby, and Makkon as examples) but ultimately the influence is there and apparent. I'm just seeing less and less effort by those putting out music and more and more people doing that. Ultimately if we see more and more people putting out music that's PINO (Pony in Name Only) then its a disservice to our community and taking advantage of it. There's nothing to be embarrased about in making music that has clear pony ties to it.

One of the best things about this show is that with nearly 50 episodes, new ones still coming out, and great scenes and characters there should be no shortage of things to get musical ideas about. When I hear and see the new threads constantly popping up "I'm new but I want to make music but I don't know where to start" it ultimately comes back to "have you thought of an idea on how to make music about the show or an idea from the show" and most haven't thought that far or thought about musical concepts yet. That's ultimately is what should unite us as a community, the show. That's why we we are on here and not some other music production forum. That's why we should be checking out each other's tracks. It's not just about adopting a pony image and that's it, it's about being part of a bigger community and recognizing what makes our music OUR music and part of a greater community.

Some artists have left our community not because of the drama that sometimes occurs but often because they don't want the restrictions or because they've now built up a big enough Brony fanbase and they want to do bigger and bolder things and perhaps get a musical career going. I wish these guys well but ultimately I'm part of this fanbase because I believe in its ideals, free DIY music based around MLP, not because I can't find other non-label electronic musicians out there (because there's loads of them who likely make even better music and are more career based).

All I'm sayiing is keep this in mind when you're making the music, when you're listening to the music. Don't forget why we are here and what makes us a community. If we forget about that or discard that then we lose what makes us special and that's ultimately a key of what makes this site and the artists who come here so very special and makes this a unique scene.
Last edited by Freewave on 04 Apr 2012 15:29, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby 5COPY » 04 Apr 2012 14:59

That's some deep stuff. Respect
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Freewave » 04 Apr 2012 15:20

Three things for newcomers that they might be unware of as they are invaluable for figuring out ways to get that influence and to work WITH that easily are these:

I love hearing samples in the music and it's so easy to do. This link
has dialogue from almost EVERY episode with background music REMOVED. Take advantage of this as it's so easy to directly point to an episode or influence with samples. Also remember that Hasbro IS NOT suing artists for using samples of the show in their music if anythiigg its what gives their show the fanbase it has. Allowing that creativity and use of instead of clamping down on it.

The second is Toast Beard which is a weekly contest/ competition / gathering. While the logistics of putting together an episode response or a meeting a recommended theme for a single week is likely too hard for new musicians its still one of the best ways in terms of seeing how many ways to make music about the show. Even if you can't put together a coherent track in a week to enter a track for Toast Beard it's still worth making music that's an episode response to a 3 week old episode OR seeing how fun even a Saturday simulcast can be when everyone turns in on IIRC together. Toast Beard seems to be waning in use even when there'e more new brony musicians who could be taking part with it and benefiting from getting their tracks heard, getting positive feedback, and feeling a part of something. At worst its just a good model on how to make good music about MLP in creative and in a variety of ways.

Third there are midi files, sample packs, and stems of existing tracks in the Sharing is Magic section of the site and often in the youtubes of some high profile tracks. If you want to make music but aren't READY to make it consider remixing or covering a show song and seeing how a finished track should look. Start with something that's at least giving you ideas on how it should sound and ways to change it. A song can be remixed a multitude of directions so don't be afraid to ask someone for a midi, flp, or stems (isolated tracks) if you'd like to examine it further and try something new with something that already exists. It's a great way to start.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby colortwelve » 04 Apr 2012 15:40


I totally get your point, but there is one factor that I think may be the cause of all of this 'PINO' music - a musician who is a brony may be inspired 'on a sudden,' if I may quote Plato, or take inspiration from other sources, but the end product may still be relatable to the show, or the community, etc. More often than not, this would just lead someone to slap on a random title referencing the show and call it a day, but at least in my case, there's a lot of listening involved to decide what idea from the show the track could encompass - it's almost like the way Maynard James Keenan writes his lyrics with Tool; he listens to the instrumentals and interprets them with lyrics. I think that's sort of what most brony musicians today are going for - the freedom to produce a track without having to worry about forcing in samples or melodies from the show, but still be able to take a listen after the composing is done and find the single thread that can link it back to the show through a fitting title. And when you really think about it, there is no shortage of wider ideas expressed through the show that could be conveyed equally well by any non-brony music, but the brony will take the time to connect this idea with what expresses it in the show.


Of course, I only come up with titles for fun. Everything I make is sent off to a vocalist who actually writes lyrics directly related to FiM and/or bronies.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Legion » 04 Apr 2012 16:04

I see where you're going with this and agree, but I have a problem with the whole Pony-in-name-only thing. Saying that the only way to link music to the show is through samples or lyrics (that's the vibe I'm getting from your post, at least) is seriously limiting. Look at this song, for example (not to plug myself or anything):

The background art and title are what convey that it's pony music, yes. Would you be able to tell that if I removed the title and artwork? No. But what separates this piece is that it's legitimately inspired by the show. I don't want to have to be restrained by specificity (is that even a word?) or force samples into music that's supposed to be mellow and relaxing; it just wouldn't fit, and that's not how I create ties to the show.

Basically, I'm just worried that this kind of talk is going to turn things into a 'how much pony can I force into this song?' contest, which frankly, is a lot worse than where we currently are.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby prettiestPony » 04 Apr 2012 16:28

legion2190 wrote:Basically, I'm just worried that this kind of talk is going to turn things into a 'how much pony can I force into this song?' contest, which frankly, is a lot worse than where we currently are.

Well, now I kind of perversely want to see some songs like that, to be honest... :P

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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby colortwelve » 04 Apr 2012 16:30

legion2190 wrote:I don't want to have to be restrained by specificity (is that even a word?) or force samples into music that's supposed to be mellow and relaxing; it just wouldn't fit, and that's not how I create ties to the show.

Actually, it's precisely this which can grate on the nerves of some of our most talented producers. Codeum has said that this has almost made him go crazy. And for what? Approval from the listeners who dismiss everything without samples? How valuable is approval from people such as that anyway?

(And yes, specificity is a word.)
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby the4thImpulse » 04 Apr 2012 16:41

legion2190 wrote:I see where you're going with this and agree, but I have a problem with the whole Pony-in-name-only thing. Saying that the only way to link music to the show is through samples or lyrics (that's the vibe I'm getting from your post, at least) is seriously limiting.

Basically, I'm just worried that this kind of talk is going to turn things into a 'how much pony can I force into this song?' contest, which frankly, is a lot worse than where we currently are.

I dont really get that vibe too much, that a pony needs pony samples, I think he means we have to be more carefull with what we call a truely <pony> track. If you were to create an insturmental track, show it to a brony without giving them a discription, picture, or track name and have them understand its a pony track. Thats why we have those tools so we can tell people what inspired us and what the track is about. If you create an insturmental track, state what inspired you and the liteners understand and feel those same feelings as they listen then I would say its a true pony track. Otherwise it may be pony inspired but if people don't get that same feeling (pony related feeling) then its not a true pony track.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Lavender_Harmony » 04 Apr 2012 16:51

Alright, I have an opinion here.

Not all music has a clear influence, but can rather be expressed in more subtle ways. My Balloon Party teaser, Arrivederci, is inspired by the idea of Vinyl acquiring a recording of Octavia performing within an orchestra; The piece being performed having been inspired by the original reign of Discord, and remixing it.

Would you know any of this from listening to the piece? Doubtful. But I wish to ask this: Does having such a deep, left-field and somewhat obscure inflence make it less of a 'pony song' than a trance song that has Pinkie Pie say 'Party Cannon' in the introduction?

Taking vocal clips, using snippets of the songs and mimicing the style of the shows music can only get you so far. To me, being inspired by the characters, the stories, the feelings of joy you get from watching the show. That, to me, is what this community is, and should, be about. And sometimes that means stepping back for a while, and writing some songs that aren't so visibly influenced by the show, and I as a composer and producer of over ten years thoroughly respect that. You should too.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby BronyTuber » 04 Apr 2012 17:00

DJ Pon-3 wrote:The second is Toast Beard which is a weekly contest/ competition / gathering. While the logistics of putting together an episode response or a meeting a recommended theme for a single week is likely too hard for new musicians its still one of the best ways in terms of seeing how many ways to make music about the show. Even if you can't put together a coherent track in a week to enter a track for Toast Beard it's still worth making music that's an episode response to a 3 week old episode OR seeing how fun even a Saturday simulcast can be when everyone turns in on IIRC together. Toast Beard seems to be waning in use even when there'e more new brony musicians who could be taking part with it and benefiting from getting their tracks heard, getting positive feedback, and feeling a part of something. At worst its just a good model on how to make good music about MLP in creative and in a variety of ways.

Being new to this I love Toast Beard, though I know my stuff is bland and generic I tend to get a lot of feedback from entering this. Plus being new its a fun challenge myself to get something together in a week that I won't be absolutely embarrassed to have a fairly large amount of people listening to. Just my two cents for what its worth.

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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Freewave » 04 Apr 2012 17:20

the4thImpulse wrote:
legion2190 wrote:I see where you're going with this and agree, but I have a problem with the whole Pony-in-name-only thing. Saying that the only way to link music to the show is through samples or lyrics (that's the vibe I'm getting from your post, at least) is seriously limiting.

Basically, I'm just worried that this kind of talk is going to turn things into a 'how much pony can I force into this song?' contest, which frankly, is a lot worse than where we currently are.

I dont really get that vibe too much, that a pony needs pony samples, I think he means we have to be more carefull with what we call a truely <pony> track. If you were to create an insturmental track, show it to a brony without giving them a discription, picture, or track name and have them understand its a pony track. Thats why we have those tools so we can tell people what inspired us and what the track is about. If you create an insturmental track, state what inspired you and the liteners understand and feel those same feelings as they listen then I would say its a true pony track. Otherwise it may be pony inspired but if people don't get that same feeling (pony related feeling) then its not a true pony track.

This is basically what I'm trying to convey. I'm not for absolutes or saying people have to or should sample (although the tools are all there if you weren't aware) but I think people need to have a concept or something to convey to show something is pony. If it's not simple, explain it and feel that you have the freedom to take these characters out of the normal environment too (Toast Bear d this week is ponies in space!). But it's central to what defines our music, it should be discussed on MLR, and it's a huge part of the technique in making our music. Anyone who thinks that just slapping a track together of melodies and wubs throwing a pony name and image on there is all it takes isn't trying that hard or thinking it out yet. People can fake it with samples just as easily and it doesn't help it when people do that.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Legion » 04 Apr 2012 19:12

DJ Pon-3 wrote:This is basically what I'm trying to convey. I'm not for absolutes or saying people have to or should sample (although the tools are all there if you weren't aware) but I think people need to have a concept or something to convey to show something is pony. If it's not simple, explain it and feel that you have the freedom to take these characters out of the normal environment too (Toast Bear d this week is ponies in space!). But it's central to what defines our music, it should be discussed on MLR, and it's a huge part of the technique in making our music. Anyone who thinks that just slapping a track together of melodies and wubs throwing a pony name and image on there is all it takes isn't trying that hard or thinking it out yet. People can fake it with samples just as easily and it doesn't help it when people do that.

Huh. I guess I misread your post a bit, I was never known for my attention span. :lol: I think this is a really good stance on the matter, actually. My points are still pretty valid though, if somewhat unrelated. I'm also doing Toastbeard this week, so that'll be interesting (ironically enough, my song so far more-or-less is pony in name only).

Lavender_Harmony wrote:Not all music has a clear influence, but can rather be expressed in more subtle ways. My Balloon Party teaser, Arrivederci, is inspired by the idea of Vinyl acquiring a recording of Octavia performing within an orchestra; The piece being performed having been inspired by the original reign of Discord, and remixing it.

Dang, and I thought this song was cool already. I guess it just got... *puts on shades* 20% cooler.

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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Lavender_Harmony » 04 Apr 2012 19:22

legion2190 wrote:
DJ Pon-3 wrote:
Lavender_Harmony wrote:Not all music has a clear influence, but can rather be expressed in more subtle ways. My Balloon Party teaser, Arrivederci, is inspired by the idea of Vinyl acquiring a recording of Octavia performing within an orchestra; The piece being performed having been inspired by the original reign of Discord, and remixing it.

Dang, and I thought this song was cool already. I guess it just got... *puts on shades* 20% cooler.

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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby LunchBagMusic » 04 Apr 2012 21:31

The one thing that helps you connect with art is a description. A guide.

When you open a book (particularly classics like To Kill a Mocking Bird or Frankenstein) you get a introduction explaining a book's context and/or its own meaning.

For example, in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, there's an introduction there that focuses on the word "flicker" as a representation of the industrial revolution that was happening at the time and how it relates deeper to the characters and the plot.

I digress.

To prove your song is pony, don't be afraid to chuck in a description or a guide. Particularly with stuff that's a little challenging (see: Dissonance).

This song is about Luna's time on the moon, and is split into three sections. The first section explores her confusion at Celestia's action to send her to the moon. The second section section moves to her depression after not seeing her sister for centuries. This quickens into the final section where she again becomes angry at Celestia for imprisoning her and vows to return to Equestria to exact her revenge.

Of course, this wouldn't be necessary with lyrics or samples, but it adds a lot more depth to the title "Luna's Solitude - GenericBronyMusician2206"

EDIT: I think 4thImpulse touched on this a little way back:

The4thImpulse wrote:If you create an insturmental track, state what inspired you and the liteners understand and feel those same feelings as they listen then I would say its a true pony track
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Spirit » 05 Apr 2012 18:32

LunchBagMusic wrote:
To prove your song is pony, don't be afraid to chuck in a description or a guide. Particularly with stuff that's a little challenging (see: Dissonance).

This is what a lot of pony songs need, just a simple description saying what inspired you to make it and how it relates to said pony or with the show
I suppose this whole thread also raises the argument of what really makes a brony musician as well
I like MLP, yet i have never made any form of song relating to the the show, Thats not to say i havent ever considered it but the closest ive got is when i threw a random AJ vocal sample into a remix i did simply because it sounded cool. Strictly speaking I guess this means im not a brony musician (yet) <-- Tunes wot i have made up
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby 5COPY » 05 Apr 2012 20:22

I couldn't agree more. The music (if instrumental) needs a description
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Makkon » 05 Apr 2012 21:36

Great post, DJ Pon-3, and I agree with you in many respects.

However we all need to remember that MLR is a music community first, and a brony community second. "Being Pony" can actually become a handicap for an artist if they feel that in order to get any attention they have to produce pony music. Lets be honest, fluttershy dubstep will never be fluttershy, no matter how many fluttershy samples you put in there.

My invitation to everyone out there is to write what you want. Write music for the sake of music. Write it because you love it.
If it's pony related, make it clear in concept and feeling. If it's not pony, DON'T PRETEND THAT IT IS. I got a song featured on EQD that I didn't submit that wasn't pony related at all. While people liked it, I felt that it didn't belong there. But I never pretended that it was a pony song, because it was never meant to be pony related.
If you hope to get a feature on EQD, then make it clear that it's pony related (and that involves much more than samples as mentioned earlier).

But please don't forget that this is a music community more than it's a brony community. Ponies brought you here, but we hope that you stay for the music.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Navron » 05 Apr 2012 21:50

Let's not also forget that one of the reasons the prelisteners were established, was actually less instrumental musicians trying to take advantage of popularity, but more because people were throwing samples on copyrighted songs (like Skrillex), and getting it featured.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Spirit » 06 Apr 2012 02:12

NavyBrony wrote:Let's not also forget that one of the reasons the prelisteners were established, was actually less instrumental musicians trying to take advantage of popularity, but more because people were throwing samples on copyrighted songs (like Skrillex), and getting it featured.

Oh god, the hilarious "mashups" :lol: But yeah, its a good thing we have prelisteners now, Mashups are cool and some have been done pretty well, but yeah, music features should be about people who have taken time and effort to make a song instead of taking samples and throwing them on an already famous tune <-- Tunes wot i have made up
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby LunchBagMusic » 06 Apr 2012 03:21

Makkon wrote:But please don't forget that this is a music community more than it's a brony community. Ponies brought you here, but we hope that you stay for the music.

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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby SoaringFlight » 06 Apr 2012 08:04

I agree with Makkon completely. Ponies did bring me here, and that's how i started doing things in music. The issue im facing though is, that it is a bit hard to make something sound pony (trance for example) without obvious use of samples or lyrics.

I would still rather hear a good quality well done instrumental track (especially if artist has done a good job with describing the track in description and connected that with title and video - in short if he put effort into everything) than a track that uses samples just because it can on EQD. Just my 2 cents.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Freewave » 06 Apr 2012 08:38

NavyBrony wrote:Let's not also forget that one of the reasons the prelisteners were established, was actually less instrumental musicians trying to take advantage of popularity, but more because people were throwing samples on copyrighted songs (like Skrillex), and getting it featured.

Ahh I've never heard that mentioned during any of the pre-listener discussions in the past but that makes a lot of sense and I do see a lot of pmv's that sound awesome only to find out they simply made a pmv with a well known dubstep or pop artist or something to that effect.

Makkon wrote:"Being Pony" can actually become a handicap for an artist if they feel that in order to get any attention they have to produce pony music. Lets be honest, fluttershy dubstep will never be fluttershy, no matter how many fluttershy samples you put in there. I got a song featured on EQD that I didn't submit that wasn't pony related at all. While people liked it, I felt that it didn't belong there. But I never pretended that it was a pony song, because it was never meant to be pony related.

Agreed and it's ok for an artist to take a break and want to do something outside of pony music too or to be clear if they're giving it up and moving on as many have done (Stevie V, PinkiePieSwear, maybe Alex S). It is silly when EqD can't see a track is non-pony and I'm glad they're tightening their standards (although Seth occasionally just posts something non-pony by a Brony artist he likes w/o going through the pre-listeners although those are infrequent). I'd be curious to know what track of yours they featured that wasn't pony Makkon...

Makkon wrote:My invitation to everyone out there is to write what you want. Write music for the sake of music. Write it because you love it.
If it's pony related, make it clear in concept and feeling. If it's not pony, DON'T PRETEND THAT IT IS. If you hope to get a feature on EQD, then make it clear that it's pony related (and that involves much more than samples as mentioned earlier).But please don't forget that this is a music community more than it's a brony community. Ponies brought you here, but we hope that you stay for the music.

Agree with this too especially the if it's not pony don't fake it. I'll be honest the reason I felt compelled to make this post is that MLR specifically is a NEW musician forum to a big degree. You won't find many of the top Brony artists helping to coach the new artists coming in. A lot of those guys keep to themselves (and there's some big brony artists that aren't good at making a real connection to the show either) so it's up those who really consider this place a home (no matter what their musical experience) to help out those who are "trying to find their cutie marks (musically)". So when I see musicians starting out who put <pony> on their threads and look for feedback it's important that they know what makes a track "pony" and why it's important to make that connection with the show if they're really attempting to. There's endless inspirations that people can take from the show and make a musical connection or theme in their music and it's important that that idea of a concept is an important part of a brony musician's technique. If people are looking to get started and find what to write about, it's rather simple, look to the show.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Freewave » 06 Apr 2012 08:53

SoaringFlight wrote:I agree with Makkon completely. Ponies did bring me here, and that's how i started doing things in music. The issue im facing though is, that it is a bit hard to make something sound pony (trance for example) without obvious use of samples or lyrics.

I would still rather hear a good quality well done instrumental track (especially if artist has done a good job with describing the track in description and connected that with title and video - in short if he put effort into everything) than a track that uses samples just because it can on EQD. Just my 2 cents.

I love Trance music but it's really hard to find much of it that really captures a pony vibe unless its a trance cover of a show tune or a trance remix of a brony track or really going a step further to show a connection. Thorinair has done a somewhat decent job of it but I also look at a good newcomer like Nicolas Dominique and he makes good trance music with pony images, explanations of what inspired him, and titles in his soundcloud but not getting much traction yet or an EqD spotlight. Could throwing in a show dialogue sample during a breakdown be ALL he needs to get featured in EqD? It might be and it would be a shame if he didn't at some point if that's all it takes. A person shouldn't HAVE to use samples to make that inspiration link complete but sometimes a sample CAN help if it's appropriate and well placed. Again vocal samples (complete or chopped) can make a difference in fleshing out an instrumental that could be lacking. Would PinkiePieSwear or SoGreatandPowerful be AS good brony artists without samples? I honestly don't think so. So let's not forget that as component and a technique if it's easily available to musicans to use well.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Icky » 06 Apr 2012 09:21

I am actually quitting pony music myself. Not because I want to move on to a bigger fanbase, but because I am sick of my image as brony musician.

This started out as me making music for a show a loved, and it should have stayed that way. Instead I feel forced to make music related to MLP just because that's what people expect from me. It started to turn into a "how can I ponify this song" game, and instead of doing what I wanted to do myself I started making music for my subscribers. My subscribers who only care for my music because of the link to a popular show.

My music would never have been this well received if it wasn't for the pony samples and themes I used. It makes me feel like a huge hack knowing that the only reason I have over 3000 subscribers on youtube is because of a popular show I made a few mediocre songs for.

I'm probably still going to stick around the forums and the skype chats because of all the friends I've made in this community, but don't expect any more <Pony> from me.
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Re: Don't Be Afraid to Make Your Music More <Pony>!

Postby Freewave » 06 Apr 2012 09:46

Aw shoot man. Sorry to hear about this. It's the catch 22 with identifying yourself as a brony artist is that there IS an expectation of what that means and what you may have to give up to do it, and audience expectations IF you get popular. Very sorry to see you feel that way but I think everyone expects that anyone may reach a point where there isn't a love in doing it (making this music) anymore and they will want to give it up. Very sorry if you've reached that point.
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