Review the track(s) above you

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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 22:30

Damn, I saw a new post in this thread and I thought I was actually gonna get some feedback on my song :3
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby DijiTwitch » 03 May 2013 22:53

I like the intro, but try adding some more variety to the dynamics on the drums. I can hear some but not much. Accents make a huge difference in pronouncing the beat. Wow this is really relaxing, I love the progression. The lofi part is perfect. The spectrum does sound pretty empty throughout most of the first half the song though. You've got room for some more instruments or even like, some extra reverb or really subtle delay. Some ambience would be cool. Love the crunchy bass sounds during the breakdown, awesome! Mixing's solid too.
The track's really solid overall. I feel like there could be more in it is all. You've got room!

Aight, here's an unfinished thing. It's (liquid?) drum and bass. I have no idea where to take it. and I really need some critical feedback on the mixing. ... %20sky.mp3
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 04 May 2013 00:28

Nine Volt wrote:Damn, I saw a new post in this thread and I thought I was actually gonna get some feedback on my song :3

Sorry I'm at work. Will review at home.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby vladnuke » 04 May 2013 01:57

Digitwitch, your track is good. You got lots of accidentals going on, very reminicent of a Pokemon song, but remixed into dnb. Yeah alright good job. Very fluid

9volt, your track could be better. While the structure(strategy) is alright, your execution(tactics) need some work. To make house work, you gotta break outta the rut. In this track, you kinda just 2 barred every section, but didn't really transition smoothly. And you put the best section of your song at the end! You jump around between verses w/o voice, only keeping bare minimum (the kick). More variety+better transitions=conciseness in creating a unfied experience. Also pads are good, more samples (not just voice!) are good for building theme.

Here's something I've held onto for a while.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby CDPP » 04 May 2013 02:44

Damnit, I love your track. Nothing much, just that your percussion lack any power/have been HP way too much. Not sure if that's the effect you were trying to get, but the lack of a thump from the kick or snare really kills the mood of the track imo
It's seriously narrow on the soundstage as well, you'd do well to add in more reverb for the organish synths and maybe a slight delay on the plucks. Compared to other downtempo tracks this is pretty soft, just saying.
Your strings at 2:10 seem to be using really static articulations, I guess manually automating their volumes would help greatly? Not to mention that you're using 2 voices, which probably explains why their tones are clashing when they overlap.
Love that synth intro in the beginning, don't ever change that ever. Also are you guys still really gonna go ahead with that shiba crew thing

I don't have anything, here's a scrapped track:
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 04 May 2013 05:47

Well since I promised 9V a review, I guess Im doing four, yikes. Mokay.

@9V Okay I love it so far. This intro is great. Kick is solid, and works well with that snare. Isn't the intro section supposed to be a bit longer though (like for the DJ to mix things together, I dunno really feel free to disregard this)? I like the lowpass on the drums but I think you might have drawn it out for a bit too long. Personally Id open it up a good deal sooner. Also, in the first two minutes, you don't really have much going on in the higher frequencies. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you could fit something more in there to grab interest harder. I love the "INSTAKILL", but I think the buildup doesn't really do it justice, nor does (I think) the big bass after it, quite. I would also like to see some more changes in the bass to keep interest latched on hard. The bass is good, no doubt, but some varied notes, effects, whatever would keep it much more engaging. I noticed that you did change up some rhythms on it later, perfect. Biggest problem with this track: no resolution.

@DigiTwitch I really like the soundscape so far. The big reverby lead could get toned down a good deal though. It really detracts from that fast trancy sound the other synths were creating. Honestly Id try cutting the reverb on it down. Also, Im not a huge fan of that snare. Im not sure exactly what is wrong with it, but I feel like it doesn't "fit". This is a good WIP, get some buildups going, get a main theme, etc. This could turn out realllly sexy. My favorite Liquid DnB inspiration is this track, if you want ideas and such

@Vladnuke I have no idea what this genre is supposed to sound like, so I am just going to comment on personal taste. I like the plucky instrument, it sounds oriental. Is that a synth or a physical instrument. Ill be honest, I get pretty tired of that same repeating ostinato, and Im not a huge fan of the usage of the organ, as well as the instrument around 2.15, it just sounds kind of ugly. I cant tell if it is dissonance or just a bunch of lower notes muddying things up. I would recommend adding some more chordal movement and taking a break from the ostinato at some point, as well as looking at instrumentation and if the way you are using the instruments is effective for what you are trying to achieve. Sorry if not the best feedback, this one was tough for me.

@CDPP I could be wrong but I feel like this song needs some kind of resolution. It doesnt have to be an authentic cadence, but even a deceptive one would be nice. I could be wrong, this is totally by ear. Otherwise, I am really enjoying the feel of the song. I feel like the buildup to the first "chorus" thing could be a bit bigger, the drop was a lot bigger than suggested by the buildup. Also, I might open up the lowpass on the piano at some point a bit, or perhaps reduce the reverb on it a bit. As is, it gets a bit tiresome. Also, before the second drop, the reverb all just cuts off suddenly, it feels somewhat jarring and messy. Once again, Id work on the buildup here. I really like the drops, they have a nice variety of sounds. Id just look over the areas in between drops.

Well, the track I'm working on isnt quite ready for feedback, so here's this until I get closer. It was a demo for a project I was considering doing. I ended up having to turn it down, but feedback would be nice. EDIT: Im taking this out of here now so I dont hav 2 tracks one after the other in here.

Long post is long
Last edited by v.lossity on 08 May 2013 19:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby TrotPilgrim » 04 May 2013 17:20

Hey guys. Forgive me, 'cause I'm a bit out of my element here. Electronic music is not my forte, and I'm not that familiar with genres. I mostly work in more live music. Take my feedback with a grain of salt.

@vladnuke: I like the laid back atmosphere of this one. The pads are simple, but the harmonies are complex and somewhat dissonant, even detuned a little. Reminds me of Earthbound. Dynamically I expected it to build up more, but I don't want it to build up too much. The changes in beat and instrumentation keep it alive. This is the type of track that would work very well as background music in a video game. If I had to venture a guess I'd say this is done in Logic? The plucked strings and reverb are very reminiscent of the built in plugins. For advice, I'd say the drums feel pretty dry. This track feels like it could really benefit from some delay. Maybe mess around with automating the delay feedback, or panning.

@ CDPP: Again, not my genre. And as a scrapped track, I don't feel like I have much power to provide accurate feedback. Overall I think it sounds pretty good. I didn't really anticipate the drops so much. The cutout before the second drop felt a bit out of nowhere and kinda took me out of the zone for a second. Also for a track that gets real energetic, I found most of the track to be pretty quiet. The ratio of loud and quiet seems a bit unbalanced. As a track that could be played in a club, I think the crowd energy would start to go down after a while.

@v.lossity: Well the big issue with this one is the percussion. I'm not sure if it's not quantized, or if it's a polyrhythm that I don't quite get, but it's at odds with the rest of the track. I'm not sure what part I'm supposed to be listening to. The horn around 0:42 is a great touch. It gives shape to what is otherwise a very repetitive line. The arpeggiated string sections at the beginning are a nice touch, too. The biggest problem with this piece is a lack of dynamics, aside from the beginning and end. Orchestral pieces thrive on dynamics. They get real quiet, and they get real loud. Without much of a melody to speak of, this is how they give their arrangements shape. Here sections change from one to another without much fanfare. The instruments just kinda stop before the final crescendo. A lot of this could be fixed with some cymbal swells. The piece feels very dry, too. Orchestral pieces are usually drenched in reverb. Other than the lack of reverb the strings sound great. I would add more reverb, and some cymbals, and focus on fixing the drums, and adding some more dynamics.

I don't have much time to go back and make changes to this one, but I'm still curious how others would analyze it critically. It was originally going to have lyrics, but I scrapped them 'cause I couldn't get them to feel right. Unfortunately there isn't really anything pony-related in it anymore:
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Nine Volt » 04 May 2013 17:29

Not every song has to be pony related. Don't see it as a bad thing, see it as just another thing that is. Sorry for not reviewing anything but I'm not posting anything either.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby TrotPilgrim » 04 May 2013 18:00

Without the lyrics it's not clear what the track is about. It's Celestia looking up at the moon singing to Luna knowing she can't hear her. It's been done to death, but it would've made the song more emotional.

And with that I disobeyed some of the best advice when looking for feedback. Never lower expectations of your own work by saying how much better it could've been...
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 05 May 2013 20:35

TrotPilgrim wrote:@v.lossity: Well the big issue with this one is the percussion. I'm not sure if it's not quantized, or if it's a polyrhythm that I don't quite get, but it's at odds with the rest of the track. I'm not sure what part I'm supposed to be listening to. The horn around 0:42 is a great touch. It gives shape to what is otherwise a very repetitive line. The arpeggiated string sections at the beginning are a nice touch, too. The biggest problem with this piece is a lack of dynamics, aside from the beginning and end. Orchestral pieces thrive on dynamics. They get real quiet, and they get real loud. Without much of a melody to speak of, this is how they give their arrangements shape. Here sections change from one to another without much fanfare. The instruments just kinda stop before the final crescendo. A lot of this could be fixed with some cymbal swells. The piece feels very dry, too. Orchestral pieces are usually drenched in reverb. Other than the lack of reverb the strings sound great. I would add more reverb, and some cymbals, and focus on fixing the drums, and adding some more dynamics.

This is great feedback thanks! I am done working on this, but when I start my next orchestral piece I will review this :)
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 07 May 2013 08:04

Okay well Ill go ahead again since I have a track I *REALLY* need to be as good as possible.

@TrotPilgrim Im loving the guitarwork so far. When it gets into the phaser section around 0:55 the guitar is a bit quiet, might want to increase the level a bit. While I love the section starting around 1:30 it would be nice if there was a bit more going on to keep the listener latched in even though its not as intense a section. When the drums come in, they are perfect, but maybe before that, add some highpassed reverb guitar? Just an idea. I love the guitar solo, but try leaving a bit more space and starting the phrases in more "unique" places, like the and of 4, beat 3, and of 1, whatever works. The drums were solid all around, but in my opinion the kick could be a bit louder. It doesnt seem to cut through all that well right now.

Really solid as is, its hard to find things wrong with this.

Ok here's my track. This one is my baby and I have been working way too long on it, but I need some hard criticism on this one. Its my best yet, but I want it to be frigging amazing so yeah, dont hold back. kkk rambling done, here it is.

EDIT: someone just told me the link is broken, so here is a new one
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby DJ NTD » 10 May 2013 12:02

v.lossity wrote:Okay well Ill go ahead again since I have a track I *REALLY* need to be as good as possible.

@TrotPilgrim Im loving the guitarwork so far. When it gets into the phaser section around 0:55 the guitar is a bit quiet, might want to increase the level a bit. While I love the section starting around 1:30 it would be nice if there was a bit more going on to keep the listener latched in even though its not as intense a section. When the drums come in, they are perfect, but maybe before that, add some highpassed reverb guitar? Just an idea. I love the guitar solo, but try leaving a bit more space and starting the phrases in more "unique" places, like the and of 4, beat 3, and of 1, whatever works. The drums were solid all around, but in my opinion the kick could be a bit louder. It doesnt seem to cut through all that well right now.

Really solid as is, its hard to find things wrong with this.

Ok here's my track. This one is my baby and I have been working way too long on it, but I need some hard criticism on this one. Its my best yet, but I want it to be frigging amazing so yeah, dont hold back. kkk rambling done, here it is.

EDIT: someone just told me the link is broken, so here is a new one

Sounds like you're paying tribute to "Feathers" by Archie & Fareoh. Make sure you point that out whenever you fully publish this track.

- Try to find a hi-hat with some mid frequencies (No lower than 1000 Hz) to make the upbeats stronger. Maybe even add a constant 16th note rhythm in another percussion instrument (such as bongos, a djembe, or a shaker) It'll add a tad bit of depth, especially when the synths start going in-and-out at 1:45.
- Consider putting reverb or delay on the lead synth so it carries through the "rests," unless a punctuated silence following that synth is what you were going for. Also consider doubling the synth on a lower octave (or on a different synth in the same range) when the climax in the last 1/3 of the track arrives.
- Also consider adding a chorus effect (or using multiple samples and THEN chorusing) to the clap to give it stronger anthemic sentiments.

I haven't logged on a while so I have to leave my little disclaimer: Despite my nitpicky criticism, this track is actually pretty solid. It blows most electro/"house" tracks that I hear these days out of the water.

As for my track, I'm trying to remix "Rock Solid" from Conker's Bad Fur Day. So far, I'm not terribly worried about the audio quality phase. Right now, I'd like to hear about any compositional concerns.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby LFP » 10 May 2013 12:30

Just quickly sticking in my voice: it seems like you forgot a link to your track DJ NTD ^_^
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 10 May 2013 12:44

DJ NTD wrote:
v.lossity wrote:Okay well Ill go ahead again since I have a track I *REALLY* need to be as good as possible.
..... kkk rambling done, here it is.

EDIT: someone just told me the link is broken, so here is a new one

Sounds like you're paying tribute to "Feathers" by Archie & Fareoh. Make sure you point that out whenever you fully publish this track.

- Try to find a hi-hat with some mid frequencies (No lower than 1000 Hz) to make the upbeats stronger. Maybe even add a constant 16th note rhythm in another percussion instrument (such as bongos, a djembe, or a shaker) It'll add a tad bit of depth, especially when the synths start going in-and-out at 1:45.
- Consider putting reverb or delay on the lead synth so it carries through the "rests," unless a punctuated silence following that synth is what you were going for. Also consider doubling the synth on a lower octave (or on a different synth in the same range) when the climax in the last 1/3 of the track arrives.
- Also consider adding a chorus effect (or using multiple samples and THEN chorusing) to the clap to give it stronger anthemic sentiments.

I haven't logged on a while so I have to leave my little disclaimer: Despite my nitpicky criticism, this track is actually pretty solid. It blows most electro/"house" tracks that I hear these days out of the water....

I am amazed. When I started this song, I was in fact using that exact track as a ghost track, but once I hit the first chorus, I dropped it and went my own way. I am seriously impressed. Thank you very much for the criticism, this is exactly the kind of thing I am looking for at this stage in production, and thank you for the kind words <3

Put your track up so I can try to return the favor!
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby DJ NTD » 10 May 2013 19:53

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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 11 May 2013 09:26

In the first buildup, I like the pitch rise, but I dont like how the one synth changes the notes it was playing at the last second. You could still get the buildup by just continuing the pitch rise on the same notes. As it starts to get toward two minutes, it would be nice to add another synth element just to fill things out more and add interest. What you have sounds good, but there isn't much melodic interest created there. Also, I don't really get the vocal samples to be honest. Maybe its one of those you have to have heard before. I dunno. I really like the break with the piano and pads and stuff. Id make the drum hits in there a bit quieter though. Also, the buildup after the break is just too stuttery for me. I like something a bit more constant, driving. Also, I feel like the delay makes the lead not as... hard hitting. While this isn't my favorite genre, I like what you are doing with it. I think it just needs filling out really, and to make it more to my taste, it should be more melodic, but....Im not sure thats what you or the genre is really focusing on. Anyways, hope this provided a fresh perspective.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Dr. Plague » 11 May 2013 21:51

v.lossity wrote:Ok here's my track. This one is my baby and I have been working way too long on it, but I need some hard criticism on this one. Its my best yet, but I want it to be frigging amazing so yeah, dont hold back. kkk rambling done, here it is.

EDIT: someone just told me the link is broken, so here is a new one

From about a minute in till till about 1:26, you have this high-pitched synth just playing constant... What's the point of it being so high? Personally, it gives me a bit of a headache, though that's not too much of a complain considering it's not there for long. Still my two cents on that.

I'm loving the breakdown at 2:40, though. Again, personally, it's begging for some kind of "hey!" samples, but maybe that's not your style. :P

My one real piece of criticism would probably be your kick. Not something really insane or too punchy, but a little punchier or oomphier than the one you have now. Maybe just a small boost is all it needs, idk.

Overall, not much bad to say at all! I really like it. (I also don't think I've heard the Archie song you ghosted or whatever, so that's that. :P)

Ooh, I like this. I do agree with v on something though: Definitely add something else (new synth, new drum pattern, whatever) to increase interest, 'cause it does get a little drawn-out, especially around 5:15 in for me.

I like it, overall. Just add a little something else, even if it's just ear candy, to fill in longer parts.


Here's a track a friend and I started working on recently. Any kind of criticism, from the little ear candy things to composition or whatever, is welcome, as always. :D
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby v.lossity » 11 May 2013 23:03

Dr. Plague wrote:From about a minute in till till about 1:26, you have this high-pitched synth just playing constant... What's the point of it being so high? Personally, it gives me a bit of a headache, though that's not too much of a complain considering it's not there for long. Still my two cents on that


Here's a track a friend and I started working on recently. Any kind of criticism, from the little ear candy things to composition or whatever, is welcome, as always. :D

I like this, I can tell you've learned some music theory since I last heard a track from you :) I would ease off the auto panning a bit though I think you might have overdone it a bit.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Dr. Plague » 12 May 2013 09:55

v.lossity wrote:
Dr. Plague wrote:From about a minute in till till about 1:26, you have this high-pitched synth just playing constant... What's the point of it being so high? Personally, it gives me a bit of a headache, though that's not too much of a complain considering it's not there for long. Still my two cents on that


Here's a track a friend and I started working on recently. Any kind of criticism, from the little ear candy things to composition or whatever, is welcome, as always. :D

I like this, I can tell you've learned some music theory since I last heard a track from you :) I would ease off the auto panning a bit though I think you might have overdone it a bit.

Auto panning? I don't remember automating any of the panning... unless you mean for the echo-y things I threw in starting around a minute in?

And thanks, but my friend did provide all the base-work for this. That being said, I'm hoping to take away experience from this, so hopefully working on this is the beginning of something better.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby vladnuke » 12 May 2013 15:43

trot pilgrim: everything is great, all the instruments sound great, it all works together very nicely, the song isn't too repetitive, the athmosphere is good, i like it a lot.

Dr. plague- you just kinda stick with the root note the whole way through, except you don't because some parts are off key and not too well composed. everything just seems to be thrown in there, there's no clear progression, no clear structure aside from the steady 4x4 beat.

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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Dr. Plague » 13 May 2013 13:13

vladnuke wrote:Dr. plague- you just kinda stick with the root note the whole way through, except you don't because some parts are off key and not too well composed. everything just seems to be thrown in there, there's no clear progression, no clear structure aside from the steady 4x4 beat.

What parts are off key? What parts aren't well composed?
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby vladnuke » 13 May 2013 20:31

starting around 30 sec you have some synth playing which just doesn't fit anything else in the track, and then the yois and wahs start going and it just doesn't really come out that well, and then the synth that started at 30 sec in is still going but in the background and that's jarring too because that sounds like a lead, but it's not really a lead or anything. and you just have the same loop go on, except every now you'll have the yois and wahs go, and that's about it. That's more just those sounds being there than any of them having context. Every other part can't seem to let go of the root note, just keeps on with the root note, and it gets a little grating having that constant tone.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Dr. Plague » 14 May 2013 13:50

I hate to use an overused excuse, but I was thinking of what I had more as a kind of intro before going into the drop (though I haven't planned that out at all yet, lots of brainstorming ahead), hence not being too worried about the melody progressing.

I guess I see what you mean about the one synth, though. Do you have any suggestions on something else that'd make a good lead? How exactly does on decide if a synth fits? Honestly, if I ever hear something in a song that's weird, I would just accept it as the musician trying to get his/her feelings and all across, though obviously in my case it's just simple inexperience. Eh, rambling again.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby vladnuke » 15 May 2013 14:42

It's not that that particular synth is bad sound-design-wise, it's just that it's not in the same key as the drone (or its detuned to a point at which it ends up off-key)

Also it's harmonics add up to a tin drum sound (kind of like Jamaican music), but everything else is electronic and solid. Matching revolves around theme and context. Both theme and context can make or break a match. For example, having hard hitting drums in an ambient track can be good if given the proper context, but can make it sound cheesy if they're just thrown in.

Also there are better ways of getting your feelings across. You wouldn't say the same about a short story that devolves into a Mary Sue construct. Sometimes it's not weird, it's just bad. If something unfitting isn't given context or reason for being there, it's bad, not because it's unexpected, but because it's inappropriate.

For example: an unmodified pony sample thrown out in the open that plays and then cuts off at a vowel. There's might not be anything wrong with that sample, but how it's used is inappropriate. Like a bikini in a snowstorm, it's inadequate because it's in the wrong place.
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Re: Review the track(s) above you

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 19 May 2013 03:53

@dr plague

I like the use of the vocalish synth in the intro, but some the perc needs some work when it comes to mixing. The melody is really neat, but it's a little repetitive. I like the chords you used as support and all too.

There's like...very little else I can say. Most other things are just things I like about it, so good job : p


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