Want to be a pony in real life?

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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby ganondox » 03 May 2013 02:40

Nine Volt wrote:Look, friend, hypnosis is simply not that powerful. You can't just magically 'quit' smoking. It sounds like you've never had an addiction before, so I'll let you in on a little secret: quitting isn't nearly as easy as it sounds. You're making it sound like quitting is like a walk in the park; a simple decision and boom, no more smoking. It doesn't work like that. Simply put, even if you consciously decide to stop smoking, the psychological crving combined with the withdrawal effects makes it very, very tough; much tougher than non-smokers think it possibly could be.

Aside from that, hypnosis is and always will be a pseudoscience, very lightly tied to actual science. It's a sham, a joke, simply put. And even if it truly does work, it simply is not that powerful.

Actually you can, treating addictions is like the primary purpose of self hypnosis in modern medicine. It's not an easy thing to do, but it at least works on occasion. Just because you are a cocky kid doesn't mean you are right. Since when did YOU become an expert on psychological addiction. The condition is psychological in nature, so shouldn't a psychological practice maybe actually have an effect? Ever considered that. Hypnosis is not a pseudoscience, it's a legit technique that has been done for a long time.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 03:39

I didn't claim to be an expert on anything. I still highly doubt you can magically cure addictions with hypnosis, mostly because none of you have backed up anything with, well, reputable sources. I'm just giving my opinions, you guys are just saying it's wrong without backing it up.

I will admit that it isn't a pseudoscience, that wasn't the correct word to use. I don't know what the correct word was but it wasn't pseudoscience.

e: Just don't expect to actually change my opinion; hypnosis has always seemed like one of those things that weird hippies and people who wear tinfoil hats believe.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Sugarholik » 03 May 2013 03:59

Nine Volt wrote:hypnosis has always seemed like one of those things that weird hippies and people who wear tinfoil hats believe.

I don't blame you. There's a lot of bullshit going on around things like these. And hypnosis probably won't 'magically cure' addictions but it surely is great help with that. And when it comes to sources I googled things around and found a wikipedia article and some other sites which I can't possibly remember because it was long time ago. But there's info out there.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 04:05

Sugarholik wrote:
Nine Volt wrote:hypnosis has always seemed like one of those things that weird hippies and people who wear tinfoil hats believe.

I don't blame you. There's a lot of bullshit going on around things like these. And hypnosis probably won't 'magically cure' addictions but it surely is great help with that. And when it comes to sources I googled things around and found a wikipedia article and some other sites which I can't possibly remember because it was long time ago. But there's info out there.

Oh no, it's not that I don't believe you, but it's so ingrained in my mind like that, plus all the massive exaggerations you always hear about stuff like this, I just find it extraordinarily hard to believe.

At least it's more scientifically grounded than astrology or 'ancient aliens'.

Also, Ganondox, withdrawal is a physiological condition, not a psychological one. It has mental and physical effects that literally can't be fully avoided. Most drugs have them. Off the top of my head, some of the ones for morphine (example) are runny nose, heavy perspiration, and muscle twitches.

Wikipedia wrote:Nicotine withdrawal are the collective effects felt by a people who are nicotine dependent and suddenly stop or significantly reduce their nicotine intake. Since smoking cigarettes is the most popular form of nicotine use, the effects of nicotine withdrawal have been most commonly observed in people who are in the process of quitting smoking. Symptoms can include craving cigarettes, becoming irritable and intense headaches. Persons who have smoked a higher number of cigarettes or for a longer period of time are more likely to experience these symptoms, although almost all people who try to "kick the habit" suffer some form of withdrawal symptoms from the drug.

When regular smokers quit, they often have strong cravings when they are placed in situations associated in their minds with smoking (e.g., leaving home in the morning, on a coffee break, etc.). The most common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include the following:

impaired concentration
disturbed sleep
intense longing for a cigarette/nicotine
an increased appetite leading to weight gain

Sometimes people can experience nicotine withdrawal when cutting down to light cigarettes or cutting down the number smoked.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby ganondox » 03 May 2013 10:31

I know perfectly well what withdrawal is, I wasn't talking about it, you were. I was only talking about psychological addiction. However, hypnosis can also be used to ignore pain and the like, so it might be able to help with overcoming physical addiction as well if used properly. And while hypnosis sounds like it would be hippie nonsense it actually is backed with science. Sure, if you are trying to use hypnosis to cure cancer that would be hippie crap, but it actually does have backing with things like addiction. It makes sense if you know what hypnosis is and how addiction works psychologically.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 14:17

Prove it. Show me something from a reputable source.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Forza SoundFire » 03 May 2013 14:38

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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 21:48

Is that it? Sorry, 1 source doesn't prove anything. In fact, it outright states that there is limited evidence for its effectiveness in pretty much everything, so this just argued my point:

This is despite the fact there is no strong evidence to support these uses.

These studies do not provide any strong evidence for its effectiveness

There is only limited research evidence that hypnotherapy may help some people to lose weight and to quit smoking, so we cannot be certain of its benefit.

Hypnotherapy is widely promoted as a treatment for anxiety, although a systematic review of the effectiveness of hypnosis for the treatment of anxiety found there was not enough good evidence to support this.

Overall, the evidence supporting the use of hypnotherapy as a treatment in these situations is not strong enough to make any recommendations for clinical practice. No firm conclusions can be made because the studies are generally only small and of poor quality, and we cannot be sure if the results are anything more than the placebo effect.

Better luck next time, friend.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Forza SoundFire » 03 May 2013 22:22

I have been referred, by a GP, for hypnotherapy, although I did not take it up. (Details of which I am not comfortable sharing...)

I must however add that I trust the combined research of thousands of medical and scientific professionals of (quite possibly) the best established medical organisation on the planet, over the speculations of a ranting 15(*amended*)-year-old on the internet (quoting Wiki? really? I'll just go edit that bit out...).

I do agree, however, that there are great limitations, inconsistencies and plenty of mumbo-jumbo around the subject.
Last edited by Forza SoundFire on 03 May 2013 22:37, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 22:27

Really Forza? Why are you such an asshole to me all od a sudden? Reallt, what did I do to offend you so badly?

And for the record, I'm 15.

Do you realize those quotes are from the very same article you linked me? Next time check your facts before insulting me.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Forza SoundFire » 03 May 2013 22:36

My mistake, I'll amend the age error.

They are indeed from the article. I was aware of this, and the implications for both sides of the discussion.

Don't take it as offence. But expect a rough ride if you take such a strong viewpoint.
I'm not saying I know better, but instead refer to the opinion of a body that is (figuratively) infinitely more qualified than the combined experience of us.

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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 03 May 2013 22:44

I'm still not convinced, and you'll have a tough time changing my mind. Ask yourself: is it really worth trying to change the opinion of some random guy on a small internet forum that very well may not exist this time next year?

If it's really worth it to you, please link some studies from other reputable organizations and you'll have a mch better chance.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Forza SoundFire » 03 May 2013 22:50

I'm sure I will have a tough time ^^ this is, after all, the internet.

Sourcing the NHS was meant to do the footwork for me, because I'm lazy; The implication being that if the NHS supports it, there'll have been plenty of scrutinisation and research over its allocation of public funding.

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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby itroitnyah » 04 May 2013 00:32

I have to agree with Forza and Sugarholik here, 9V. The brain is a very complex place and to fully understand it would probably require a great deal of study much bigger than we could accomplish within 100 years time, and it's very possible that if you just relax and just be confident that hypnosis will work, it can in one way or another work. Of course, you may never experience what hypnosis is like because of your mental attitude, and that's all that is swaying your opinion over whether this can work or not. It's also very possible that this doesn't work, and it just really convinces people to give up their addictions because they're just really tired out at that point and will listen. I've tried doing some hypnosis stuff before, using the pony think link that OP linked, and while I didn't experience becoming a pony in full, I did experience muscle tension changing in certain areas of my body, namely my shoulder blades (for wings) and why hands (for hooves). There are a number of reasons I can list as to why it didn't work very well, but that's besides the point. What I'm trying to say, is that hypnosis isn't something real unless you allow it to be real.

And as I've said before, the brain is a very complex place. Who knows if we'll even ever fully understand it.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby ganondox » 04 May 2013 02:50

That article said that hypnotherapy might not be effective also said it might be because of the placebo. To me it makes a lot more sense why the hypnosis might work for certain things than the placebo effect, and the placebo effect is a well documented psychological phenomena.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Lying Pink » 04 May 2013 04:52

Forza SoundFire wrote:Sourcing the NHS was meant to do the footwork for me, because I'm lazy; The implication being that if the NHS supports it, there'll have been plenty of scrutinisation and research over its allocation of public funding.

Don't want to get drawn in to the wider argument here, but it's worth pointing out that while the NHS are a great organisation who are scientifically sound like 99.9% of the time, they do stll support (or at least sometimes fund, in certain areas of the country) homeopathic medicine, so not everything they support is backed up by comprehensive evidence and trials. Their page on it basically says "yeah, homeopathy is nonsense, but some places in the UK fund it anyway, so *shrug*".
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby FLAOFEI » 04 May 2013 08:06

My idea is that hypnosis is just like placebo and prayers when it comes to treating illnesses. It is a proven fact that a positive atitude helps the body. You believe you can get better, and since the body dosn't need to deal with stress hormones from worrying as much, you actually have a positive measurable effect. And thsts the placebo effect.
The only question remaining then is 'Can hypnosis make you worry (stress) less?' and I believ thats a yes.

I think this is getting a bit off topic though... This thread is about hypnotiseing yourself into 'becomeing' a pony. It's not about if hypnosis can be used for medical pouposes, which I belive it can, in which case it is basically induced placebo.

On topic, I'm still trying to make it work, still failing. It's realy anoying, cause relaxing my jaw and throat while laying down makes it hard to breath, and sitting isn't comfortable. And I can not, it seams, focus on the darn voice! I tried to clear my mind of everything unimportant, but my mind ended up drifting away to Borderlands 2! And muscle twitches... And itchy noses... And other unmentionable distractions...
Self hypnosis is hard!!!
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 04 May 2013 08:25

It's disagree with 9V day, apparently. Or, well, disagree with 9V week.

Regardless of whether or not it works, I don't think it's a good idea to try to hypnotize yourself to 'become' a pony. It frankly sounds rather stupid and/or pointless, in my opinion.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby FLAOFEI » 04 May 2013 08:58

Nine Volt wrote:It's disagree with 9V day, apparently. Or, well, disagree with 9V week
I don't think it's a good idea to try to hypnotize yourself to 'become' a pony sounds rather stupid and/or pointless, in my opinion.

I dissagree wit u! Huehue
You do have a point in that there is no real point in doing it... But what is the point in skydiveing? Not realy anything... Still fun.
and now I realised tatoos and piercings would have been better examples...

Its also a rather fun hobby project
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 04 May 2013 09:18

I wasn't being serious with the whole 'disagree with 9v day' thing. Except for possibly Forza (KIDDING) I know you guys aren't out to get me or anything.

Regardless, in my opinion hypnotizing yourself to believe you're a pony seems stupid, pointless, and frankly not fun.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 04 May 2013 10:40

before you call it stupid again, just explain what you mean by stupid. I can see pointless, and I know that certain things make are not fun to certain people, but stupid? What if some guy came on here just to call ponies stupid? I'd at least want to know why he thinks that ponies are stupid. At this point, I only see that you think it is stupid to insult the "art" of hypnotism, but I just don't see why you really think it is stupid.

Also, I'm kind of like FLAOFEI because I find it very difficult to concentrate on the voice. I tend to think about black ops and ponies or when I can finally get a computer to start producing on, etc.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Nine Volt » 04 May 2013 10:49

Bronies Are Cool wrote:before you call it stupid again, just explain what you mean by stupid. I can see pointless, and I know that certain things make are not fun to certain people, but stupid? What if some guy came on here just to call ponies stupid? I'd at least want to know why he thinks that ponies are stupid. At this point, I only see that you think it is stupid to insult the "art" of hypnotism, but I just don't see why you really think it is stupid.

I mean pointless, silly, not a worthwhile use of time, etc. It seems like something an overzealous brony would do so he can be 'more pony' or do just because it's 'pony-related'.
I really wouldn't care at all if some guy came on here to call ponies stupid, in fact I don't care about ponies at all, so.... I wouldn't be bothered enough to figure out why, because I don't care.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 05 May 2013 01:53

i probably wouldn't care either, I was just making a point. :D
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby Navron » 05 May 2013 10:06

Look, I know most of you are in your mid-late teenage years, and stuff like this sounds appealing, but please give some heed to Makkon's advice. IDK what his history is, but I'm almost 26, and from my own personal experiences earlier on with stuff like this, all I can say is it will mess with you in ways you don't want it to.

About my late teenage years, I was really into meditation, out-of-body experiences, and astral projection. I've spent the last 7-8 years trying to rid myself of the negative mental effects that have resulted from delving into it.

What kind of mental side-effects?
1. Borderline Psychosis
2. Continuous feeling of being, "outside the world."
3. Feeling out of touch with emotions.
4. Mood swings.
5. Higher stress levels.

Make no mistake, when you delve into hypnosis, tulpas, astral projection, or any other consciously willed state of mind, you ARE altering your brain chemistry. In essence you are basically concentrating on making your brain behave within the same patterns as somebody who's taken a dose of LSD, except the latter is a temporary condition, and the former can potentially be a permanent rewiring of normal brain behavior.

You can only get so close. None of these things will give you that, "100% real," experience, and that is where the evil truly lies. You must focus more and more to make it as real as you can, but you will always be dissatisfied, and wanting more from the experience than what you get. The more you focus on it, the more you alter your own chemistry, and sooner or later you'll find yourself in the same state I was in. A state that isn't fully grounded in reality, and not fully grounded in the experience. Essentially, you end up in limbo, where nothing feels real, and everything you experience in life you experience like you're on autopilot.

Trust me, the experience you'll have will not be the full experience you want, and the negative side-effects are not worth it.
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Re: Want to be a pony in real life?

Postby FLAOFEI » 05 May 2013 10:35

You wouldn't care if someone came to a place where people generally care about ponies and called ponies stupid?!?!?!
I understand there is nothing I can do about people being dicks, but srsly. "Wouldn't care" kinda implies you'r not against it... How can you not be against ppl being dicks?
And this discussion would be more fit for another thread probably... but still!

^And as for Narvons post. You make a good point. Felt a bit of that feeling that nothing was real after the first time I tried it. Really spooky feeling, lost my appetite the next day... Or that may have been the stress...
Your giving me 2nd thoughts about this... Not sure if will continue...
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