How'd You Become A Brony?

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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 06 Jul 2011 12:23

Renard is that "Avast Fluttershy's Ass" guy right? Or rather the original composer yes? What pony song did he make?
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 06 Jul 2011 12:37

A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 06 Jul 2011 13:05

lol wtf was that?:lol:
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 06 Jul 2011 13:10

Bagpipe Brony wrote:

lol wtf was that?:lol:

The answer to your question is the answer you questioned.

A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 06 Jul 2011 13:14

O.o my brain is melting lol
~Our resident Bagpipe Playing, too-much-bling wearing, Smirnoff drinking, Coca Cola addicted, rockstar-wannabe, Glam Brony.
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Whitetail » 06 Jul 2011 13:38

Bagpipe Brony wrote:Renard is that "Avast Fluttershy's Ass" guy right? Or rather the original composer yes? What pony song did he make?

Renard did Rainbow Dash likes Girls
The original composer of Avast your Ass is Kitsune^2 or something, seems to have a similar sort of "public image" as Renard but I believe that's a different artist, or I may be wrong idk.

Just checked and yeah, it seems the original was Renard, or at least it's hosted on his site or something
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 06 Jul 2011 13:53

lol, Renard = Kitsune^2
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 06 Jul 2011 13:58

How many flippin' aliases does Renard have? And is Renard even his true alias? O.o
~Our resident Bagpipe Playing, too-much-bling wearing, Smirnoff drinking, Coca Cola addicted, rockstar-wannabe, Glam Brony.
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 06 Jul 2011 14:18

Too many. One pseudonym is enough for even the most indecisive of minds.
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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You want to know how I became a brony, Aussie?

Postby Circuitfry » 06 Jul 2011 21:04

I typically enter threads while they're off the topic on bantering. Oh well, social awkwardness powers activate!


The Legend Goes Like This...
The three goddesses (Hub, Studio B, and Hasbro) hid the Ponyforce containing the Elements of Harmony somewhere on the Internet. The power to grant the wish of the one who holds the Ponyforce in his hands. If someone with a righteous heart makes a wish, it will lead the Internet to a golden age of prosperity... If someone with an evil mind has his wish granted, the world will be consumed by evil...That is what has been told... So, the ancient Sages built the Temple of Equine to protect the Ponyforce from evil ones.

That's right... The Temple of Equine is the entrance through which you can enter the Ponyville Realm from our world. But the entrance is sealed with a stone wall called the Door of Embarrassment.

The Adventure Began as Such...
A sign was given to a chosen, inexperienced young man browsing the web in-between his studies in computers. A shining light before the morning flashed before my eyes, followed by the piercing screech of what I can only describe as the DeathClock (see what I brutally did there?), initiating my routine habits of forgetting to turn on the goddamn shower fan so that mold doesn't appear consuming my breakfast and preparing for the lessons for the day at my University. I was happy to return to lab after coding a complicated algorithm in Assembly language, which, I'll let you all know, is excessively difficult but nonetheless addicting and fun. It was just a matter of formatting output, at this point.

The day concluded with a strange symbol pasted on the walls of the halls - little did I know it was a cutie mark for the My Little Pony franchise, but I considered the cloud and rainbow lightning bolt design to hold my attention. Not another thought popped in my head on the biking route home.

The Adventure Really Began as Such...
I was making my way home on the bike route, climbing the steepest confounded hill when the apex of the slope was impacted by a sudden meteorite! It exploded into a vast, spanning visual of violet vibrancy! I vexedly viewed the visage of the sediment sputnik from space as the Sage rose from the ashes of the crash site, singing the sonnet of swelling sounds unheard to human ears! It bestowed upon me ~*a gift for which no name had been given.*~ I took the honor with noble humility and continued my venture home.

That very night was spent on the deviantArt chatroom, convincing three goons to troll a vampire thread as Celestial vampires with guns and godmodding the innocent roleplayers to death by shooting them. Many lulz were had in this juvenile scheme.

The Adventure Really Really Began as Oh Forget It...
The search I never mentioned began at the base of a volcano sitting in the middle of our humble Nebraska town. They called it Death Mountain in an unfunny video game reference that I would never ever make. I finally reached the top of the great natural structure when I was confronted by a woman shrouded in shadows. She immediately began tantalizing me without warning or reason as her soft fingers caressed my spine and her sexy, busty, leather black lace corset pressed against my rippling pectorals. She batted her navy eye-shadowed, swelling pupils with bursting, icy moans. Such thick, succulent eyelashes mere centimeters from my face, her teasing lips inching for mine. She whispered stimulating, inviting words with a cat-like tongue diving into my ears. "Join the Republic, Circuitfry," she heavily inquired, "for together, we can make the night last forever."

I was in a position of lust, but my prodigious sense of warning told me that she was either dastardly and evil or had the nightmareish superherpes, for srs, or both. So I shoved her (with a socially unacceptably loud "NEVER!") down the volcano and the wicked bitch screamed for murderous vengeance as she slid ten feet down the plastic slide and hitting the woodchipped surface of the playground.


The Adventure Continued as Follows...
Suddenly, I got a sword, but no sheath. The day was spent looking as friendly as possible in a society where having a sword was indicative of craziness. People took iPhone pictures and made iPhone calls while hipsters complemented the way the handle matched my socks. People gave me even dirtier looks now that I was accepted as one of them. I swallowed my shame and strode into the local Wizards of the Cost shoppe, selecting my weekly pack of five Yu-Gi-Oh! cards when, there, at the top of the locked glass shoujonamekamehameharoku-san hentai cabinet, was a sheath so perfect, I felt my held sword harden in an attention-attracting manner. The words escaped my lips; "want."

The sheath was two hundred dollars and was an exclusive for otaku collectors only, but lo and behold, ye fair tourney hath being held for the contestants who canst sayeth thrice of any vernacular abided by thee accepted terms of nought an utterance of thine foul words THE GAME. As I were seated upon ye olde throne of destined test's past, I inquired, "what kind of game?" The immediate reaction was a thin, pimply-faced lad screeching his cracked voice around the words "He said 'game!' He loses the game!" Mass conversing and arguing took place before a loud and blubber-muffled "Shiluuuuuunce!" was cried as the crowd settled down. It was the reigning, but morbidly obese Grandmaster Epic 7-Tier Roleplayer, "Vladkmir the Greatmace Dwarf of Boatmurdered Ages," proclaimed his royal decree as part of the pre-game moment of parley: "The three words of which the boy uttered, peasants, would be; "what," "kind," and "of." Therefore, by the terms accepted, and since we have our first Champion of Games, I dub this young man as the Prince of BETs, and is awarded this Z Kai sheath of Great Magic. Congratulations! Would you like to sign up for our weekly e-newsletter?

I declined his offer and after the collective disappointed sigh died out, a small rock materialized in my hands. The PONYFORCE OF WORTHLESSNESS.

The Adventure Concluded as Described Below...
The rolling hills beckoned me to explore the real world, unless it looked like a place where I could get mugged, then I'd have to take an alternative route, but anyway, as I took a rather bright and colorful street devoid of anything but the normal color of skin (that being black), where happy faces sang "Working on the Railroad" as the waterfall of Chicken Express and Watermelon Cafe products piled between two of the phattest bass stereo amplifiers my eyes had ever laid eyes on, lawd have mercy in Jesus' name, amen, wit 2 of the hotest bby grl booty shakrs id evr laid my eyez on 2!!!!! Therefore, I ditched my sky blue hoody, Toms shoes, vintage typewriter, two string guitar and single bongo, and I ditched the shutta shades, 80s-insulting scene kid wig, tossed away my expensive gold-encrusted golf club, cast aside my prized wiimote (pale yellow from years of daily use since 2007) I always carried around me in case I wanted to offer another white friend to play at my house, and joined in appreciating the endearing pleasures of newfound culture.

They laughed at me. :c

After I called the cops, I found my arguably non-existent sense of belonging destroyed within a single day. I was no longer a hipster, nor a scene kidder, nor a... well, nothing really mattered as I pulled on my uncomplimentary, canary-colored polyester polo with wrinkled beige shorts and hairy-legged orange sandals. Upon adjusting my glasses to embarrassingly contrast my wirey and curly jewfro, the last rock came down like a boulder, as if it was the elephant in the room my parents only mentioned but never really spoke of; the PONYFORCE OF INEPTITUDE.

The Lack of Revenge of the Dorks...
I wallowed in self-pity as I came to a trudging saunter before the Door in the Temple. I felt unworthy of the prize on the other side, I felt unsure of what I would do upon receiving the prize, and furthermore, I felt the familiar, naive insecurity, creeping on me, to get laid before I'm 40. The shining violet being from earlier in this obnoxious wall of text rose above the presented ponyforce trio and said,

"I am surprised you even bothered."

The wash of humiliation flushed in my face. "I have the ponyforces now, but I can't go through the door."

"Is this because you are too embarrassed? Because that's what the Door of Embarrassment is about."

"It's because I feel undeserving of the reward. All of my life, I have developed these terrible habits and traits. Everything has been given to me so easily, and when I'm so ungrateful for the wonderful things in my life that I would prefer a silly and disappointing adventure such as this, for juvenile kicks, it shows in the way I've acted today. It shows how truly unremarkable I am, how self-absorbed I've become, how naive, how pathetic, how unacceptably disappointing I am. I have these talents in drawing and making music and animating and playing silly games, but the harsh reality is that my priorities focus more on this short-term relief from the sometimes boring tendencies of my average but wonderfully easy life, where a prominent future is actively being formed. Have I ever worked to contribute money to this future? How will I pay off debts if I cannot demonstrate work experience to a company? Why is my resume still so blank? Have I ever tried networking? Have I done anything to advance my life? What about cars? What about learning how to use tools? Perhaps it may be time to actually... quit the Internet..."

The violet Sage smiled in appreciation for my self-realizations, for the flaws in my character so recognized. The Sages all appeared at once; orange, blue, white, pink, and yellow. The marks hovered above their heads, one of which I recognized from before, at the University! The origins of that mark were to be explained in a later story, but the colors swirled around me as the Door of Embarrassment opened.

"Partner, ya've bin granted the Key of Honesty, for yer admittance of failures."
"Um, the recognition of the good things people have given you is the Key to Kindness, so take this, it's dangerous to--"
"--Quit the Internet?! What a joke! Please RSVP this Key of Laughter!"
"And for offering the great prize some other person, like a true gentleman, I grant you the Key of Generosity."
"The way you pushed Nightmare Swoon was so awesome! Here's the Key of Loyalty!"
"And finally, the Key of Magic, which, ironically, I'm handing to you easy."

The final rock, in the perfect shape of a heart, drifted from the heavens as the seal-breaking piece of the Ponyforce. All along, there was ~*a gift for which no name had been given*~, deeply embedded, integrated, installed within me. I turned to see Nightmare Swoon at the entrance of the Temple, poised to take the prize that I had fought not very hard to earn.

She then proceeded to beat the living utter crap out of me and claimed the prize, herself. "Thanks to the stars and my amazing magic, I can now escape from the moon and return to Equestria and enshroud it in eternal night!" She vanished in a wisp of blue and black smoke, leaving me and the Sages gawking at our apparent loss. The rock broke in half and within it was the word inscribed, "failure," the gift that, up until this point, was not named.

Tears welled in my eyes and I blinked away the sorrow. In frustration, I found a razor blade on the floor to throw across the room. It was a meager appeasement for my inner bitter rage. My future was set in stone; I was to never accomplish anything remotely close to successful, merely to relish any small, pointless victories I can amass until the day comes that I finally die, where my life will not even qualify to fit in the footnote of the epic novel detailing the events of human existence, where my name will not ring bells, provoke memories of uniting speeches, or incredible arts, or daring feats! My life surrounded an already dulling fandom about a mere cartoon show that nobody should really care about given the attention that the real world demands of them, like political situations and economical decisions, or the dishes needing washed and the front lawn needing mowed, or the massive amount of need that people need after disasters have struck them.

I didn't seem to have enough dedication to life to care about these things and press on through cruelties and lies and slander and namecalling, mudslinging, rape, hate, abandonment, hunger, thirst, depression, secrets, war and the many forms of murder, betrayal, disgust, all of the negativity in the world pressing in on our world, overwhelming our senses and making us all numb and stupid and lethargic before we can ever feel the wonderful desire to help. All I wanted was to escape it, once again, to a place so positive and happy that it could only be meant to preserve the innocent children for just a little longer before the terrible world tears their views of life apart. I desired a time like that, but more than anything, I just wanted to be happy! I just wanted to live a happy life!

Prior to these events I found a link to Sonic Rainboom on Reddit, skimmed the praise with a grain of salt, and took a hit of LSD before watching the show until 8 in the morning.


inb4 wat, tl;dr, and cool story bro
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby RobotPony » 06 Jul 2011 22:15

Dang, Circuitfry! That story made me chuckle a little bit, but it was reallllly long. How much time did you spend writing that?
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Re: You want to know how I became a brony, Aussie?

Postby Aussie » 06 Jul 2011 23:07

Circuitfry wrote:WORDS

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Re: You want to know how I became a brony, Aussie?

Postby Whitetail » 06 Jul 2011 23:20

Aussie wrote:
Circuitfry wrote:WORDS



/me now devotes the next 10 minutes to reading that
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Mosche Swaggenberger » 07 Jul 2011 00:37

This GIF, and this GIF alone, convinced me to watch the show:

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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Artemus » 07 Jul 2011 00:44

My story? My story isn't all that epic.

I was stalking about Facebook when one of the out-of-state ladies posted the first episode and said to give it a chance. Her avatar at the time was that reeeeeeaaaally nice pose by Twilight when she's like "I'm Celestia's favorite. Damn straight". So I thought to myself, "Hokay fine. Just a few."

I spent all night watching all those episodes. So much so, when I decided to stop for the night, I looked to the clock and realized I had half an hour to get to work. (I started at 6 pm the previous night, and ended at 7:30 AM that morning) I frowned at the idea that I spent a potential paycheck for ponies. And then watched moar.
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Re: You want to know how I became a brony, Aussie?

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 07 Jul 2011 00:45

Circuitfry wrote:

You are the hero My Little Remix deserves, not the one it needs.
So we’ll hunt you. Because you can take it. Because you’re not our hero.
You’re a silent guardian of music, a watchful protector of songs.
A doctor of dissonance.
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Circuitfry » 07 Jul 2011 01:26

Y'all are crazy for reading all of that.

Viricide wrote:Thanks Obama. Or should I say Cirbama.

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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 07 Jul 2011 04:19

Epic troll-job lol
Fortunately, I have the patience of a 5 year old, so I didn't finish it lol.
~Our resident Bagpipe Playing, too-much-bling wearing, Smirnoff drinking, Coca Cola addicted, rockstar-wannabe, Glam Brony.
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby guitarskills » 08 Jul 2011 22:32

Interrobang Pie wrote:Too many. One pseudonym is enough for even the most indecisive of minds.

Once I noticed your sig... :lol:
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby aap998 » 10 Jul 2011 06:53

Saw ponies first on 4chan, started to watch episode 1 but i closed in the middle of the theme song.
later makkon keeps posting ponies on his digital sketchbook on polycount, and after listening to his music decided to watch episode 1. now i'm addicted :D

Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby PinkieGuy » 10 Jul 2011 07:45

I'm a big edgar wright fan, so when he mentioned the MLP:FiM vs The World mash-up, I saw the animation and was interested enough to hunt down episode one. Being a manly man, it only took applebloom's first appearance to get me addicted. :D

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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Kumquaticus » 14 Jul 2011 12:17

It was actually from Renard's girlfriend, Squeedgemonster, that I first learned of ponies when she drew them. I kind of ignored it as Squeedge just being Squeedge, but I started the first episode just to be certain. The whole "elements of harmony" opening kind of put me off it, and I stopped at the opening theme. Later, I saw Renard starting to post about ponies on his Tumblr, and I said "Screw it, I'm giving these ponies another shot". I watched the first episode, loved it, and kept on going. Fast forward a couple months, I find out that two of my friends are bronies. Glee on my part. A month or two later, my brother starts watching ponies and is indifferent to them, thus he finds out about my pony obsession and doesn't care. More glee!

And now I'm here
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Kil » 15 Jul 2011 10:51

I dislike the term "Brony" it just smacks of people taking it too seriously. I'm just some guy who likes a show, which doesn't even have to be about ponies. The characters could be floating circles with expressive faces. It'd still be a good show.
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby DavidReinold » 15 Jul 2011 15:22

Kil wrote:I dislike the term "Brony" it just smacks of people taking it too seriously. I'm just some guy who likes a show, which doesn't even have to be about ponies. The characters could be floating circles with expressive faces. It'd still be a good show.

It's not just about the show, though. Our society exists because we're secure enough to look past the surface and see at the heart of it all an awesome show. Bronies embody the seventh and most powerful element of harmony, "open-mindedness". We strive to show the world that if you take off your blinders you may happen across pure gold.

So I like to think that being a brony means more than just being a part of the fanbase; that we actually represent the revolution towards a society where grown men can walk into a Toys R' Us and buy a My Little Pony toy and the cashier will not ask them if they're buying it for a daughter, sister, or niece.
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Re: How'd You Become A Brony?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 15 Jul 2011 21:02

DavidReinold wrote:
Kil wrote:I dislike the term "Brony" it just smacks of people taking it too seriously. I'm just some guy who likes a show, which doesn't even have to be about ponies. The characters could be floating circles with expressive faces. It'd still be a good show.

It's not just about the show, though. Our society exists because we're secure enough to look past the surface and see at the heart of it all an awesome show. Bronies embody the seventh and most powerful element of harmony, "open-mindedness". We strive to show the world that if you take off your blinders you may happen across pure gold.

So I like to think that being a brony means more than just being a part of the fanbase; that we actually represent the revolution towards a society where grown men can walk into a Toys R' Us and buy a My Little Pony toy and the cashier will not ask them if they're buying it for a daughter, sister, or niece.

In all honesty, I would still say it's for my sister,niece, cartoon-loving girlfriend, etc. ^^;
~Our resident Bagpipe Playing, too-much-bling wearing, Smirnoff drinking, Coca Cola addicted, rockstar-wannabe, Glam Brony.
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