"Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

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"Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Freewave » 25 Aug 2012 09:57

I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on the recent wave of brony "pop" music adaptions? Whether it's the brony community adopting "Party Rock" and making their own pony version and remixing it or doing the same for "Gangnam Style" now. Not that different of course from are Equestria Girls tbh. I thought Simgretina's Colgate was very cute and a good track (which was basically a remix of the Inspector Gadget theme) but then like 9 remixes came after it and it was voted most popular track of the month by the community. That's not to mention that we have our own Brony pop music that seems to gather endless remixes (Rainbow Factory, Beyond Her Garden) or MLP show tracks that likely are milked til the last drop (Love in Bloom, This Day). Do you see this as a problem? Do you think these attempts to make something that's going to be "popular" or endlessly remixing the same things are ultimately hurting the the creativity of the community and watering down the quality of the actual tracks of the music? Or do you love the brony music from the community as much as ever? I'm kind of personally looking forward to a new season that should add some fresh inspiration and the end of summer assisting in getting this partially under control.

I just want to gauge people's opinions on this and discuss. This is a music forum and we contribute to and listen to the community . Do YOU feel the same? Is this even a more "recent" phenomenon or is it something that's always been a bit of a problem?
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Matthew N. » 25 Aug 2012 10:41

So this is what you do at work... ponder on the brony music community. :D
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby vladnuke » 25 Aug 2012 10:43

Eh, can't blame em'. In a way, one can view them as challenges set forth by the world. The whole idea of brony pop music is actually kinda interesting, it suggests that we have a fanbase large enough to accomodate such a distinction, which is amazing in itself. I say, if people want fan pop music, let them. All that means is we've attracted enough people to be representative of the whole human population. It's an amazing thing, but it comes with it's own problems, such as this. Remember, EqD has >200 million hits. That's 2% of the world. And growing by the second. If we have a big fambase, we might need big genres. But, you know, vis la vis. Perhaps we're the brony music hipsters, going away from the "manestream", trying to retain the comfort the fanbase gave when it was smaller. Or maybe we're the last remnants of an achient society of brony musicians. All one can say is that there will always be people who do stuff because it's popular, and to not let that happen is futile. All we can do is hope that both their and our intentions are pure. Not so much love, but definetly tolerate. Save the love for the innovators, they need it.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Anforium » 25 Aug 2012 10:51

Well I really hate most pop music like LMFAO, Katy Perry, and Kesha. So no, I don't like pony renditions of that crap.

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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Habanc » 25 Aug 2012 11:37

I can't say I enjoy pop music a whole lot. Some is alright, but most (not all) is just auto-tuned grabs for attention.

On the "Endless remix" topic, I kinda do feel it's making things bland and unnecessary. Remixes are designed for producers to take a track and give their own interpretation of it.There are some songs that are great for remixing, and deserve one or two (And usually get them). But then you have certain songs like "Beyond her Garden", "She's a Pony" and "Colgate" that get destroyed underneath all the remixing until you get to a point where there is so many renditions of it, the original track's value decreases.

I believe it can go the other way, too, that there are just some songs that shouldn't be remixed. This probably varies from person to person, but when the original mix is just so unique and breath-taking, any remix would just remove the awesome feels the original has to it. No offense to ArtAttack, but I deleted his remix of Dregs because I just couldn't stand how it deviated from the original. Production-wise it was great, I just didn't like the change it presented.

Some remixes are great and serve their purpose by giving off new facets to a song that most probably wouldn't have seen before. But, other times remixes are just bland. I think you hit the nail on the head, that a few of these overdone remixes are just attempts at attention and popularity too. Honestly, sometimes it seems like a free-for-all for who can get the most subs on youtube.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby colortwelve » 25 Aug 2012 11:54

I have this perception of what I call 'brony pop music,' which essentially covers everything made by Glaze, Tombstone, and Aviators, and Sim Gretina to a certain extent. I tend to dislike these artists for the same reason I dislike most of the Billboard 200 - it's overplayed, over-remixed, and generally shoved in your face until you can think of nothing more than how long it's going to be until one of these artists comes out with a new song with which to repeat the process. That is not to say that I can't see why half of our popular musicians are where they are; they certainly can come up with catchy tunes, they each have their own respective, consistent sound, which is appealing to a mass audience (code for Equestria Daily), and they sure as hell know how to mix and master on a level that few of us here at MLR have been able to reach.

And it's not like they're following any sort of trend (barring Sim Gretina); Glaze, Tomb, and Aviators all found their own distinctive sound that hadn't been ad well-executed in the fandom before them, and they naturally rose up to fill the spaces. And at the very least, Glaze's style is very unique even when compared to non-brony music; I can't think of comparing him to any singular artist. So for that, they've definitely earned a portion of the respect they've received.

But then you look at it from the perspective of the lowly, hard-working - but still unknown - musician, like most of us here at MLR, and there's nothing but bitterness to be found. These artists have not only filled the spaces of their respective genres and styles, they've created a little pantheon of 'famous' artists that's occupied both by those with unique styles (Glaze, Aviators, et al.), and by those who are miles better than everyone else in their respective styles (Alex S., Makkon, et al.). Between the unique styles and those that are simply dominated by sheer skill, it seems impossible for any relatively new name to be heard beyond the odd middlingly-popular name (Addictia, Ibe, et al.).

And beyond the simple question of popularity, shallow as it is, there's the feeling that everything's already been done before. Progressive rock? Tarby. Experimental hip-hop? Midwives. Liquid drum and bass? Addictia. Ambient? Kyoga's probably getting to the point where he's gonna be the ambient producer of the brony fandom, especially after that solo EqD post for his Slendermane song. It feels like nothing can possibly be unique, and this is not a point I'd even consider to be up for debate; I have this idea that every possible human thought has already been thought as of thousands of years ago, so nothing's really 'new,' just packaged a little differently. And this is why you'll see 30+ remixes of the same song - everyone's trying to package it differently, with varying levels of success.

But hey, at least we're trying. With so many stabs at the same thing, more than one is bound to be good. It's just a matter of being able to sift through what's, quite frankly, crap, and find the good stuff. Unfortunately, not everyone cares to do this, much less the busy people who run our media distribution.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Matthew N. » 25 Aug 2012 12:54

colortwelve wrote:I have this perception of what I call 'brony pop music,' which essentially covers everything made by Glaze, Tombstone, and Aviators, and Sim Gretina to a certain extent. I tend to dislike these artists for the same reason I dislike most of the Billboard 200 - it's overplayed, over-remixed, and generally shoved in your face until you can think of nothing more than how long it's going to be until one of these artists comes out with a new song with which to repeat the process.

You know, this sounds like a typical day on Everfree Radio, with Sim Gretina being played each second or third track, almost always followed by TLT and Glaze in between. I don't want to say that I dislike the artists, because their music is decent-to-very good; what I don't like is the fact that some artists are becoming mainstream and thus closing the window of opportunity for other, lesser know like myself artists.

Sure we cannot change the fact that they're popular within the community and people like their stuff, but the fact that brony music radios seem never to play even good music by unknown artists, and when they do - they get a ton of dislikes (e.g. on Everfree) and negative votes for the stuff.

The above basically means that the listeners themselves have chosen what is mainstream and what is good, blocking out the rest of the creative fandom. I am not surprised radios don't want to play music from unknown artists if what they receive is all negativity for doing it. It's like with business - sell what people will buy, and the previously mentioned artists are the "Best Sellers" within our community.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Habanc » 25 Aug 2012 13:03

colortwelve wrote:shallow as it is, there's the feeling that everything's already been done before.

Meh, not really. There's more than one electro house producer in the world, more than one rock band, more than one rapper everyone listens to.

The thing is that many of us didn't have much experience beyond coming in here to MLP. Sure, I screwed around with FL 8 before I saw MLP, but even when I did start watching this show, it was a good six months afterwards that I actually started making music (Before I wrote fanfics... Still my only claim to being on EqD). I lurked this site in January, and when I joined around February that's was the very first wave when tons of people started joining.

For most of us who make brony music, we were inspired by the show and that got us started. Think of it like a race. For a good 90% of the people who are under the radar, we all started within the same 3 - 4 month period. I think, even now three months since, we're still a big mass of runners, and not many people can easily be distinguished as "in front". There still needs more time for those who put in the effort and time to further their work to be distinguished, to let the those who are better than others to advance forward.

To be honest, I've given up looking for subs and EqD appearances. It just isn't important to me, I'd much rather spend time enjoying music (both what I produce and whatever I happen to listen to) than worry about how to get a couple of people to subscribe. I'm not going so far as to say I dislike subscribers. I mean, if someone enjoys my work too, that makes me feel awesome and fuzzy inside for the whole week. But, I don't just slap pony samples on stuff so people will like it more and bid for a chance on EqD.
I don't want to toss some gasoline on the EqD rage pyre, but stuff like this is just annoying:


Glaze's "Pixel Rush" was a good song on it's own, I don't see the need for pony samples just so it can be posted.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby soultensionbenjamin » 25 Aug 2012 13:05

I want more original music and genres from this fandom, i hate pop music with a passion if thats what people like i cant live on this planet anymore.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Big AppleDoom » 25 Aug 2012 14:08

A bit over a year ago Eurobeat Brony used to be very popular.
I didn't especially like his music (meh, not dislike), but now his early tracks bring so much memories that it has given some value to them in my case.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby colortwelve » 25 Aug 2012 14:32

Habanc wrote:
colortwelve wrote:shallow as it is, there's the feeling that everything's already been done before.

Meh, not really. There's more than one electro house producer in the world, more than one rock band, more than one rapper everyone listens to.

I think you took me out of context there; I was calling the whole popularity thing shallow. The bit about originality was entirely separate :P
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby bartekko » 25 Aug 2012 14:54

Habanc wrote:Glaze's "Pixel Rush" was a good song on it's own, I don't see the need for pony samples just so it can be posted.

Pixel rush doesn't even seem like a pony song
why should it be posted?
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Freewave » 25 Aug 2012 15:37

Sounds like another "Seth posted another non-pony track immediately from famous brony despite it being pino". It's happened before and it will sadly happen again despite that it breaks their own submission rules. Seth does that from time to time and it his site. But I don't want to turn this to derail into another anti-EQD thread. TBH I heard just recently that all EQD submissions are going to the pre-listeners now vs a good majority which were being rejected directly by Seth which is at least a step in the right direction. That said I think there's a load of good tracks that may not be featured even with more ears and more tracks making it to their door and those rejection letters are still quite absent.

As for "alternatives" I was checking out http://www.equestrianbeat.com/ and http://ponyremixplanet.blogspot.co.uk/ today which were alternatives and both of these music blogs are REALLY struggling to stay afloat (Sellyme is the only blog author standing at EQR and PMC had abandoned his blog for several months and is in the process of trying to start it up again). PMC had a good a format for success and is now going to a real similar to EQD submission process that honestly i don't think is going to work. I asked them to look to MLR if either need help as they really don't seem to have support or staff to say afloat as it stands. Then again people need to support and want alternatives if they truly want them to be successful and last and i often don't see that happening too often. http://www.chimicherrychonga.com/ is doing a little better but just seems to be a good news blog and not really very musically focused.
Last edited by Freewave on 25 Aug 2012 16:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby prettiestPony » 25 Aug 2012 15:56

I don't have a problem with it. Let people make what they want to make. Just don't listen to the pop music when you encounter it. I know it can be more difficult to avoid when it's "shoved in your face", but I mean really, you don't have to listen to what's posted on EqD, particularly if you're already confident it's going to be more rehashed bilge.

I mean, it's basically the same situation as with the actual pop world: there's no creativity, everything's a formulaic piece of uninspired crud that panders to the masses (and to making money), it's all the same damn four chords, pop music is getting louder, simpler and more repetitive, whatever happened to real music, I'm worried about this generation's musical tastes, etc., etc. Well, whatever. There are still other musicians producing different music, and there always will be (unless perhaps the human race experiences a severe drop in population, in which case we'd just have to wait for it to build up to a reasonable number again, and in the meantime we'd have more important things to worry about, like surviving). Listen to what you like, don't listen to what you don't like.

If other people like a piece enough to make their own version--in spite of the fact that there have already been over 9,000 remixes of it--and if other audiences like it enough to encourage them those artists, hey, great. That means it doesn't sound stale to them; just because it's stale for you doesn't mean you should try to discourage them from enjoying what they like.

(That said, I do get tired of hearing the same damn top 40s hits on the radio all the time; but I don't really view that as a "problem" with today's music culture, nor do I wish to discourage to discourage the top 40s hit-makers from making music.)
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Conduit » 25 Aug 2012 16:31

I figure that the reason that certain people are popular is because they're good. Most of the popular artists have been doing this long before the term brony even existed.

It's pointless to complain about not being popular, get back in the studio, and grind away at more tracks. It might take years, but if your dedicated you'll find the fan base you deserve.

For example, I've got one track on EQD so far, and have a total of 20 s[ubs. Does the lack of popularity sadden me? No, in fact I'm amazed that 20 people want to hear my music. I make music because it's fun, and the fact that even one person wants to follow me, and see what I can do astounds and inspires me.

Stop comparing yourself to other, and just keep doing what you love.


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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Raddons » 25 Aug 2012 17:26

Flatflish wrote:I figure that the reason that certain people are popular is because they're good.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby FLAOFEI » 25 Aug 2012 18:19

It was ages since I listened to any radio, or checked EQD. Its just not relevant to my interests. My interests rarely colide with whats mainstream (not trying to be a hipster or anything).

It dosnt realy bother me that some peoples music gets more popular than others because its popular, thats just how people work. No use fighting that. (Its to bad not more people cant earn their liveing of music because of it, but what you gonna do?)

I understand that Im probably never gonna be the most popular kid on the block. Firstly, Im honestly not that good (even though I try to convince myself otherwise). Secondly, Im not aiming for what people want, Im just looking to have fun, which in my case leads to some sort of over-the-top music (or atleast an atempt). Id much rather have a small fanbase that lets me make what I enjoy than a large fanbase thats not happy with me when I do my thing.

About what gets on t EQD, and what dosnt. I dont go to EQD regularly, cause they have a hopeless format (personal opinion, I just dont like it). EQD is popular for posting things relevant to the interests of the masses, not for expandeing the borders of borders of peoples interests, same thing with the radio stations (thats my idea of them anyway). I dont expect them to do anything else, thats why I dont visit them. Maby I should, maby not.

Flatflish wrote:I figure that the reason that certain people are popular is because they're good.
seems legit
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby CenterStage » 25 Aug 2012 18:31

Freewave wrote:I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on the recent wave of brony "pop" music adaptions? Whether it's the brony community adopting "Party Rock" and making their own pony version and remixing it or doing the same for "Gangnam Style" now. Not that different of course from are Equestria Girls tbh.

No one's talking about this, and though it won't win me any friends, I want to get this off my chest.

I hate filk.

So much.

Even Equestria Girls.

That's what you're talking about there, filk. And the reason I hate it is because it requires absolutely no skill to create. All you do is plug pony words, or even just the word 'pony', into a song's lyrics, and voila, you've got a "new" submission.

"Everypony throw your hooves in the air and say 'Yeah, yeah, yeah!'"

"I kissed a mare and I liked it"

"Now you're just somepony that I used to know"

It doesn't change the context of the song. All it is is the tiniest fart of "ponified" veneer to appeal to the slavering brony masses. Instant fame.

You know what I do like? Parody. But the difference between the two is often nonexistent, and dependent entirely upon things like "humor". I don't know that I've heard any honest to goodness attempts at pony parody, and if I have, I don't recall them being terribly funny. But if you can accomplish that, if you can change the context of a song's lyrics and use the melody to create something at least halfway original, I salute you. It's quite the chore.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Captain Ironhelm » 25 Aug 2012 19:47

Removed this post cuz somebody put what I said much better.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby ChromaticChaosPony » 25 Aug 2012 20:32

I only go on EQD for the art and some of the news at this point. They just won't post any tracks from up and coming brony musicians. And when they do, they throw it all in one post.

Example: It seems wrong to me that Equestria Girls gets more attention than Arrivederci. An original pony song should deserves more attention than a song in which they changed the lyrics to have ponies. It takes real effort and talent to produce a song completely from scratch.

I guess people really don't like original content much anymore...

As for the remixes, I usually like the original song better. A remix should add on to the original and improve it. Maybe give a whole new perspective of the song. Mic's rap over Tombstones remix of Beyond Her garden actually added meaning to the song. That is what a remix should do.

What I don't like about many of the remixes is that they've completely forgotten the meaning of the original song. All those producers care about is making it fit a different genre so that they can get on EQD with it. Those musicians don't care about representing the song in a new way or adding more to it. It irritates me to see how bland they can make a song that was really good.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby SilverLeaf.B » 26 Aug 2012 07:54

Nowadays, it seems like within and without the brony community Pop is just the "in" thing. So, people are going to want to listen to it and use it to introduce non-bronies to the fandom, which means that to a lot of people, including myself, certain musicians and their music is special to us; and so naturally we'll want to dedicate something to that music (like remixes).
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I don't think this is something anypony should dwell on.....

Postby Kushy Kallous » 26 Aug 2012 08:15

I hate to say things like this, but pop songs are popular songs. :D

I feel artists use this to their advantage, having the big song do all of the work for them, allowing the search of said big song bring the users to their under-appreciated remix of the aforementioned big song.

:( I've tried, and didn't really succeed at it. So, it's wrong to say THAT'S the specific reason.

-- It's just music, guys. --

If there is a remix out, it's because someone wanted to take the time to produce a remix, not to water down the actual track... I would think so, at least.

What if -- Actually, I'll just stop myself there.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby CommandSpry » 26 Aug 2012 08:53


As soon as you realize that this is how people reacted to Rock music, Metal music, Psychedelic Rock, Grind Metal, Reggae, HipHop/Rap, and then Electronic including Disco, Techno, Dub, Dubstep, Hardcore, Hardstyle, Speedcore, Trance, Psychedelic Trance, which I'm 100% there is at least one of these you personally like, you will learn to leave pop music alone for what it is; a new style of music some of us don't understand. I personally do not like it at all but that doesn't mean I get to say "HURR BACK IN MY DAYS MUSIC WAS FILLED WITH PASSION AND SOUL AND HURSPSREUDUHEU"'''''''' because I can't see the artistic value in it.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby StevenAD » 26 Aug 2012 14:35

Resenting a popular artist for being popular is jealousy in its purest form.
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Re: "Brony Pop Music" and "Following the Herd"

Postby Evdog » 26 Aug 2012 17:26

StevenAD wrote:Resenting a popular artist for being popular is jealousy in its purest form.

^ This.

Personally, I don't hate pop music. I just hate lyrics that say a whole lot of nothing. Pop just seems to have that a lot more commonly than other genres.
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