Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby sci » 10 Jun 2013 23:49


dang y'all are pessimistic

....or something

StevenAD wrote:My problem with making music based on pop culture (and this is the main reason why I'm stepping away from it) is that it gives your music an inherent shelf-life. As soon as MLP is irrelevant, so is what you've created. I may come across as pompous or whatever, but I want to try to make my work stand the test of time, and also make it stand on its own merits.

why are you creating music based on pop culture?

Myself? I enjoy the pop culture, and I really love music.

Why not combine the two?

Pony music, remixes of anime themes, whatever. It's a product of two things that you love. If you pour your soul into that, it shouldn't matter how popular the culture part is.

It's you. Or rather, it's an extension of you. A relic of where you've been and a sign that points to where you've grown since.

If you make a song that you only enjoy because it references pop culture, then that thing will expire faster than you can listen to it.

I don't know about you but I'm damn proud of what I've made "for ponies".

in fact, look at that first link again

that may be the worst as far as having an "expiration date"
but holy hell, it's a summation of my time, my music, my friends, and quite possibly the best year of my life.

maybe it's irrelevant to everyone else, but it's not leaving my heart.

but yet...

"Bose-Einstein Disco Complex" is not what I would call pony related.
0 pony samples
1 periodicvideos sample

and so I just started the periodicvideos remix scene.

when I was making the song, I was thinking about rainbow dash: fast and stylish, lots of energy.

but "fast and stylish and energetic" is not interchangeable with "Rainbow Dash". The song is a fast and stylish and energetic song, not a Rainbow Dash song.

But since the album was aiming for fast and stylish and energetic A LA RAINBOW DASH, I got in R&R (presumably).

does being in a pony album put a shorter shelf life on the song?
does being inspired by Rainbow Dash put a shorter shelf life on the song?

if you ask me, I'd answer no and no.

It's inspired by ponies but the end product is music that I like.

that's what's important.

StevenAD wrote:Yes, I am pissed off about what some people are saying about the album. It's not exactly a good feeling working so hard, achieving a goal, and then having people immediately dismiss you. I'm proud of my song, but jesus.

I honestly don't understand where all of this negativity / dismissal came from.

but I hate hate hate HATE seeing it spread around like some infection.

afaict, the general reaction among non-musicians is positive.
and it's a good album, damnit.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Majora MIM » 11 Jun 2013 02:34

Come n everypony, just calm down and enjoy the music. I find the album very enjoyable. I'm also surprised that some tracks didn't make it but you can't say the album is bad and it has a very good quality.

The only thing that bugs me (just a little) is the RMS variations but hey, it's not that big of a deal.

Also I'd like to ask if it would be possible to cancel the 2000+ days deadline so we can listen to every entry and if everybody would be ok with me converting every entry in 320mp3s and create a massive torrent with them all.
(I would understand if anyone's against it)
(and if it's happening and someone else wants to take care of it, then do so, cause I'm a lazy asshole)
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby vladnuke » 11 Jun 2013 06:58

You motherfuckers tripping over an album bout candy colored equines yeah
Like straight up chill 180 degrees and walk away cool-headed.
Like, go play some animal crossing or something damn
Because i dont want this to be like BP
where 200 hounded motherfuckers were pouncing on eachother like stray cats over the slightest shit
And i was sitting track rejected and watching the world burn
Now looking from the other end of the table, yeah there's a certain amount of validation you get
But what really sets you apart is what you do now
So go do shit now
Shit that isnt shitting on other people, or yourself
Shit that's positive and beneficial
Like trying to make a song featured somwhere else
Do what you would've done if you did get on
Make the follow-up thing going on right now better than this album

Also sci, you fucking rocked that track. Great job, man. I say it is just as good, if not better than your BP track.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Jokeblue » 11 Jun 2013 07:31

True dat. No point sullying your name over it. No one wants to be remembered as that one guy who flipped their shit because something didn't go their way.

This thread is dead haha.

Though, In a change of topic and most likely extremely vain attempt to breathe life into this dead thread and make you all stop flogging the dead horse with complaints and arguments, I'm kinda wondering (for anyone who even bothers checking this thread anymore) what was the concept, or theme around your song? Like, what's your songs story? What's it about, other than a rainbow flying horse?

If any one at all cares, To try get this going, i'll start. My song was an over dramatisation of Rarity's reflection and fear while she was falling to her death In Sonic Rainboom.

She wonders how she got to the stage she is at, falling to her end praying that Dash, who Rarity (unintentionally) shunned and pushed aside in a moment of intense need for friends during an extremely important event which she had lost all confidence for, would come save her.

The first half of the verses were Rarity remembering her actions, while the second was general fear in her current situation. The chorus followed a similar theme, with the clean vocals asking why she's worth saving if she was such a terrible friend and completely absorbed in her vanity, but then snapping back to her screaming fears as she Screamed Louder for her friend, the only one who could save her.

Or, it would have been. If I had finished recording the vocals. :D

But, thats why my track was called Louder. Not because it was solely a cheap reference to call it a pony song, but because it was a major driving point in the dramatic story the lyrics told. Would have called it Scream Louder, but it just didn't sound as good.

Now, what about you, whoever is reading this? whats your tracks story?

I really want to hear the stories behind your music, if you have one.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby vladnuke » 11 Jun 2013 07:41

All mah ponies met up at an arcade for Pinkie's B day and partied and flutters got on tekken and started wrecking pones and was eventually crowned champion of the arcade.

DJed by Rainbow Dash.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Jokeblue » 11 Jun 2013 07:43

vladnuke wrote:All mah ponies met up at an arcade for Pinkie's B day and partied and flutters got on tekken and started wrecking pones and was eventually crowned champion of the arcade.

DJed by Rainbow Dash.

Hahahaha Beautiful
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Lying Pink » 11 Jun 2013 11:41

sci wrote:words

Sci tellin' it like it is
vladnuke wrote:more words

Vladnuke also tellin' it like it is
Also I had been wondering what the aftermath of BP was like in comparison. Not sure how I feel about the fact that it had the same kind of atmosphere. Hm.
Jokeblue wrote:I'm kinda wondering (for anyone who even bothers checking this thread anymore) what was the concept, or theme around your song? Like, what's your songs story? What's it about, other than a rainbow flying horse?

This sounds like a good topic I'd be interested to hear these too
When I started writing mine it was for a different pony album -- at that point it was about a few ponies setting out on an adventure, but then a) I lost momentum on the track and b) the album fell through. Then I decided to do R&R and maybe that gave me different ideas thematically or whatever but I could finish the track. I kind of just imagined RD flying around on her own -- like, she's usually seen flying competitively with/against other people, but I can imagine her more chill side coming out when she's by herself and just doing whatever she wants to do, being fast then slow, seeing different parts of the environment from up in the sky, looking at clouds, having fun, whatever. And this was all taking place around the spires of canterlot and the song's ending is the sunset. Title comes from the old "red sky at night, shepherd's delight; red sky at morning, shepherd's warning" thing.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby TheAnonymousColt » 11 Jun 2013 12:05

The amount of butt-torn about the album is too damn high! I just wanna fap to technicolor hoarzis!

Instead of arguing in a dead thread, here's my thoughts on the matter:

No one cares if you're complaining about the album

As far as rating the album:

7/10, some good songs, not as memorable as BP. Needs more wub-a-dub dub
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 14:31

TheAnonymousColt wrote:7/10, some good songs, not as memorable as BP. Needs more wub-a-dub dub

TheAnonymousColt wrote:No one cares if you're complaining about the album
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby StevenAD » 11 Jun 2013 14:45

Jokeblue wrote:. . . I'm kinda wondering (for anyone who even bothers checking this thread anymore) what was the concept, or theme around your song? Like, what's your songs story? What's it about, other than a rainbow flying horse?

I thought about how RD wants to be a Wonderbolt, so she actively pursues it and it's all good, but what if she wasn't so confident? What if she were stuck in a daily routine and thought she couldn't make it, or wasn't good enough.

So basically I tried to write what I thought would encourage someone in that situation (god knows I've been there) to stop thinking they can't and just go for it. I wanted it to be like a farewell song, like goodbye to my old unhappy life and onto my new great one.

I don't really like explaining songs, though. A synopsis or summary is never as powerful as the actual material.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nexgen » 11 Jun 2013 15:02

Got a tweet from our lead singer back in March, asking if we should submit to RnR. I said we could try, but didn't have high hopes. We ended up jamming a bit and Moose came up with the premise for S.UPER W.AIFU A.NIMATED G.IRLFRIEND (which we refer to as S.W.A.G.). 8-Beat wrote some lyrics for what we had, but it didn't flow well, and we needed to all come together on this. The lyrical baton was passed to me, and I finished up the lyrics. We finalized our idea on this punk rock tune and tested it out. With A Winter Moose producing, as well as playing guitar and bass, 8-Beat Pulsar on keyboard, Biscayne with the singing and myself with the rapping, we just made a track. And it worked. I approached Circuit about our song, and he said he found it hilarious. We discussed how to fix the mixing. And, after some miscommunication, we ended up over stressing and destroying our song with edits. Circuit however, had an extra copy, telling us he had it taken care of. Next thing I know it, I'm woken up by a text from 8-Beat saying we made the album. I had never been more proud. And that leads us to now, where the album and our song has been hated on by basically everyone. Literally, I've gotten nothing but hate for our song, with a few people informing me they liked it. I know it wasn't mixed to it's best, but cut us some slack. We're still kinda new to this. Not like all of us are musical fucking engineers like Lavender Harmony. But I digress. I got really discouraged after the hate, but Circuit reassured me that all was well, and Regardless of your opinions of the album, I'm fucking proud to be on Rainbow and Rooted, so suck one, niggas.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 15:09

R&R is supposed to be an album of high quality music. You're still new to this, as you said. If you've gotten nothing but hate for your song, well... Sorry to say it, but it's probably because of the quality.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Lying Pink » 11 Jun 2013 15:19

I enjoyed it. Wasn't my favourite song on the album but I enjoyed it.
I guess four things to bear in mind are:
1) Constructive criticism (though not unconstructive hateposts) will help you grow and develop in the long run, way more than praise will
2) People who disliked your track will probably be more inclined to comment than people who liked it or who thought it was okay
3) Anyone who doesn't get the joke of your track probably thought it was unironic and cringeworthy, and whatever gag you make, there'll be people who don't get it, or who get it but just don't find it funny
4) You put a lot of time and effort into this and it sounded like you had a lot of fun making it; you got something at the end which you were proud of and got some recognition for (to put things into perspective, you made it onto the album -- regardless of whatever criticisms you might get, that means that someone somewhere saw enough value in your song to put it on R&R), that you acknowledge was far from perfect, have accepted feedback on and will no doubt improve upon massively in your next track(s). You did well, you're proud, and you're prepared to do better next time. I can't think of a healthier way to look back on something you've made than that.

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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nexgen » 11 Jun 2013 15:48

Nine Volt wrote:R&R is supposed to be an album of high quality music. You're still new to this, as you said. If you've gotten nothing but hate for your song, well... Sorry to say it, but it's probably because of the quality.

Well, it was good enough to make your said "high quality" album. Am I not right?
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 15:58

Nexgen wrote:
Nine Volt wrote:R&R is supposed to be an album of high quality music. You're still new to this, as you said. If you've gotten nothing but hate for your song, well... Sorry to say it, but it's probably because of the quality.

Well, it was good enough to make your said "high quality" album. Am I not right?

It's not my album. I haven't even listened to it.

And no, you might not be right. Hurricane Dial was on Balloon Party, remember.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby S.P.P » 11 Jun 2013 16:04

Hurricane Dial is a good song. Just cause you don't like it doesn't make it otherwise.
One mans trash is another's treasure, bear that in mind.
This goes for every track on R&R too. Don't call a track out purely because you don't like it. :]
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 16:07

PYR3LIGHT wrote:Hurricane Dial is a good song. Just cause you don't like it doesn't make it otherwise.
One mans trash is another's treasure, bear that in mind.
This goes for every track on R&R too. Don't call a track out purely because you don't like it. :]

I haven't listened to Nexgen's track.

Hurricane Dial was not good in the 'high quality' sense. It got on because it was unique and interesting. I liked it, but it was not traditionally good.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby S.P.P » 11 Jun 2013 16:11

Agreed. But the fact that it was good and the production didnt make it unlistenable stands testament that the tracks in R&R CAN'T BE THAT BAD. Now, imma leave this discussion now because I feel that everybody should be like "heh, that guy has a different opinion to me. I'll let him have it but I prefer mine", and I don't want to take that mentality away.

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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Decmaster IX » 11 Jun 2013 16:21


Imma just wait until this whole thing blows over. This is kinda getting out of hand.

I liked S.W.A.G.…
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 16:27

PYR3LIGHT wrote:Agreed. But the fact that it was good and the production didnt make it unlistenable stands testament that the tracks in R&R CAN'T BE THAT BAD. Now, imma leave this discussion now because I feel that everybody should be like "heh, that guy has a different opinion to me. I'll let him have it but I prefer mine", and I don't want to take that mentality away.

I'm just saiyan.

Sounds good.

Wait it was named S.W.A.G.? Seriously?
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Lying Pink » 11 Jun 2013 16:27

Nine Volt wrote:Wait it was named S.W.A.G.? Seriously?

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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 16:36

Lying Pink wrote:
Nine Volt wrote:Wait it was named S.W.A.G.? Seriously?


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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Camsy » 11 Jun 2013 16:40

Seriously guys, the music in this album wasn't that bad. The only thing that has truly ruined R&R for me is this thread. Everyone is being selfish and stuck-up, I joined the community because I though bronies were the opposite.

To those who made it in, congratulations. The judges thought your track was good enough to make it in which means at the very least someone likes your track. And a good number of people will quietly enjoy your work for a long time to come.

For those who didn't make it, I'm sorry. Lots of people didn't make it in. But instead of crying about it, why not seek out peoples criticism and advice and strive to keep making better music.

I joined this album because I love ponies and I love making music. To me, nothing else matters and that's why I couldn't care less that my track didn't make it.

Nine Volt wrote:It's not my album. I haven't even listened to it.

I'd suggest you stop arguing with people on the forum and sit down to actually listen to it.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby Nine Volt » 11 Jun 2013 16:44

Camsy wrote:
Nine Volt wrote:It's not my album. I haven't even listened to it.

I'd suggest you stop arguing with people on the forum and sit down to actually listen to it.

I'll pass, thanks.
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Re: Rainbow & Rooted: Four's Fall Down

Postby TranquilHooves » 11 Jun 2013 16:49

Nine Volt wrote:
PYR3LIGHT wrote:Hurricane Dial is a good song. Just cause you don't like it doesn't make it otherwise.
One mans trash is another's treasure, bear that in mind.
This goes for every track on R&R too. Don't call a track out purely because you don't like it. :]

I haven't listened to Nexgen's track.

Hurricane Dial was not good in the 'high quality' sense. It got on because it was unique and interesting. I liked it, but it was not traditionally good.

nah, it was good.
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