Nu disco?

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Nu disco?

Postby SpiderPubes » 02 Apr 2013 04:21

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone had any tips/tricks etc. For producing nu disco? :o
I searched youtube, and the tutorials on there really aren't helpful for the style I mean.. Something like: "Televisor" especially "Rock the Flock". I just haven't found anything helpful to producing style similar to this. Any help would be appreciated! :D
Thanks guys :)
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Re: Nu disco?

Postby XXDarkShadow79XX » 02 Apr 2013 04:28

Well, what are you having issues with? If its just the overall feel and tone of the genre, then there's an easy solution: listen to more of the genre. Seriously, if you want to get accustomed to the sound, screw around on the Beatport chart for a while, take a break and hum up something in your head, then try to bring it to life in your daw. At least, that's how I teach myself new genres.
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Re: Nu disco?

Postby hackd » 02 Apr 2013 11:11

^ If you can already produce, just listen to more of the genre to acclimatize to the elements that build the soundscape. If you're looking for tutorials on how to produce in general... it won't matter which genre the tutorial is for.

BTW's I fricken love Kill Paris' new album.
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Re: Nu disco?

Postby Freewave » 03 Apr 2013 08:31

Here's the older set for nu-disco, you'll want to check out some of the stuff that's more on the first disc. This stuff can get dated due to technology changing but since disco is retro by nature a lot of the fundamentals can be the same. ... ic_revival

Heard good things about Televisor, my friend was just raving about them.
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Re: Nu disco?

Postby SpiderPubes » 07 Apr 2013 05:36

Sorry for the late reply and the vagueness, I can produce somewhat I'm not expert by far but I have most of the fundamentals down.. I'll continue to listen to the genre and muck around really and see what I can get out of it, but what I really meant by the original post is.. Just using this as an example:

What techniques would be used to create this? Is it just good samples? and if it is, simple enough really. Just need to go hunting for good samples or would this be made using synths and if so could someone push me in the right direction of achieving somewhat similar sounds? - I know that's still fairly vague but I'm not sure how to explain it properly, just really if there's any general tips for nu disco throw them my way :o
Just anything to help get a better kick off would be great :o
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Re: Nu disco?

Postby hackd » 07 Apr 2013 07:59

You don't need to sample anything other than your percussion. All the synth, both bass and lead, have quite a bit of pitch modulation like most genres and I would also try working with higher resonance. You're also going to be working with some tape distortion or something to get that vintage feel. The instrumentation also has a lot of motion made from filter automation or sometimes people will just use a flanger. I can't cite any good plug ins or anything specific since I just use reason and synthesize everything from scratch.

I would start with the plucked bass and the rhythm and then build off of that (so start by looking for those tutorials).
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Re: Nu disco?

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 13 Apr 2013 17:09

Well, Televisor themselves have been uploading tutorials to their Youtube channel. Maybe you could start with that. They also have a little tutorial on bass lines and chord progressions on a blogspot page, but I can't quite remember how I found that, so I got no link, sorry. If it's worth anything, they use Spectrasonics' Trilian VST for their bass stuff.

Freewave wrote:Heard good things about Televisor, my friend was just raving about them.

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