The hugging/venting thread

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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby LeafRunner » 22 Feb 2012 19:57

Pickslide1992 wrote:It's like I can't relax anymore for fear I'm slacking off.

Dude, no joke. I know exactly how you feel, as I stated in my other post. I'll echo what the others said about setting your priorities. A thing I do that might help you feel less overwhelmed is write out daily (or weekly) to do lists. Write down everything you have to do and get done, spread it out if it's a longer project into manageable chunks. Even when you have a mountain of things to get done, seeing it broken up really helps. Even breaking it down into hours can help too, and don't forget to throw in a reward or two for relaxation, internet, music, ponies, whatever. Just write it down on a post it, email, whatever is easily visible. Doesn't seem like much, but it really helps.

Can't say anything for the home life stuff, since I don't know your situation. Just hang in there, you'll pull through.

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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 22 Feb 2012 20:24

Pickslide1992 wrote:I'd like that. :) Algebra is my absolute worst subject.

Absolutely, hit me up any time over here, or if you want I can send you my Skype/MSN by PM. c:
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Pickslide1992 » 23 Feb 2012 14:28

The latter will work. I can Skype you.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Versilaryan » 23 Feb 2012 14:42

I feel you. All of my classes have stopped assigning homework and now give me weekly projects that take hours and hours and hours to finish. Plus music, music, and more music. ._.

The big piece of advice I can give you is to actually schedule what you're going to do. Set goals -- you're going to get this done on this day, that done on that day, et cetera. So if you know when you're going to get your homework done, it's easier to actually set aside large blocks of time to write music or do other things. Especially when you get to college, where you have multiple days to get larger homework assignments or huge projects done, setting a schedule of when you will have things done really forces you to finish things when you have to and then have free time to do other things.

I pulled an all-nighter coding last night just so I can set aside this whole day to write music that's due on Monday and then goof off in the evening. Drastic measures, but sometimes, that's what's called for. ._.

If you need help with math, let me know! I'm Versilaryan on Skype, too, and if I have some time, I can help you out. =)
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 23 Feb 2012 17:25

Pickslide1992 wrote:The latter will work. I can Skype you.

Alright, nevermind the PMs, I'm thesunandtherainfall on skype.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Lethaargic » 25 Feb 2012 04:48

A couple weeks ago I had been going through a bit of a depressed state, not really feeling like there was a point in making music. You should do it because you love it yeah, but doing it solely for yourself just felt so self serving. I found out about the seeds of kindness album a few weeks ago and was psyched that maybe I could contribute to something that would really do some good. However between my fairly slow composition skills and having two people quit at my work in the same week, who's hours I'm having to cover, I'm just not going to be able to finish anything I would be satisfied with in time.

The charity albums, and bronys for good, make me so proud to be a part of this community. But I just feel like I let down myself and the community. Knowing you guys, there will likely be more events where this came from and I'm going to keep an eye out for them in advance and work doubly hard next time! Unfortunately that does little to quell the feeling that I could have done so much more already. Thanks to anyone who read this, it's been eating me up for a few days and I really just need to tell someone.

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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 25 Feb 2012 14:19

Don't worry, Spacepsy, we all have our ups and downs, especially when it comes to the "why are we doing this, again?" thing when making music, and while it's awesome that you want to contribute, to both the community and the benefit projects coming out of it, it's more important that you take care of yourself first; you don't let anyone down by making sure everything is in order in your life. I'm sorry you won't be able to make this one, but I'm sure you'll be able to jump in on the next ones. c: Keep strong man.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Lethaargic » 25 Feb 2012 22:43

Thanks "theSunAndtheRainfall", I suppose I kind of always have put what I want before what I need. Kudos on all the responses you've given in this thread, this world needs more kind people like you.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 25 Feb 2012 23:31

ps thanks to AndtheRainfall for listening to me vent/sob in a pm. Hit a bad low myself and always my pal was there for me. Can't thank him enough as sometimes just knowing someone else thinks you're more than just words on a webpage makes all the difference. Thanks a lot to him. We all have highs and lows and I hope everyone knows that when we hit a low that we need to rely on each other if need help getting back up. This thread and this forum can really do some amazing good and you don't often see that everywhere :|
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Jax » 25 Feb 2012 23:44

So, I have a question. Do you guys think I is possible to spread yourself too thin, artistically speaking? I'm kind of feeling like that at the moment and I'm not sure if it's just me being a bit of a wuss or if it is a problem everyone has.

I guess my real problem is that I see all this great work everypony does for the fandom, and I want to do that too. The only problem is that I don't know how. Therefore I've been trying a bit of everything. I've tried composing music, but I found out how little I know about that after a few terrible sounding WIP's. I really have thought about doing vocals, but I just don't feel as if they are good enough. I've tried Voice Acting, (the thing I feel most comfortable with) but it is incrediblely difficult to find any male casting calls in a fandom base around a show composed of almost entirely female characters. Hell! I'm even trying to learn how to draw, but then I start comparing my stuff to others, and, well, I just don't have a lot of talent in that area.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel a bit like a Cutie Mark Crusader; I'm trying to find my place in this INCERDIBLELY talented fandom, but I either have no place or my work just isn't up to par with that of others.

Does anyone else ever have this feeling?

Also, sorry for my rant...
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby LunchBagMusic » 26 Feb 2012 00:15

All the time. How long have you been trying with each area?

Jax wrote:I've tried composing music, but I found out how little I know about that after a few terrible sounding WIP's

Story of my life. The ratio of music I actually complete versus the amount of music I start is around 1:20.

You just gotta keep at it. Keep keep trying. Oh hai dere, Ira Glass.

That quote is pulled up so many times I almost don't need to mention it. But it is so true. Stick with it, man :)
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Jax » 26 Feb 2012 00:28

Yeah, I love that quote too. I can't even tell you how many times I've pulled it up.

As for how long, well, I've acted all my life, and i've been singing just about as long, but the art I've only started last September and the composition even earlier than that. I would say this January.

I know it takes time to master anything and Iaccept that, but what's got me tiffed is that I just feel like I don't really know my place in this community and I owe it at least as much as finding out where I belong and how to contribute.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Random111223 » 26 Feb 2012 00:43

Jax wrote:So, I have a question. Do you guys think I is possible to spread yourself too thin, artistically speaking? I'm kind of feeling like that at the moment and I'm not sure if it's just me being a bit of a wuss or if it is a problem everyone has.

I guess my real problem is that I see all this great work everypony does for the fandom, and I want to do that too. The only problem is that I don't know how. Therefore I've been trying a bit of everything. I've tried composing music, but I found out how little I know about that after a few terrible sounding WIP's. I really have thought about doing vocals, but I just don't feel as if they are good enough. I've tried Voice Acting, (the thing I feel most comfortable with) but it is incrediblely difficult to find any male casting calls in a fandom base around a show composed of almost entirely female characters. Hell! I'm even trying to learn how to draw, but then I start comparing my stuff to others, and, well, I just don't have a lot of talent in that area.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel a bit like a Cutie Mark Crusader; I'm trying to find my place in this INCERDIBLELY talented fandom, but I either have no place or my work just isn't up to par with that of others.

Does anyone else ever have this feeling?

Also, sorry for my rant...

Yeah i've had that feeling. I'm taking a little different approach to it, i prioritize my personal happiness in front of everything. What i'm trying to say is that i'll do what i feel like doing, not what i'm "best" at. The feedback and fame are just a bonus. In the end it doesn't really matter what other people think of your work, the most important thing is that you enjoy doing it. I've done it all; pmv's, music, visual art, drawing, animation and i've had a blast doing them. Okay, i know everyone wants attention and fame which requires focusing on a single thing, but this is a good thing to have in mind when you start to get obsessive about your work.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby LeafRunner » 26 Feb 2012 15:53

All the time, Jax. I have so many creative things that I want to do and work on, but in the end I just have to prioritize the ones that are really important to me, and save the rest for times when I'm burnt out on the main ones or have more free time. I've had to put music aside for the current time being because of my focus on learning animation (which I also love), but whenever I get the chance and feel up to it, I do my best to play music. Add to that that I also would like to work on my drawing, and be more active in this fandom that is one of the greatest things to ever happen to me, and work 40 hours a week, I definitely feel wearing myself thin.

As for feeling you're "not good enough", don't. Only compare yourself to yourself. Take a look back at when you first started learning the discipline of your choice (music, art, animation, vocals, whatever), and see how much you've improved. Having people compliment you and like your work is nice, but in the end it's all about how far you've come. Always move forward, never stop. Everyone always says, do what you love, but I like Eric Goldberg's take better, "Love what you do."
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 26 Feb 2012 23:26

Spacepsy wrote:Thanks "theSunAndtheRainfall", I suppose I kind of always have put what I want before what I need. Kudos on all the responses you've given in this thread, this world needs more kind people like you.

DJ Pon-3 wrote:We all have highs and lows and I hope everyone knows that when we hit a low that we need to rely on each other if need help getting back up.

D'aw, you guys are too kind to me. <3 I just agree with what Pon-3 said up there. It's important to take care of each other. Lord knows I've relied on this community (and especially on Pon-3) to pick me back up way too many times, and I want to give back as much of that as possible.

Also Jax, I've been there too, man. It's super easy to look all around you and see so much amazing fan content being created all over the place, but whenever you try to contribute something it just never kinda measures up to what you look up to, and then you don't even quite know where it is you should try to invest all your effort. In the end it all boils down to why you want to do things in the first place, and what you hope to achieve with that.

Of course, the allure of attention and praise can sometimes be overwhelming, but pursuing them only ends in confusion and frustration most of the time. This is probably the lamest reply you can get to your current problem, but in the end you should be doing things because you love doing them. If you're having fun you'll eventually become good at whatever it is you're doing, and the rest will follow. Of course, most of us want to get there RIGHT FREAKING NOW (wherever there is), and though most of the time it feels like you're getting nowewhere, when you stop and look back upon everything you've done, you won't believe how far you've come. It's super easy to get carried away by the "why am I doing this, again?" funk, so it's always a good thing to pause for a while, sit a little to the side, take a breath, remember why you started doing this in the first place, and dive back in with your main goal in mind.

Best of luck overcoming this, Jax. We're here for you whenever you need us.

Omg you guys, my English is deteriorating at an alarming rate, halp! D:
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby AerieFlew » 27 Feb 2012 06:49

So I feel a bit like a stalker but I just read through this whole thing and gosh! Everypony is so kind and supportive and loving and caring and wow!!

I just want to give a shout out to all of you. You're all such talented musicians and I am amazed by your creativity!! :) none of you should doubt yourselves, your work proves there is no reason for it.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Applejinx » 27 Feb 2012 06:52

Jax wrote:I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel a bit like a Cutie Mark Crusader; I'm trying to find my place in this INCERDIBLELY talented fandom, but I either have no place or my work just isn't up to par with that of others.
Does anyone else ever have this feeling?

Yep. I feel that feel right now. I watched the bronycon post-musician panel and saw a bunch of the ponies from here. I wandered off 'cos I felt nobody liked me or wanted me around, and tryin' to be helpful only made it worse, but I got very lonely so here I am again. Even if I don't fit in.

If you feel lonely and out of place, you ain't the only one- and as far as bein' spread too thin, it sure is a problem. I try to do SUCH a lot of things. One thing I've noticed is that the folks who are doin' good seem to have done a lot of a particular thing, instead of a lil' of all sorts of things. This is why I gave up on makin' music as folks around here understand it, in favor of stuff that sounds like off radio stations they wouldn't listen to- because I got to come from where I am, and so should you, even if it doesn't find acceptance at first. Maybe you just haven't done enough of whatever it is, yet.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby AerieFlew » 27 Feb 2012 06:54

Go you Applejinx!
I mean yes the public is looking for one thing but that one thing is always changing and you have to make the best music YOU can make, not just something someone else expects yo uto make. Just always keep your head up and let the music you make come from your heart.
And you Applejinx, I hope will make music. Forever. It's in you, I can see it!
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Applejinx » 27 Feb 2012 07:03

AerieFlew wrote:And you Applejinx, I hope will make music. Forever. It's in you, I can see it!

I am! It's jes not popular. I'm tired of tryin' to be cool just to make friends. Screw it, I give up, I'm going to try to fight back that urge to always be helpful and 'worthwhile' and just SAY I want to make friends. Maybe that weren't obvious before.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby AerieFlew » 27 Feb 2012 07:15

Who cares to be popular? A few real friends is better than a plentiful of fake ones!
:3 that is a darn good way to look at it.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 27 Feb 2012 22:30

Dayum, Applejinx. :c It sucks to hear you feel like that, but you know what? I'm glad you've decided to tell this whole affair to screw its shit. Doing things for the sake of appealing to other people doesn't leave you much in the long run. Just do what you know. Behave the way that comes naturally to you, stick to who you are, and you'll find a place for yourself where you can be at peace with what you do.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Applejinx » 28 Feb 2012 02:36

Thank you- I b'leeve you're right, and I will do that. It will just take much longer to get anywhere, 'cos I do a little of everything. But I LOVE a little of everything, so I don't want to be practical and quit it all to focus on just one thing- particularly when I'd probably be quitting music and art and Flash in that case. There really are 'so many wonders' and even if I never master some of them, it's beautiful just to play with 'em.

Though it is irresistible, this urge to want to master them and then start sellin' 'em like apples!
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Pickslide1992 » 02 Mar 2012 16:24

Jax wrote:So, I have a question. Do you guys think I is possible to spread yourself too thin, artistically speaking? I'm kind of feeling like that at the moment and I'm not sure if it's just me being a bit of a wuss or if it is a problem everyone has.

I guess my real problem is that I see all this great work everypony does for the fandom, and I want to do that too. The only problem is that I don't know how. Therefore I've been trying a bit of everything. I've tried composing music, but I found out how little I know about that after a few terrible sounding WIP's. I really have thought about doing vocals, but I just don't feel as if they are good enough. I've tried Voice Acting, (the thing I feel most comfortable with) but it is incrediblely difficult to find any male casting calls in a fandom base around a show composed of almost entirely female characters. Hell! I'm even trying to learn how to draw, but then I start comparing my stuff to others, and, well, I just don't have a lot of talent in that area.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I feel a bit like a Cutie Mark Crusader; I'm trying to find my place in this INCERDIBLELY talented fandom, but I either have no place or my work just isn't up to par with that of others.

Does anyone else ever have this feeling?

Also, sorry for my rant...

All of the freaking time. I know people say I'm a good musician, either on here or other corners of the internet, but sometimes I feel other guys, if not everyone else is much better and I'm an amateur. In other words, I feel like I'm a casual musical hobbyist, not some one who has all the time in the world to make music.
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby MiuMiuChuu » 05 Mar 2012 06:41

Okay. Monthly hugs from Miu! *sparkle sparkle*

First of all, becoming popular doesn't matter (no offense, Rarity). Just enjoy what you enjoy doing. Cliched, but works every time. Even though you feel not creative enough, or not good enough, put love in each and your every work, then it will show.

Sometimes, people will disregard on the works you put a lot of effort it. Sometimes they set the expectation too high or simply doesn't get on what you're trying to work on. Especially if you're popular in the fandom. The more fans you get, the more the burden. I'm not saying that "it's better not to be popular". I'm saying that being "popular" means having bigger challenge to deal with.

Again, back to love whatever work you've created. As long as you put effort and love to your work, I'm sure it will turn out okay. Maybe it isn't that magnificent, maybe it's just average by standards, but you're happy and you're satisfied that you achieve your goal on making that work. That's what matters.

And I just had an awesome fishball noodle and I start to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner regularly and not skipping any. I know I'm getting fat but I couldn't care less. I'm so happy that I'm still able to eat stuff this good! <3
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Re: The hugging/venting thread

Postby Freewave » 05 Mar 2012 09:36

Miu is absolutely right in that you need to be happy with your efforts and your limitations. You can work hard on a track and it may come up short in people's eyes (and there are always room for improvements) but ultimately you need to be content with what you put out at the end of the day. By all means listen to critiques (as they should help you get better), ignore more negative responses w/o such advice (you can't please everyone). Ultimately strive for self-improvement and bettering yourself as an artist but realize that you and most of us aren't doing this for a living so it's ok if it's rough around the edges compared to the best of the best (experience, software, and your computer's specs can make a huge impact on what you can and can't do). I'm sure those who have talent to do this professionally and put out something amazing in short time frames also have additional expectations and are often boxed in to what their audience expects them to be. Do your best and have fun with it ultimately and spread that love forward as a music community means listening to others equally and not just pushing your own music. :)
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