What else are all y'all into?

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What else are all y'all into?

Postby SeanNH94 » 30 Dec 2011 16:56

Obviously we all like MLP:FIM, but what other things are you into? Games, T.V., Hobbies, etc.
I'm no gamer, but I've been really into Skyrim, and I plan on playing through Uncharted 3 soon, I play guitar and sing, and I really like observing internet culture. I'm not really part of any other communities besides the Brony community, although I sometimes post on Reddit.
How about you guys?
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Icky » 30 Dec 2011 16:59

Dr Who, Stargate, Music (no wai), PC gaming, History, Applejack (deserves her own mention outside of MLP)
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Mundius » 30 Dec 2011 17:13

Classic video gaming. Basically, 16-bit and earlier. (Except that the Jaguar somehow falls into this category)

No, I do not count N64 as a classic game console... yet.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Freewave » 30 Dec 2011 17:44

I spend a load of time on a music related internet forum (RYM) and pursuing musical history although that's sorta waning, a lot of tv in the evenings, internet whenever i can, music making and YT video creation on days off only. Occasionally playing Left for Dead 2 on Tuesday nights on the LAN at my friend's house. MEh :?
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Navron » 30 Dec 2011 17:58

When it's not cold out, I like to go skydiving on the weekends, and when there's snow, snowboarding. Hard to find people to play paintball with anymore though, but I still got my equipment in case my shop decides to do it again sometime.

Other than that, I have a draw to VFX and filmmaking, which has actually been a passion of mine since I was a teenager, but I rediscovered that fire once I saw freddiew, corridor digital, and pwnisher's works. Up until then, I had no idea an average person could make Hollywood quality special effects.

As for digital hobbies, I've always been a MechWarrior fan, so I've been keeping up with MechWarrior: Living Legends and play with a clan in that. That's pretty much all I play except for the occasional Arma II game, and messing around in GMod. I also have fun creating photomanipulations: http://aresye.deviantart.com
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby DasDeer » 30 Dec 2011 18:07

Well, except for music, i'd say gaming and video game development.
I've played video games since i was around 1,5 years old. (True story) My interests for it and what goes into making one has thus grown over the years. I've spent counteless hours analysing video game design and how the game developers thought when they did certain things in the games.

Games are a big part of my life, just as big as the music is.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Tiaaaaa » 30 Dec 2011 19:08

Not so much the games (except the fighters) as the fan works, mostly the music (surprise, surprise).

Also always had an interest in video game design, though the fact I hate graphics makes it difficult.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Senator Myth » 30 Dec 2011 21:12

I spend at least an hour each day playing guitar or bass or keyboard, just jammin' away.

I really love video games, though. I'm a pretty massive fan of the Zelda series, and right now Skyward Sword is enthralling me. It's SO GOOD. I have Skyrim too and it's such an amazing game. The attention to detail is magnificient.

I read a lot and occasionally write though, too. Getting engrossed in a good book or series is a very different sort of pleasure from a marathon of pony or a day spent gaming, but it's a bit harder to do nowadays due to my brain being used to the constant stimulation of the flashy lights of games and the internet... So it's worth even more now, I say!
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby bartekko » 31 Dec 2011 04:33

Senator Myth wrote:I spend at least an hour each day playing guitar or bass or keyboard, just jammin' away.

I really am into internet memes, and that actually is where I became a brony (thank you, whoever created Luna Game )

I used to play video games a lot, but I haven't used my xbox in quite a long time. I think I'm seriously gonna sell it and save up for a MIDI controller or a hardware synth.

I love physics.

I used to learn C++, but then I took an arrow to the knee
but then I started making music.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 31 Dec 2011 04:53

I love old games and retro-styled games, particularly platformers - Mario, Mega Man, Kirby, Sonic, VVVVVV, Cave Story, the list goes on. Most of these games, and the desire to one day make a game like them, are how I got into making chiptunes and game-esque music in general. Indeed, I often dig through Youtube listening to game music. The other day it was Super Mario World's OST, for example.

I also like to make sprites, for pretty much the same reasons as above.

I also have a nack for programming, but I'm yet to start toying around with C++ or C#.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Aussie » 31 Dec 2011 06:01

Besides MLP, I've been watching Arrested Development and Whose Line Is It Anyway. Both are the most hilarious shows I've ever seen in my life. Adventure Time is also mathematical as FUCK

I do love my vidya, however, I don't play much these days, because I'm extremely picky about my games, and you guys keep me busy with the Megaskype and all that. The most recent game I've played is Catherine, and I really need to finish it...

I also have a thing for video editing, and Youtube Poops. If I wasn't making music, I'd probably be screwing around in Sony Vegas and After Effects right now! :D
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 31 Dec 2011 12:55

During school periods my life is pretty much just school. Just getting to school takes me close to an hour, getting back from school another hour, then there's school itself, and then all the assignments I get take up the rest of my time. I don't even do much on the weekends because I take a bus back to my hometown on Fridays, and then back to the city again on Sundays, and that takes a good few hours, and all the time in between I'm either trying to catch up on sleep (going to bed at midnight and waking up at 4:30 in the morning every day sure takes it toll on anyone) or... doing more schoolwork. :/ It's kinda sad, but it's the troofs.

Every once in a blue moon I get some free time, though, and that's when I usually go out and wander around the city with my friends. I love to just walk around and get lost over there; Mexico City is an incredibly interesting and diverse place, and it's freaking immense, so there's always somewhere to go, and something new to see.

During school breaks I'm usually just busy making music, back in my hometown. Be it jamming on my guitar, on my keyboard, or wasting away in front of my laptop, it's almost exclusively music. I sometimes read a bit (I'm trying to go through Stephen King's bibliography right now, but it's so huge I think I'm just gonna go look up something else) as well. The rest of my free time is used up hanging around in online communities, mostly fan forums of bands I'm kind of devoted to, or looking up new music. Sometimes I go back to Mexico City and go places just to take a break from the routine as well.

I've been kind of disconnected from the world of videogames for several years now, although I really want to dive back in, and all this talk about games such as Skyrim sort of push that feeling further. I've always kind of sucked at them, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying them. I just picked up Pokemon Black though, that's a start, right? Right?
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby CGEyeGuy » 02 Jan 2012 01:33

I am really into 3d modeling and game design.
Actually I like pretty much everything art related.

As for video games, I just started playing Halo Reach and Skyrim.
However so far my favorite is still MineCraft.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby Versilaryan » 02 Jan 2012 01:36

I am a competitive Pokemon card player. Got fourth place at a Regionals last year, out of over a hundred people. =3

I enjoy a good video game once in a while, too. The fact that Skyrim and Skyward Sword came out at the same time has been doing wonders for my free time...
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby randomblockfilms » 02 Jan 2012 12:16

TheSunAndTheRainfall wrote:I love to just walk around and get lost over there; Mexico City is an incredibly interesting and diverse place, and it's freaking immense, so there's always somewhere to go, and something new to see. Right?

Wait you mean THE Mexico City? The one right in the Middle of MEXICO!?!? Not to be mean or racist or anything negative but i dont think mexico city is the best place to roam around in. though ive never been there before so idk. :P

Oh and im also intrested in games, and basically exploring the internet. OH and also sometimes i go urban exploring (urbexing) with my friends through our neighborhoods storm drains. and when i was in 8th grade, i build and made these little robot things with a kit called LEGO MINDSTORMS. they were awesome.

here some of the stuff i built if you are curious to see.

Take my advice with a grain of salt as i too am learning how this music stuff works
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 02 Jan 2012 14:48

randomblockfilms wrote:Wait you mean THE Mexico City? The one right in the Middle of MEXICO!?!? Not to be mean or racist or anything negative but i dont think mexico city is the best place to roam around in. though ive never been there before so idk. :P

Nah, no worries, I get where you're coming from. And well, I guess it depends on the kind of safety you're talking about. It's definitely one of the safest places to be in regards to organized crime, drug cartels and their crap. Everything's sort of more centralized, organized, connected, and just generally under control that it's kind of hard for them to corrupt every authority in here and seize control of the thing, spread their influence to effectively operate in every corner of the place, whereas in smaller places, like my hometown, it's easier for them to do so since it's smaller and sort of less organized. That's not to say there's no cartel activity in Mexico City; it's just very subtle and doesn't have as big an impact as in the rest of the country.

On the other hand, the city is pretty much the hub of petty(ish) crime (at least compared to organized crime) in the country. Muggings, robberies, rapes, isolated/individual murder, those kinds of things happen around here more than everywhere else in the country, and I'd dare say this is directly linked to the degree of control cartels have.

You see, when a cartel seizes a zone, it also eliminates "petty" crime in said zone. It's as if once they claim some territory, they're the only ones who have the right to mess around with it, which means they're the only ones who can abuse its occupants. In a twisted way, they keep the people in their zone safe. As long as nobody interferes with cartel activities, and they comply with their demands, the don't mess with the people.

So to reply to your comment... yeah, generally speaking, it's not safe, but you can definitely improve your chances of avoiding the bad stuff with a bunch of street smarts, starting with not frequenting shady places, always walking along main streets, staying where a lot of people are, not wandering alone if you can help it. Something I'm very bent on avoiding is riding public buses, because pretty much everyone I know has been mugged in a bus. Armed guys just jump in, block the entrances, take as much as they can from everyone, and then just flee.

The sad part is that everyone who lives there has pretty much accepted crime as part of the city. When I first arrived there I joined in a conversation among classmates where everyone shared their mugging stories like they were discussing a book over some tea, and every other week I hear about friends, friend's relatives, or even relatives of mine having something happen to me, and that's the kind of thing that keeps me super jumpy and anxious and always on my toes whenever I go out...

... but I super digress. Holy crap, I didn't expect to write this much. Sorry about the off topic post, guys. Back to the topic at hand...
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby SeanNH94 » 02 Jan 2012 16:09

Holy crap; have you ever run into any trouble, Rainfall? o.O
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby randomblockfilms » 02 Jan 2012 16:26

whoa. thats quite interesting. did know it was that sophisticated. i kind of just though crazy people would just go out and do robberies and stuff. stupid national geographic. Filling my mind up with crazy thoughts about crazy people in Mexico City!!! (and anywhere for that matter)

Take my advice with a grain of salt as i too am learning how this music stuff works
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 02 Jan 2012 17:49

SeanNH94 wrote:Holy crap; have you ever run into any trouble, Rainfall? o.O

Thankfully, I've managed to avoid any trouble in Mexico City so far. It's actually kinda crazy, this one time I was walking towards the subway station with a friend after school, and she had to go somewhere else, so she wasn't coming with me. She invited me to come along with her, and after giving it some thought, I decided not to. Then she took a bus and left. The bus she rode in was mugged and she got all her stuff taken away from her.

I've had friends having to run across bridges at midnight after work to avoid being mugged, I've had my sister have all her things taken from her at gunpoint at school, I've had friends get mugged and beaten along the route I take to and from school every day, or classmates have their cars stolen at the school's parking lots, but I've kept safe so far, by some sort of miracle. Which in turn makes me even more worried that my luck will change real soon. Let's hope not. Fingers crossed. D:

Here in my hometown... well, me and my family have managed to avoid having stuff happen to us, but this one time a bunch of guys came at night in a pickup and dragged some of my neighbors out to the street, and shot them right outside my bedroom window after yelling at them for a while. It was pretty scary, and walking out and seeing the puddles of blood on the street for days after really freaked everyone out. They found the guys' bodies a couple of weeks later in another state.

But you know, these guys didn't get killed just because, from what I gathered from all the yelling they were messing around where they shouldn't have, with people that don't take being messed with very well, so keeping your head down and minding your own business around here still works as a defense tactic. Still, these kinds of things, and seeing bodies hung from bridges every once in a while (well, that hardly happens anymore, but back in the day omg it was so often), and walking every day by newspaper stands in the subway where the newspapers always have pictures of grotesquely disfigured bodies on the front page (and a pair of tits and ass on the last page) really makes me wanna gtfo out of here. :/

randomblockfilms wrote:whoa. thats quite interesting. did know it was that sophisticated. i kind of just though crazy people would just go out and do robberies and stuff. stupid national geographic. Filling my mind up with crazy thoughts about crazy people in Mexico City!!! (and anywhere for that matter)

Actually, I think that still holds true, at least for Mexico City. But only in places of it; there's still many nice places where you can walk around a little more carefree, and have fun without having to worry much about the people around you. You just need to stick to your street smarts and your gut instinct (seriously, if someone or someplace looks shady, listen to your gut and get out of there. You'd be surprised at how often it's right), and you'll be fine. Really, it's an awesome place once you look past all the dangerous stuff.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby MasterOfRegret » 02 Jan 2012 23:11

Well, a lot of my time will be taken up with school for the next long while, it's end of term stuff, and I missed quite a lot recently, but that just the way the crumble cookies.

I used to play a lot of xbox, but I am generally leaning away from that now, I'm not sure why. I got real pro at almost all the games I owned. It's all about strategy.

I liked throwing stuff around in [insert boring DAW here], but now I am trying to learn FL Studio as best I can, with a friend, because that makes it so much more bearable. (And now I only have to figure out half as much stuff) I don't go anywhere without headphones. Even if I have no music.

I love playing guitar, I am self taught, I have trouble using a pick, but when I fingerpick, I am so badass that all the mares are swoonin'. I can read notation and tablature, but I can't read notation and play at the same time. Unless I'm using another instrument.

I also throw stuff into GIMP for quick pics, because my friends computer is fried, otherwise I would have him do it for me, because he is so amazingly awesome at picture editing. (Even though he has no idea what he is doing.) Some stuff is quite High Q.

I also know a tiny bit of C++, and know HTML fairly well. And I have Sony Vegas, but I don't ever need to use it.

I absolutely love parkour/freerunning. Almost as much as music. I climb, jump, and generally run everywhere.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby TheSunAndTheRainfall » 03 Jan 2012 00:53

MasterOfRegret wrote:I absolutely love parkour/freerunning. Almost as much as music. I climb, jump, and generally run everywhere.

Man, that's awesome. There's something really compelling about running everywhere and getting across obstacles using only your body, but I'm not fit enough to do it. :C Oh well.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby MiuMiuChuu » 03 Jan 2012 12:33

Soul Calibur and Resident Evil.

I also collect toys, not a hardcore one though.
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby MasterOfRegret » 03 Jan 2012 17:40

TheSunAndTheRainfall wrote:
MasterOfRegret wrote:I absolutely love parkour/freerunning. Almost as much as music. I climb, jump, and generally run everywhere.

Man, that's awesome. There's something really compelling about running everywhere and getting across obstacles using only your body, but I'm not fit enough to do it. :C Oh well.

Fitness isn't such a big point for it, only if you plan on going pro. It's all a mindset, mostly about getting over fears and getting in touch with your environment. If you want to, go do it! Fit doesn't exist! And you don't have to run everywhere, that's just me. I calm down when I run. (I think it's cuz I make beats and rhythms with my steps)
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby randomblockfilms » 03 Jan 2012 19:37

TheSunAndTheRainfall wrote:Actually, I think that still holds true, at least for Mexico City. But only in places of it; there's still many nice places where you can walk around a little more carefree, and have fun without having to worry much about the people around you. You just need to stick to your street smarts and your gut instinct (seriously, if someone or someplace looks shady, listen to your gut and get out of there. You'd be surprised at how often it's right), and you'll be fine. Really, it's an awesome place once you look past all the dangerous stuff.

im actually quoting the whole thing but i just quoted this part so it was shorter.

anyway wow. thats really insane. compared to where you live, my hometown seems so damn spoiled. nothing really bad happens where i live but when it does, (for example this random shooting that happened in a barber shop) the whole goddamn city goes up in tears and they sell shirts, bumper stickers, and magnets that remember the victims and the money raised goes to the victims families.

crazy world we live in.

Take my advice with a grain of salt as i too am learning how this music stuff works
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Re: What else are all y'all into?

Postby StormWolf » 03 Jan 2012 20:40

K-Pop. Korean popular music, that is. Probably the only other form of music that I like almost as much as pony music. Really diverse range of genres too :D

Also, Legend of Zelda. I love the games so much, and the soundtrack is amazing

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