Alycs wrote:Okay, first of all, the overall feel of the track is pretty good. The instruments seem to go together fairly well (except for maybe the synth you used for the melody, that seemed a little... 'displaced'... I would have used a sawtooth lead personally). Up until 0.33, I loved the beat you had going as well.
After that, it seemed that the piece became a little arrhythmic and atonal. As you were saying that you were aiming for a melody and trying to get away from the atonality, I'm going to focus on that for a little bit. Around 0.35, right after the synth came in, there was a measure that went out of the key signature that had been hinted at in the opening bars.
Maybe instead of trying to just go with it, set up a key you're going to stay in, and then make sure you stay within that range for the most part. Otherwise, it ends up sounding very atonal and disjointed. However, if you want to go for that feel, then there are some more rules you have to follow, one of which is to stick to few key rhythmic themes.
I felt that you had a pretty good introduction theme going around 0.40, but if you're trying to make a piece with a distinctive feel, you might want to add either one or more themes in that line. (One way to do this quickly is take the individual measures and switch them around; so 1-2-3-4 becomes 4-2-3-1) Just giving a few more variations on a theme can do wonders for a piece. (I noticed the variation at 3.00 and loved it, if you could have added something like that earlier, it would have been great)
Next, I thought this piece had an amazing drop around 1.54, but I felt the one at 1.00 was a little lacking, and the bass was really wet. It just needed something extra to make it sound less like "noise" and more like an actual bassline. Maybe adjust the wet-dry on the preset or add a separate instrument.
On whole though, I thought that the song was quite good; it has a few issues, but is defiantly well on its way to a nice piece.
And here's my track. I would love critique and reviews, as I've been teaching myself for almost half a year and would like some input.
LFP wrote:Okay first of all I'd recommend to either use different instances of your song and EQ them individually, or use velocities to get some more prominent notes in there, it's hard to hear at some parts and adding velocities etc would give some more variation, make it more living.
Overall I'd say it's very repetitive, the same kind of melody and sound feels like its repeated over and over again, I can hear that you put in some variation in there, but it simply isn't enough.
I'd advice you to look up on some song structuring, analyze your favorite song 'how is it structured', look up tutorials etc.
Oh and here's mine :3
Dr. Plague wrote:I suppose now I'll ask people to check out a track I actually did put a melody in (or, at least, that should have a melody...).
Except that there wasn't any tracks on the post above mine, so there.v.lossity wrote:@Paspie you forgot to review a track before posting yours
Freewave wrote:being too critical can make you too critical
Alycs wrote:@XANE - Galaxy Remix:
I really liked this piece. As Chrome said, it the fourth chord (sounds maybe like a 7dim?) doesn't quite fit being played twice. Rather than just cutting it out, it actually would have been really nice if (supposing it is a 7dim) you perhaps played one arpeggio and then followed it up with a Perfect 5, this way you can make a faux Dom7-PerfectDom-Tonic Progression. Other than that one gripe, I thought the song was excellent, the pads were nice and full, and you did a good job with filling all the Frequencies.
(Final Note: The bridge's instrumentals could maybe use a different instrument in the back to fill it and distinguish its 'bridgy-ness')
Freewave wrote:being too critical can make you too critical
Nine Volt wrote:Around 1:00 there seems to be a bit of crackling, unless that was intended.
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