Haven't had much time to make anything, so here's a WIP.

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Haven't had much time to make anything, so here's a WIP.

Postby SwissArmyCheese » 18 Sep 2011 12:58

Will edit in words when I can think of some.

I'm tired and can't think, my head hurts, So here's my latest piece of crap (still a work in progress I guess).
I haven't had any to at all time to practice practice, words, so here's just something for you guys to comment on.

Like usual constructive criticism blah blah do it blah be gentle~


Now excuse me as I go and down a bottle of asprin.
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Re: Haven't had much time to make anything, so here's a WIP.

Postby bartekko » 19 Sep 2011 10:27

Lots and Lots of mastering
work on the transitions
Otherwise, NIIIIICE
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Re: Haven't had much time to make anything, so here's a WIP.

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 19 Sep 2011 17:18

I was expecting some kind of fancy rhythmic hi hat stuff, rather than the 'on the beat' one I got...:P

But it sounded pretty good so far, I hope you execute that climax at the end well!
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Re: Haven't had much time to make anything, so here's a WIP.

Postby SwissArmyCheese » 19 Sep 2011 17:36

I was expecting some kind of fancy rhythmic hi hat stuff, rather than the 'on the beat' one I got...

While writing it I just said SCREW IT, FOUR ON THE FLOOR. :x

I do plan on adding in some hi-hat and maybe other snares n etc. I've been using Voodoo's packs, they're awesome but I feel that most of them sound almost the same.


Also, some of the notes in about 3/4 of the way got too low and create a static-y ugly sound. I plan on fixing/re-writing that too. And the climax? I haven't got a damn clue what to do with it. :S
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