Poetry into Song

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Poetry into Song

Postby TaisiKP » 08 Nov 2011 10:56

Some time ago, I wrote a Scootalove poem. Now, I want to change it into a song, if possible. But I'm no good at making it work. (Trust me, I've tried.) Maybe someone here could help?


My heart pours out to you
It’s not your fault is what I want to say
But no matter what I do
It matters not at the end of the day.

I want to hold you in my arms
Cradle you until you stop crying
Keep you from feeling like dying.
Shield you from all hurt and harms

Oh! How I wish you didn’t feel this way
For my soul cries out for you!
Whatever the amount, I will pay
For your heart to mend, my Scootaloo~
Posts: 54
Joined: 04 Nov 2011 09:14

Re: Poetry into Song

Postby VScratch » 10 Nov 2011 03:29

What are you asking for? Someone to write this into a song, or for someone to help you do so yourself?

If it's the latter, I suggest just finding/coming up with a chord progression, and just loop it over and over while singing over it and trying different rhythms until something clicks. If you have an instrument (or even use one of those virtual keyboards) you can try just playing over the chord progression until you hit a melody you feel fits and then APPLY LYRICS.

If it's the former, I have a ton of spare time coming up next week so I'd be willing to help out if you tell me what kind of feel you want for it.
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Re: Poetry into Song

Postby TaisiKP » 12 Nov 2011 10:31

The former. I can't do it myself even with help.

The feel should be like a love song. (If more lyrics are needed for that, I have no problem coming up with more.) A little pop to keep it going, but the feel of a love song.
Posts: 54
Joined: 04 Nov 2011 09:14

Re: Poetry into Song

Postby Darktrot » 12 Nov 2011 10:40

Ill Do it. Send me the VOX and i can see what I can do!
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Joined: 10 Oct 2011 18:15
Location: Brighton, ON

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