At this point I have moved this to events section and will open this up for anyone who thinks they've be a good fit or interested in the project. As before I'm also scouting for people i know would be good fits and have several volunteers already (Morte McAdaver, Johnny Mare, SylverLining, AdanteSkie, Evdog, AdamTh3Walker, Julian Moon, LoreRD, Warbalist, and Jokeblue). As always looking for more vocalists and musicians to assist in tackling the wider catalog.
So Team Maressey has assembled and is going really strong. Have a group of talented vocalists, guitarist, and musicians involved. Getting closer to having some output coming out soon and many songs signed up for and underway.
Wow! This is awesome! I made some lyrics to "How Soon Is Now" 2 years ago about Luna and her banishment. Its a shame I found this forum and posted waaaaaaay too late. Cant wait for this project to be completed though!
Yeah we should likely start getting out first tracks out soon and then likely on a weekly basis for most of the year. How Soon is Now is one of the first tracks that might be completed as three of us have been working on different sections and i think they're coming along. Tarby will actually have a very different version of How Soon is Now? (more industrial) that he's been working on his own before this and will be out at some point too. Stay tuned, it should be a fun rest of the year. :)
Well we've officially kicked off the first song this week. Plan was to do weekly tracks and i do have the next 2 hopefully ready to go if i can get my pc back on its feet (its hd drive died last night). Hopefully didn't lose any of the project data if it backed up ok. Will see what life tosses me. Hopefully just a small setback.
Indeed. We appear right on schedule at this point. Those people that have put together vocals (Evdog, SilverLining, Faux Synder, Morte) have given us a bit of slack for me to mix it all together well. I know Julian Moon is working on 3 vocals, Andante Skie mostly has Panic ready to go, Jokeblue has a great instrumental, and Warbalist is past the halfway mark. Having my pc and its sound libraries all back up yesterday after wednesday's complete crash was a positive spin on some bad luck.
So here's Maressey track #2 luckily on time. Zatslol returns and Andante Skie helped as well. One of the Smith's signature tracks.
So new Maressey track out, this one far peppier and a bit more stripped down (only 1 of everything; gtr,drums,bass):
Braeburn is transporting a cart of apples to Canterlot as his wagon breaks down. And who should come to his rescue? But a particularly charming white mare in a wagon on her way back to Ponyville. This is Maressey's third track and a tribute to our beloved Rarity and the chance meeting between the element of generosity and our rustic stable boy.
Vocals for this track are by the amazing Morte McAdaver who helped come up with the Maressey project a good 2 years ago and he returned to help see it come to fruition.
All the rest of the instruments are done by Johnny Mare who helped truly launch this project too by working on the instrumentals for 10 of our songs. He's a long time Smiths fan and not even a brony.. A huge thanks to his generosity in making this project happen.
And I did the mixing, mastering, and organizing of this project. Like any track each one brings up little different things to juggle so all the elements work in tandem together. Been learning quite a lot more about production then when i started.
If you like it let us (and maybe EQD) know. :D Cheers!!
In the middle of the night Luna is attacked by an evil force and found in a coma. Celestia is overcome with a wave of emotions from the past regarding her fallen sister, both positive and negative. One thing is for certain, it’s serious…… (no not really). This is the fourth track from the Maressey project, a ponified cover of The Smiths classic, and sung from Celestia’s pov.
Vocals for this track are by the amazing Faux Synder. She is an amazing talent with a golden voice and she was absolutely wonderful to work with. She really brought a much more emotional tone to the track which I truly appreciate. Her youtube is at ... zF7UGMwttw
All the rest of the instruments are done by Johnny Mare who helped truly launch this project too by working on the instrumentals for 10 of our songs. He’s a long time Smiths fan, a guitarist, and not even a brony.. A huge thanks to his generosity in making this project happen.
This is the first track of a several song Flutterdash ship arc. Taking place during the Hurricane Fluttershy episode, this is from Dash's pov (Evdog) as she expresses not just her need for her help but also for something much more. Every relationship starts with a spark but it only truly begins with a question and a reply of "yes". This is the fifth track from the Maressey project, a ponified cover of The Smiths classic "Ask".
Vocals for this track are by the amazing Evdog. I've collaborated with him on more tracks than anyone and he put forth a great vocal for this project. Thanks so much for him helping me out yet again. His ytube
Backup vocals are by the wonderful Starbreeis. She is an amazing new talent with an amazing vocal range and she was absolutely a joy to work with. She really added something special to this track and I'm very much looking forward to seeing her on additional Maressey tracks in the future and doing some lead vocal work hopefully. Her youtube is at
All the rest of the instruments are done by Johnny Mare who helped truly launch this project too by working on the instrumentals for 10 of our songs. He's a long time Smiths fan, a guitarist, and not even a brony.. A huge thanks to his generosity in making this project happen.
Fire Frets (aka I.Devine) is new to the project and helped master this track and will be helping on some additional track production and guitar work in the future. Really glad to have on some additional support in completing and starting new tracks, His channel ... apdLdJ70HA
Besides a visit from Maude I'm not sure I've sure we will see any traces of Pinkie's family and if it's miserable as she indicated she's likely not going back home. This is a song about missing and yet continuing to avoid a painful childhood past. It's also a Smiths classic b-side.
This is Zatslol's third vocal appearance for us and he did the right panned guitar. Both of these guitar sessions were done in one take. As you know he is awesome and its a pleasure to have him as part of this project.
Coco Pommel has a passion for fashion but her time in Manehattan has been anything but what she dreamed it would be. Long hours of making dresses from other's patterns, an abusive boss, and no one around to look out for her, is there any reason she shouldn't be a bit sad in the big city? This is also a ponifed cover of The Smiths classic track.
This is Zatslol's fourth vocal appearance for us and he did all the guitars, bass, and drums for this track. As you know he is awesome and its a pleasure to have him as part of this project and I'm glad he's now enjoying himself at college for his first year. A big thanks to all the work he's done
Though I'd export some of my excel doc over to here, so here's the songs organized by theme:
Panic (Hang the Dubstep Dj) Applejack The Death of a Drunken Dancer (Berry Punch's Song) Berry Punch Braeburn It Was Really Nothing (the Braemac song) Big Mac1 Pretty Mares Make Graves (CheeriMac) Big Mac2 Ponyville Ruffians (The Last Night of the Fair) Big Mac3 How Soon is Now? (tale of a shy brony) Brony Lonelines Is It Really so Strange? (Bad Bronycon Summer) Brony Theme Frankly Mr. Shankley (Becoming Popular) Brony Musician Success I Want The One I Can't Have (The R34 Song) Brony Rule 34 You Just Haven't Earned it Yet, Brony Brony Failure Hand in Glove (The Cosplay Song) LunaJax? Brony Cosplay There is a Light That Never Goes Out (The End) Brony The End The Queen (Chrysalis) is Dead Changeling 1 Nowhere Fast (Pete the Morbid Changeling'sTrack) Changeling 2 A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours (Changeling) Changeling 3 You Handsome Devil (Cloudkicker's Song) * Cloudkicker Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now (Coco Pommel's Song) * Coco Pommel Unloveable (Derpy's Song) Derpy Chaos Lovers of the World (The Villains Song) Discord What Difference Does It Make? (Fluttercord) Fluttercord Ask (The Flutterdash song) Flutterdash1 Last Night I Dreamt That Somepony Loved Me Flutterdash2 Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before (Dashie's Song) Flutterdash3 Still Ill (Dash's Song) Flutterdash4 These Things Take Time (Scootadash) Flutterdash5 Half a Pegasus (The Scootadash Song) * Flutterdash6 That Joke Isn't Funny Anymore (Flutterpie Song) * Flutterpie The Headmaster Ritual (The Flutter Abuse Song) * Fluttershy Unhappy Birthday (Golden Tiara) Golden Tiara,Applebloom Luna in a Coma (Celestia's Song) Lunestia Bon Bon Take a Bow LyraBon This Night Has Opened My Eyes (Maud's Song) Maud Pie / Pinkie Back to the Old House Pinkie Pie Some Mares are Bigger than Others (Plus Size) Plus Size Ponies Oscillate Wildly (intermission) Project The Mare With The Thorn In Her Side (The Rarijack Song) Rarijack1 Manehattan (Rarity's Song) Rarijack2 I Know It's Over (Rarity's Song) Rarijack3 This Charming Mare (Rarity's Song) Rarity / Bareburn I Won't Share You (Spike's Song) SpikeRarity Colt Afraid (The SweetieMash song) SweetieMash Bigmouth Strikes Again (Trixie's Song) Trixie1 You've Got Everything Now (Trixie's Song) * Trixie2 Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want Twilight Well I Wonder (TwiLuna Song) Twiluna1 Stretch Out and Wait (Twiluna Song) * Twiluna2 Reel Around the Fountain (Twiluna) Twiluna3 Asleep (TwiLuna Song) ** Twiluna4 Meat is Murder (The Vegan Song) Vegetarianism
Agents of Discord helped interview me about the project and asked what it is and why we’re doing it. I hope you take the time to listen because it’s a lot of work, something I’m very passionate about, and different then what I think people are used to seeing (and hearing).”
There will be a part 2 with song teasers and talking about each of the great musicians who are all taking part. I’ll try to get that up in a week or two.
This is basically a brony theme song for dealing with haters and trolls while enjoying what we love (MLP). We may encounter adversity but you don't have to let it dampen your spirit or your enthusiasm. It follows a brony who travels all across the country attending brony conventions. It's also a ponified cover of The Smiths classic.
Gotta have a Trixie song. Trixie visits Ponyville again and just like last time her lack of tact to her fellow unicorn kin creates a new wave of problems. Feel sympathy for Trixie as she's cursed with being a bigmouth and well aware of it. This song is also a ponified cover of The Smiths classic.
Well another delay while i juggle personal life (and kids out of school) and getting some ALMOST DONE tracks nearly completed. Hopefully can get back on the horse soon.
I'm still looking for a few final vocalists for the Maressey Project. We've got 4 albums worth of songs mapped out and with 19 musicians involved some of those songs are finished and most of the rest are on their way.
I have info about the remaining songs still unclaimed over here. Those included the theme, lyrics, and what the Smiths original track sounds like to aid in if they are a good fit for you. These are indie / alternative rock, many of the last remaining have a mature theme, and looking for both male and female musicians. Let me know if you are interested via a pm here or on skype.
I haven't been updating this thread much have I? Here's the last 2 songs we've released. A little more rocking style of The Smiths. Thanks to Johnny Mare, Andante Skie, and SylverLining for assistance.
Continuing the story from "This Charming Mare"; A rescued Braeburn is escorted back to Appleloosa after his wagon cart is damaged. Sparks ignite with Big Mac and the stallion while taking shelter in a barn during a sudden rainstorm. Afterwards he's conflicted about his own sexuality after the unplanned encounter. Mac assures him not to fret and to make his own choices for his future. This track is part of one of the four albums planned that primarily tells the story of Rarijack (and the characters who are also a part of that same storyline). It's also originally a Smiths classic track.
As Braeburn and Big Mac head back to Appleloosa, Rarity and Applejack continue to squabble at the Apple ranch. Underneath their years of conflict lies a hidden longing that boils to the surface. Rarity is the first to let her feelings be known and Applejack soon reveals they are mutual. What they must soon deal with are the repercussions; will their families and friends understand their choice when the former antagonists become lovers? This is another song/chapter from the upcoming Rarijack album. It's also originally a Smiths classic track.
This is the second Jeff Burgess vocal track. It's also the true kickoff of the upcoming Rarijack album. Later songs will document that relationship like fimfic chapters. Other tangent characters to be included will include Big Mac's 2 songs and Sweetie Belle too.
Little something i did in my free time in photoshop. i know you guys already have this cover ponified, but this is no ordinary LP, it is my own one. hehehe