Games that did not meet expectations

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Games that did not meet expectations

Postby itroitnyah » 08 Feb 2014 08:46

This is a thread where you can talk about games you've played that weren't as good as they were made out to be, or just any game in general that isn't all that good, or didn't meet expectations. Be sure to also explain why :3

I'm in the middle of the first one. It's fine in the beginning, but eventually it just turns into a "go do this" type of quest game. I suppose if I read the quest logs then the game would make more sense, but for now the game is pretty boring to play

Bioshock 2
It has the same problem as Borderlands, but playing in the perspective of the Big Daddy is really cool.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 08 Feb 2014 10:38

Get ready for a slightly long list of stuff.


It was hyped up to be this really fun shooter, but what i got was a mess of dick jokes, poorly conceived gameplay gimmicks (seriously...looking at something to get points?), boring BORING characters and a storyline barely worth listening to. It lost my interest pretty fast. Credit where it's due though, it doesn't exactly hold your hand, it's difficult. Unlike certain other first person shooter games that are all about manly men who do many manly things that men do (all of which involve varying amounts of guns, vehicles, explosions and busty uninteresting bad ass women with penis envy).



Now imagine that, but with bad AI that almost never covers you when you need it, will never carry out an objective for you, will ALWAYS go after command posts that don't particularly even help, and then die in the process and a storyline you want to get into, but can't because it's completely rushed and lacks polish. Bulletstorm was at least a full and finished game when I bought it. And you know what's worse? I got it when new games were $110 each. If I spent maybe $50 on it I wouldn't be anywhere near as annoyed about owning the effin thing.

Duke Nukem Forever

I never saw more than 3 enemies onscreen EVER. Not even joking, I think the developers were scared of overloading the game by having more than 3 NPC's onscreen. There's also plastic-looking graphics, bad internet references, awful gameplay, the most blatant, and at times during one particular level, disturbing sexism I have ever seen in a game period and this is coming from someone who can put up with a fair bit of offensive humor and the single most unlikable protagonist I've ever had to play as. Duke.

I also wasted a hundred bucks on this. I cannot fathom why I got to the final level of this game.

Dead Rising: Off The Record.

This game wasn't bad. But it was disappointing for a few reasons. Like, why did they have everything play out in almost the exact same way but with Frank West instead of Chuck Greene? Why don't we get more of an impression that Frank has more experience in fighting Zombies? He feels like you're just reskinned Chuck. To be honest, you kind of are.

However, this one is only disappointing if you've played Dead Rising 2 and you know how that game goes. But it kinda felt like Capcom was phoning it in on this one.

Legend Of Spyro: A New Beginning

Spyro is a purple dragon who can't quite fly, breaths fire, gets powerups, crusades for good because he just gets caught in those situations for some reason and has a sparkly dragonfly friend. That's pretty much all the first 3 games told us and as far as I'm concerned, that's all we needed to know. Trying to deepen or elaborate on his backstory doesn't end well in most cases, because Spyro was never meant to be complicated or even taken all that seriously. And this one didn't prove any different, I lost interest pretty fast. From what I remember, the controls were like steering a lead brick and the combat was finicky and generally annoying to go through. Plus I didn't like Sparx's voice very much.

Although I am honestly much more annoyed with Skylanders. Seriously, why would I buy a new figure every time I wanna get a new character? I'd say they must think we really are that stupid, but obviously some of us are.

Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier

"Jak, you can't use your dark eco powers!"
"I know. Something's different."

10/10. Masterful dialogue. This was a game that didn't really need to exist. At all. The first 3 Jak and Daxter games rounded off the story well enough that I would not have even been slightly bothered if it was never touched again. But then this came along and generally kinda fell flat. It wasn't awful by any means, the gameplay was fine, and aerial battles were pretty fun, but it kind of just felt like a bad knock off of the original games. Which isn't that surprising seeing as Naughty Dog wasn't involved in the development.

I could mention some others, but my list is already kinda long and anything else would be down to pretty arbitrary reasons such as "I don't like RTS games."

Also it's late and I gotta head outta town for a few days, so sleep is probably a good idea.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby Berri » 08 Feb 2014 14:43

do i need to say anything else?
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby Facade » 09 Feb 2014 15:32

strike vector

have more then 50 ping and this game is unplayable
did i mention its multiplayer only? ... o-the-dark
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby caprix snare » 27 Jul 2014 10:18

microvolts: all of them
space pirates from mars.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby ExoBassTix » 27 Jul 2014 15:11

Myst V: End of Ages.

The first Myst came out 1993, Myst V 2005. It's the final volume of the series. And it's the only volume I personally find ugly and vague as all hell (I mean, all games are vague, but this is vague in a way that you can't work with it without reading a walkthrough and still get problems with getting through it).
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby Ricky Denzel » 28 Jul 2014 18:50

Jak X: I just wasn't amused
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby caprix snare » 13 Sep 2014 17:46

watch dogs o_o
space pirates from mars.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby itroitnyah » 13 Sep 2014 21:54

I've heard a lot of nightmares about that game. Broken abilities that are essentially useless, broken graphics, poor driver support for AMD...
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 24 Sep 2014 22:27

So I only recently finished Far Cry 3, and it was seriously a really good game and all but the story felt a little out of order and kind of let me down towards the end. Basically...

Spoiler stuff about FC3:
I think Hoyt should have died before Vaas did. It seems that after making such a spectacle of Vaas's death, walking around with knives and talking smack at Hoyt just didn't feel like it was heading towards a conclusion. To me the game would probably have a tighter narrative if Hoyt was killed first with the whole Riley rescue going on, Vaas assumes Hoyt's role and now has his Pirates and Hoyt's Privateers under his command, Citra does her thing where you have to choose and in the end you go after Vaas either on your own because you have to because he's hunting you down and making it impossible for you to leave or with the rakyat because you want to. It kinda just feels like they wasted Vaas so badly, because I freakin loved every appearance he made in the game, I feel like a villain that good deserves a little more of a lead up and event when it comes to his defeat.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby eery » 25 Sep 2014 10:37

Ricky Denzel wrote:Jak X: I just wasn't amused

DUUUUDE, I played the SHIT out of that game! it was awesome!

Like what were you expecting, another jak 3?
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 25 Sep 2014 22:33

eery wrote:
Ricky Denzel wrote:Jak X: I just wasn't amused

DUUUUDE, I played the SHIT out of that game! it was awesome!

Like what were you expecting, another jak 3?

I kind of agree with eery. It's not the best Jak game in my opinion but as a combat racer it's pretty fun. Storyline was also decent enough but I played it just because it was fun.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby ph00tbag » 29 Sep 2014 22:19

Metroid: Other M
I've been an avid fan of the Metroid Series since Prime, and consider Super Metroid to be one of, if not the best game of all time, given the depth and precision of the design between its intended path, but also the malleability of the game in adapting to whatever path the player takes. Fusion and Zero Mission demonstrated that games can even be designed with multiple completion paths in mind. The art style is creepy and detailed, and the music is brooding and evocative. The enemy design is inspired. I even considered Samus Aran to be one of the most inspiring characters in video games. I consider the core Metroid Series up until Other M to be some of the highest quality games Nintendo has put out. Even Metroid, Return of Samus, and Corruption, which I consider to be the weakest games, have their own charms, and certainly broke molds of their own. Needless to say, these games left me with exceptionally high expectations for Other M.

To say Other M did not meet those expectations would be an understatement. The gameplay was linear, and actively prevented the player from exploring beyond the nearest couple rooms until the game was already over. To the point of creating a glitch that would actually cause the player to be unable to advance further, forcing them to restart from the beginning. This system was in place, because no thought had been given to preventing backtracking through clever map design. Further, combat was largely disintegrated from what little exploration was actually there, and was totally mindless in and of itself. The majority of the environments were boring, visually, virtually none of the music was at all memorable if it wasn't based on original Metroid music, and there was one boss fight that was literally repeated six times. To add insult to injury, Samus's characterization, gender politics aside, made me sick to my stomach--I had trouble believing this was the same Samus.

If Nintendo had taken the Metroid name off this game, and just called it "random space shooter 1149," I suppose I could have let it slide. It wasn't a truly terrible game, all in all, but with the Metroid title, it was one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

Super Smash Brothers Brawl for the Nintendo Wii
I've been an aficionado of the Smash games for some time. Smash has been the basis for many of my closest friendships, and at the center of that was Super Smash Brothers Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube. All in all, mechanically, Melee was not perfect. L-canceling is a technique with no inherent metagame merit, crouch canceling is just all around terrible design, ledge mechanics are far too safe for the onstage party, and smash DI totally invalidates several multi-hit moves. However, most of the other mechanics are still more than sufficient to make Melee, in my mind, one of the most well-designed fighting games out there. It truly is a game that still surprises me.

Brawl certainly resolved some of the problems Melee had, but by and large, it created so many more. I needn't belabor why tripping felt like a punch in the gut, me being a connoisseur of Melee as a competitive game. Beyond that, most mechanics seemed specifically designed to punish the player for landing hits. Knockback staling, automatic sweetspots, cancelable hitstun... it's even been shown that Brawl lowered knockback growth across the board for characters coming from Melee. The game seems to have been made to be as boring and unrewarding to play as possible. This on top of Sakurai's constant passive aggressive mocking of the Smash community made me, and many of my friends, feel deeply betrayed. To have a mess like this come out after Melee had shown to be such a deep and interesting fighting game was a huge disappointment.

I can't really say, though, that Smash 3DS hasn't met expectations, because thanks to Brawl, I currently have none.

Watch Dogs
Grand Theft Auto with smartphones. *sigh*
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby DJ-G6PON3 » 30 Sep 2014 07:14 don't know...Any Tony Hawk game. Especially Proving Ground. Don't get me wrong, it's fun to bust huge 500,000 point combos but when you play by yourself, why bother? Online is so damn laggy it's not even funny. I only have the game so I can get the achievements and move on with my life.
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Re: Games that did not meet expectations

Postby itroitnyah » 30 Sep 2014 07:25

I'm hoping that Warlords of Draenor doesn't end up on this list for me, lol. I just pre-ordered it, super excited for it to release.
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