A question regarding music aliases

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A question regarding music aliases

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 21 Aug 2014 07:37

so I figure this is worth talking about because I wanna know if this has happened with anyone else.

Have you ever had your music alias be a problem? Recently, I was finding myself stuck in a corner, so I figured that maybe it'd be a good idea to go on a hiatus from Mr. Bigglesworth and Tony and try doing something without even thinking about which alias I'd release it under, and maybe even ditching those in exchange for something a little more 'me'. So when I did this I actually started getting more creative and went out of my comfort zone more often, and now I have a lot of new WIP's that I'm really excited for, all because decided to get my head out of the whole 'who will I release this as?' trap.

So has anyone else found aliases to be an issue like this?
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby itroitnyah » 21 Aug 2014 07:49

Two aliases for the same music? That seems a bit strange, normally people have multiple aliases for if they do to styles of music, such as dance music and another alias for [insert wildly different music style here] or something.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 21 Aug 2014 08:10

I did do different stuff for each one, but that wasn't the question
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby eery » 21 Aug 2014 12:00

I dunno, I have a second alias, but the idea behind it is to make like hype dancy music, then just make pretty much whatever, more chill stuff under eery. The distinction is pretty big between what Id make for the two names, so I cant admit to it being an issue. Besides, it also depends a lot on your fans or whatever. If you honestly believe enough people listen to your music to the point where it might alienate some of them going in a different direction, then I get that. But for most people, we´re still learning, still exploring the direction we want to take our music, and mostly doing it for ourselves, and giving it out is just to be like "I made this, whatcha think" pretty much.

I mean, youve really got no obligations to anybody, and changing the name doesnt inherently change your sound.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby FLAOFEI » 21 Aug 2014 14:28

I change my sound alot from track to track, and I only have one alias. I have though caught myself being out of ideas thinking 'what would Flao do'. It didn't help much :/

I figure it's better to be yourself when making the track, and if that doesn't work you take a break and wait for creativity to happen.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby ph00tbag » 31 Aug 2014 15:55

I've used a number of aliases for random stuff I've made, but never really released, and usually this results from just making something that just popped out, and then making up an alias to put on it afterwards.

I really only have defined boundaries on two aliases, and the others are throwaways.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby DJ-G6PON3 » 01 Sep 2014 10:53

I believe I used the alias G6MERPON3/G6M3RPON3 when I started off but I stopped using that alias. Now-a-days I just use this alias. I might use another one when I start rapping and making Metal music.
EDIT: My rapping name is MC DAY. That is all. I will not use any specific name for my metal persona wxcept probably my own middle name...maybe.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby Yelling At Cats » 09 Sep 2014 18:09

I got my name from some stupid joke 3 years ago so yeah I'd consider that problematic.

Instead of forcing a name through I'd just rather have it come to me this time.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby Pulse Wave » 14 Sep 2014 14:32

I don't think I'll go the one-alias-one-genre way. It'd be highly impractical with all the different styles of music I'm thinking of...
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby Triple_B » 15 Oct 2014 19:14

Mr. Bigglesworth wrote:so I figure this is worth talking about because I wanna know if this has happened with anyone else.

Have you ever had your music alias be a problem? Recently, I was finding myself stuck in a corner, so I figured that maybe it'd be a good idea to go on a hiatus from Mr. Bigglesworth and Tony and try doing something without even thinking about which alias I'd release it under, and maybe even ditching those in exchange for something a little more 'me'. So when I did this I actually started getting more creative and went out of my comfort zone more often, and now I have a lot of new WIP's that I'm really excited for, all because decided to get my head out of the whole 'who will I release this as?' trap.

So has anyone else found aliases to be an issue like this?

Multiple aliases, I've seen and experienced, can be very, very tedious, and interfere with the creative process. Now, if I were signed with a contract to a label, that they wanted so many Electro House tracks before I was finished, then maybe I'd consider a second alias to release my Hardcore Swing Polkastep under, you know? Though, I find I tend not to stay in one genre area for too awfully long, so I just release everything under the same alias; it is, after all, all my own creative product.

I don't know. I get a feel for a person through the music they make, and I feel like splitting your music into genre barriers and separate aliases prevents listeners from listening to what your heart has to say.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby Coloriot » 16 Oct 2014 07:19

If I had an alias for every genre I've made, I'd probably have 10+ aliases.

Also, I'm starting to dislike the name of Coloriot. It feels kinda stupid. But I don't know how to undergo a name change without much chaos and disorganization. Guess I'll just stick with it for now. Besides, nobody's really called me out for Coloriot being a stupid name.

Plus my music isn't very 'rioty' so...yeah.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby ExoBassTix » 17 Oct 2014 02:03

I have three aliases spread out over 1) energetic, dancey and eclectic music, 2) hard, dark, noisy and aggressive music, and 3) calm, deep and meditative music. This is to give my listener a chance to not have to listen to a side they just don't like.

I did realize, thanks to my uncle who's having problems with this at the moment, that when you want to register your aliases officially ... You'll pay more if you have more to register. Plus all the work that's attached to it. So that's one thing to consider.
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Re: A question regarding music aliases

Postby HoztileManikyn » 05 Nov 2014 11:25

Well, if you're on the road of full on changing your name, you can do what i did, write a bunch of names you like down, then put them in a hat, and let chance decide.

As for aliases, personally, i just use abbreviations of HoztileManikyn, for house, it's Hoztil, for dubstep, Manikyn,
for the rare occasion that i rap or sing, Hozkyn.

Just do whatever you feel is appropriate, and it'll all work out in the end.

Name changes can be difficult, and the new name will take some getting used to, just give it time.
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