I've always had a weird relationship with music i really didn't get INTO music until the end of high school and then it was going to nightclubs and discovering retro new wave, industrial, and edm in college an after that it really consumed my life. I worked at a used cd store for awhile, began dj'ing at home (eventually in a few clubs), and collected music (mostly hitting other used cd shops). When the napster revolution hit it allowed me to get even more varied music, i started blogging, got into
live concert trading for a few years, and then making a lot of lists based on my music
So I guess I started MAKING music because its one of the things i hadn't tried yet with music, it was possible to do cool new things, it felt more involved then just listening to it, and it quickly became something i could do that was creative and time consuming. I made a plethera of music as
thescientist for about a year and none of it was especially good because my production skills were rather non-existent but a few people really thought they were different and good in their own way at the time. Like most people you feel glad you attempted this older material even if you cringe at the quality of former work.
But i liked making music based around genres, concepts, techniques, and themes and MLP really inspired me to feel even more inspired, optimistic, and be part of a bigger community. It was really amazing seeing what other people were doing in their free time. It taught me how to make better music, have it listened by a larger audience, and be part of something larger then before. So I've been doing that for over 2 years while changing up the genres and styles from track to track, like i did before, and trying to do things for the community like bmd+fimm. I guess I'm going to keep doing it until i truly run out of juice, i no longer recognize the community, or real life makes it imperative that i stop or seriously lower my involvement.