Vocalist Recruitment Thread

Do you have a project proposal that should involve music? Looking for collaborations? See if the community would like to help you.
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Re: Vocalist Recruitment Thread

Postby TheRip » 07 Feb 2015 18:22

Hey guys!!

obviously, I'm looking for vocalists. I myself am a guitarist, but i also do bass and stuff...
what I want to say before going too specific: The projects I want to do are Covers of certain fandom songs. I want to cover those songs since i think those are especially outstanding, and to some point, i want to say thank you to the artist through that. Also I like to give them my own spin...

anyways, what I need: a couple cleanly and well recorded vocal tracks, so pls dont record through your headset mic...
also, i will do complete covers, from scratch, so artistic creativity is encouraged! (this also includes key changes, if you arent comfortable with the key of the song!!!)

and now, finally, my list of songs, some of them i already have recorded a basic instrumental, some of them not:
-Tarby - Only Time Will Tell
-Equestria Dude - Want the Night
-Silent Night - Paradise
-Silent Night - Dear Sister Moon
-Vaceslav - When evil tries to blot out the sun

One last addition: I am not the fastest one myself...so no rush here. This is for the fun, not for money.

And here another special thing:
Tarby once said that his song "We Are The End" screams for vocals. well, I have an Instrumental cover in the making, so if any of you'd like to work on that, here's your chance!!

If you are interested, hit me up here:
or here: [email protected]
or here at the forum.

Sorry for the long post. It's my first one ;)
Posts: 1
Joined: 19 Jan 2015 01:41
OS: Win8.1 :(
Primary: Reaper
Cutie Mark: [Bass]Guitar


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