My Mixtape

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My Mixtape

Postby Nymira » 03 May 2016 12:56

I've been working on this for some time now. It's a collection of tracks I've uploaded and a little extra. I hope you enjoy. I have to give credit where credit is well due. The 3rd track on this Mixtape is a favorite of mine titled "TheDumplingz - Guiltshy Ft. Blaze" I included it in here for what it made me feel. This Mixtape is dedicated to my best friend. We have had ups and downs but in the end it always works out. So this is for her. Hopefully through my music she will truly understand. I didn't want to make this at all for my album is my prized possession but it felt right. I will be making physical copies for both this and my album real soon. The time for that is surely looming. Until then enjoy this. Now with this and my album I will take a break from producing and focus on promoting. Thank you all!
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