Makkon wrote:Callenby: Of all the presets that I've gone through, this one has all the elements I was looking for, mostly everything that it shares in common with the old theme in terms of functionality. The "layout" is nearly identical to the old, few things have been moved around. I don't know how that can be less intuitive than the barebones XAND preset we had earlier. These color scheme is light blue and magenta, exactly like before, with the addition of cool grey to tone down the overall brightness and make it less jarring. I'm sorry that it doesn't jive with you, I did say it's temp and that we are going to tweak things as time goes on. I made the backgrounds and logo myself
Okay okay, I wasn't attacking anything. I did say that it was only my immediate feedback.
For me, the avatars are still laid out on the right and the color scheme is most certainly not exactly like before. Everything is white, black, or gray.