LFP wrote:So what's happening for everyone else in their lives?
well. I might take this opportunity to talk about the development of my life as of late. Nothing is particularly interesting, but why not?
Also, yea. I'm going to be talking about religion a bit. I don't normally mention it, it's not going to be mentioned for the sake of discussion, it's just a part of the story. If you don't like it, sorry I guess.
But that's life, you'll always find someone who wants to talk about religion.
I am not going to rub it in your face, I am not claiming to be a better person than anyone. I just want to reiterate that I am talking about it because it is part of what I have to say.
I just came back from being a cabin leader from a Bible Camp for a week, and boy it was tiring.
My mother went there too, but more on that later.
I was the leader of a cabin of 5 high school young men who had come to the camp. They were not trouble makers per say, but they certainly liked messing around. 1 of them was a bit more on the socially awkward side than the rest, and wasn't really in their "in-group" so he mostly just kind of did his own thing and hung out with people from other cabins, staff, etc.
The church that I came with brought nearly 70 people to the camp, which was about 30-40ish percent of the entire camp. Of that, about 30 of my church was guys. All of them are high school aged.High school camp.
Some of the people who came have some pretty messed up backgrounds. Abusive parents, gang history, cutting, drug use, sexual abuse, etc. And there were also people who had some seemingly normal and not so messed up lives. But even they had their own problems and insecurities.
I wasn't able to get every person in my cabin to have a 1-on-1 chat with me, but of the people I was able to chat with, I was able to get them to open up and tell me about their lives at home.
One kid has a mother and father who both work full time. They come home tired and are generally just not emotionally ready to tackle the stress of both a job and taking care of their family. The father is quick to anger, and the mother is too. The mother likes to embarrass the kid to everyone she knows whenever he gets into trouble. Telling friends, family, etc. An example: The kid got in trouble at school. About a week later the kid meets some extended family for the first time and his mom has him tell them all what he did to get in trouble at school to shame him. And now, those family members who barely know him don't have a great first impression of him.
There is another kid who just hangs out with the wrong crowd and is afraid to live his life the way he really wants to live it because all his friends don't act that way. He worries about what other people think of him. He is really invested in sports and doesn't have the time to focus on what he really wants to focus on.
I hope I was able to talk them through their problems a bit. But at the same time, having been in their positions (high school camper, young, etc), I know that I always fell back in the line of having the same problems and not really getting them resolved. I know that they seed was planted in their heads of ways to improve their situations. I saw the gears going in their heads, but once they go back to real life and get rid of the "camp high" of being away from all the problems for a week, they are very likely just to go back to how they were. It will take a few years for them to really mature and take a hold of what we were saying.
I was able to get some things out of the camp experience this year too, even as a leader.
I realized just how much time I spend on social media and messing around rather than actually doing what I really want myself.
I practically let go of making music lately. I want to get back to it, being productive and gain the knowledge that I should have gained if I had continued working on music.
I have plans to release the works I have held back as a small album for free. Then I want to work on a new project. I will be covering Christian music and will try working with people around me for singing.
I have my website that I want to start writing blogs in. I want to have a "real-talk" section for my thoughts and what I am going through. I'll have a section for music, and a section for game reviews and discussion.
I moved out almost a year ago, and I think I am generally a happier person because of that.
I think moving out has really changed me as a person.
I used to enjoy things like MLP while living with my parents maybe as a crutch or an escape from reality almost. I wasn't really happy while at home. I had a hard time with my parents which is what I really didn't like.
But now that I am away, and the biggest stress source of my early life is gone, I no longer need the crutch. I have abandoned my liking for MLP, and maybe that might be a reason for why I have not been making music as much either. I used music as an escape too.
But, I am enjoying life and just hanging out with people and really have a level head and good straight forward thinking on life and my emotions. For the most part.
It took me a long time to get over the feelings of anger, and frustration towards my parents. I was very bitter for many months after leaving. I would think about comebacks and retorts to arguments and wrong doings to me that had long past. I would just get riled up about my own thinking and that was really unhealthy.
Time really helped me get over it. It's all in the past now, and it's all a problems from the past that I have now gotten over.
So, the relationship with my parents now is a bit different than when I left. It's still not perfect, but its considerably better. My dad and I are cool. My mom still does things occasionally or says things that annoys me, but I don't even sweat it.
So, back to the point I made about my mother being at camp.
While at camp, I was wearing a pair of blue jeans. Because I had lost a bit of weight in the last couple months, the jeans were not quite as snug on me as they used to be. So, they kind of were loose enough that I would pull them up every once in a while. Not sagging enough that I looked like a hood-gangster trashy dude. It was enough to show the top of my underwear every once in a while if my shirt was lifted up. Really like not an issue that I would worry about it in any context. Well, except for being at a Bible Camp. So, I changed into a pair of shorts that fit me better after I realized that I probably should have been wearing a belt. Later in the day, my mom had decided to scold me about the pants saying its offensive and not right. (I wonder if she put the gears together that I had already switched into shorts after seeing the potential for an issue.)
I mean, she was right. Don't get me wrong, she was.
But, the way she delivers her message is just wrong.
Instead of chatting with me like the adult I am, she thinks the needs to shame me.
I let it slide, didn't say anything against her.
If she disagrees with me or something that I do, or plan to do, that's just kind of how she addresses it.
idk, enough about that. it really doesn't matter. She lives her life the way she wants.
I do feel compelled to have a meeting with my boss really soon.
I talked to him 4 years ago because I didn't like the way that I saw him living his life. He was almost like 2 people, presented one guy her and another guy there. I told him back then I was disappointed in him and wanted to see him change. I want to follow up on that. I want to tell him how much he has changed, and how much better I think he is today compared to him from the past. (Also, I didn't lose my job 4 years ago. He took that chat as an eye opening experience, and that really helped to motivate him to change.)
I am kind of proud of him. He isn't perfect now, but he is doing better.
I might be moving to another state for work. I might be running an operation for about a year in the desert. It will be exciting and interesting work, but hopefully it will be a good experience. I want to save up some money from working and buy a house. I am currently renting and I am practically throwing away money. One day though, I'll buy a house and rent out the other rooms to help may the mortgage. But, thats in the future, and I am excited about it.