As friends on Skype wrote:"Basically: Makkon wanted MLR cleaned up of NSFW topics and stuff, and then circuitfry wandered through and saw that as an opportunity to bump off Freewave and his views on DWM
The problem now is, Circuit and Freewave won't talk to each other, Makkon doesn't want to get involved with what Circuit is trying to do, and Kyoga is stuck in the middle with not enough power to fix things on his own"
And so now, a great Admin's gone, and the most used thread which was a really easy and good way to talk about nothing with friends has been torched and amounts to nothing. For now, it's all gone.
That's what has happened recently in the MLR world while you were away, Topit.
Also while i'm here, I may as well say that the demotion and banning of Freewave is a bad move (and this isn't aimed at Kyoga - I understand you were just doing what you had to). Freewave was excellent, and I got the impression that he was actually trying hard to improve the site and keep it going. Hell, he even created FiMmusic in an attempt to generate more traffic, right?
He should not have been demoted and banned solely because he disagreed/had an opposing opinion and continued a discussion about "Down With Molestia", which is a current thing in the fandom, and last I checked this place is a pony site. Hell, Next time anything happens in the fandom we may as well be completely ignorant to it and not say a word - because of course not everyone will be happy and not everyone will agree, so why even bother voicing an opinion or discussing a matter? What good could come of that?
It was most definitely a bad decision to remove Freewave. I'm quite shocked/upset/pissed as a few are about this sudden turn of events and how easily you can make things just go to hell around here.