Site Feedback and News

Sports, politics, movies, videogames, questionable hobbies, photos from your family vacation, etc. Talk about stuff that isn't ponies or music. But do try to stay on topic and respectful of alternate opinions.

Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 03 Jul 2011 15:24

No problem!

Working on link display at the moment...

Thanks for the help, Rainbo Hash! But it looks like the CSS for this particular style doesn't support post links being a different color than forum links and thread titles. I could try writing some custom code for it, though, if you have any pointers. Here's the CSS for this forum, I've already tried messing with the forum link section :[

Code: Select all
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby PHPony » 04 Jul 2011 04:38

All links in posts have the class "postlink". So you can apply styles to only those links.

Code: Select all
a.postlink:link, a.postlink:active, a.postlink:visited {
   color: #444444;
   text-decoration: none;

a.postlink:hover {
   color: #E61196;
   text-decoration: none;
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 04 Jul 2011 09:46

Oh god, page stretch.

Which reminds me, why no spoiler tags? Would help in reducing pages stretch.

Also we need strikethrough tags so I can [s]look like a faggot[/s] be hilarious.
Last edited by Interrobang Pie on 04 Jul 2011 10:43, edited 2 times in total.
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 04 Jul 2011 10:41

Got the links. Thanks a ton, PHPony, and welcome to the board!
Spoiler tags are a bit more than just bbcode, they require a modification to be installed and I still don't know if most mods are compatible with our forum style.

We're running off of a lightly modified version of Xand from phpbb ... styles-12/

Also strikethrough is now supported.
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 04 Jul 2011 10:43

This is quite clearly the most pointless best addition to the forums.
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Rainbow Hash » 04 Jul 2011 11:19

Along with PHPony's code, here's CSS for the top links to stand out a bit

Code: Select all
.searchbar a:active  {
   color: #444444;
   text-decoration: none;

.searchbar a:hover, .searchbar a:visited, .searchbar a:link {
   color: #E61196;
   text-decoration: none;
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Rainbow Hash » 04 Jul 2011 11:47

Makkon wrote:Fantastic suggestions! When NC gets online, we'll finish our discussion on some additional forums.

And TBH I hate the default smilies on this board, and we could really use a new batch. Those smilies look great, but might be a little large (which could break up the continuity of text and spacing). Do you know of any smaller ones around like that?

I messed with the emoticons a little bit, let me know which size you think would be best for the layout.

1. Image 2. Image 3. Image 4. Image

The smaller ones definitely make it harder to see, so these might not end up working
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 04 Jul 2011 11:51

1 is perhaps too big for in-line use. 3 seems to be the best balance.

I'll see what I can do.

EDIT: lol
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 04 Jul 2011 12:18

Rainbow Hash wrote:Along with PHPony's code, here's CSS for the top links to stand out a bit

[some snazzy code]

And done!

I'm really tied between using those smilies because they're AWESOME, or going with more simple ones that would fit for inline use... Fantastic work on them, though!
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 04 Jul 2011 14:06

PHPony is awesome!
He just added a link at the top for #bronymusic IRC, and a link to Celestia Radio also. We are on a ROLL
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 06 Jul 2011 15:58

Oh by the way, should I continue doing the pony emoticons in the style as above?
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 09 Jul 2011 20:42

Maybe there's a few things we can do to make sure they fit in the line and don't break up paragraphs, maybe the neck can be removed so there's just heads?
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby aap998 » 10 Jul 2011 02:45

I like the idea of using pony heads as emoticons, just like at reddit, but I don't think it will work out that well if they are that tiny.. I dont know if its possible but can you make it so when you hover over the emoticon it gets enlarged? just an idea, no idea if it will work out :P

Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 10 Jul 2011 04:09

Well, as long as you can see who they are it shouldn't really matter.

I am limiting these emoticons to a 24*24 space, thus Rarity will be the biggest challenge - I'm leaving her till last. (Celestia will probably be a bitch to fit in as well)

UPDATE with Twilight!

I need you guys to decide - style A or B? (subtle differences with the nose)

I also tried my hand at a few emotions.

ALSO, we could have these as topic icons too. So, if you make the 8491834436th Luna theme, put the topic icon as the Luna emote. Woooo!
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby aap998 » 10 Jul 2011 04:59

very nice, that turned out better then i expected :) I would go with b

Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 10 Jul 2011 08:04

B looks better I reckon, but I'm in awe at how well these are turning out!
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 12 Jul 2011 11:37

I will allocate some time later today to get Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves emotes done (since Derpy is almost a Dash recolour - same hair and everything). I will also fix the previous sprites to have the new nose (that won't take long, lol).

I am also worried as Twilight looks INCREDIBLY different to Vinyl - Vinyl seems to have a darker outline and thus stands out a little more. I may just ditch the FiM colour outline style and just go for black outlines, or I will alter Twilight's palette.

Also, I have a few tag requests: [spoiler], [left], [center], [right], [hr], [marquee],
Spoilers would be useful for really huge images (and spoilers lol)
Left, center and right because I think I wanted to use them at one point, can't remember though.
Horizontal rule would be good for dividing really long posts up. Like, as sections or something.
Marquee (or scroll) for lolz.
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
Interrobang Pie
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby zorg » 31 Jul 2011 04:45

A is better, but you should make a C that would be a B but the farer eye's bottom 1 pixel would be covered by her skin (or in fewer words, color that pixel to the color her skin/fur is)
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby HertzDevil » 27 Aug 2011 16:31

Is it just me or the site doesn't have a favicon?
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Supersaw Hoover » 03 Sep 2011 02:30

HertzDevil wrote:Is it just me or the site doesn't have a favicon?
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 03 Sep 2011 03:38

And what would a favicon be?
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby sci » 03 Sep 2011 04:34

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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Makkon » 03 Sep 2011 04:47


what is that I don't even
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Stars In Autumn » 03 Sep 2011 04:55

It's the icon for the website. You can see it displayed on the webpage's tab of your browser. I'd say just a small version of the My Little Remix image should work fine.
-Stars In Autumn aka Jeffthestrider
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Re: Site Feedback and News

Postby Interrobang Pie » 03 Sep 2011 06:33

Or use my old sprite of Vinyl. I think the MLR logo is a little too busy to fit in such a small space, anyway.
A great man wrote:Circuitfry: fries circuits of this whole topic, one at a time (I know that's not how servers work, but Puns work all the time)
Interrobang Pie
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