Pony Music Portal

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Pony Music Portal

Postby Raindrop » 31 Jul 2011 19:26

tl:dr - I wanna create a webportal for finding fanmade music, talking with artist and so on.
I need a name and some suggestions for the site. If it sounds like something you might wanna use, read the rest.

I’ve been a fan of this show since the first episode I saw. But one of the things I like most about the fandom is that there are so many great music artists with such great talent. And I don’t just mean Daniel Ingram and Will Anderson (who btw did a fantastic job on season 1).

But I’m also really fascinated by the talent of the fandom outside the studio, who keep making great pony music (remixes, 8-bit, mash-ups etc) from basically 20 songs from the show (and a lot of OC music). That’s when it struck me that there's no portal for this.

I mean the gamers have Equestria Gaming, the drawers and animators have dA, Ponibooru, and Bronibooru and the fanfic writers have EqD and ponyfictionarchive (and dA).

We of course got this site, but it not really a showcase for the music. And we got YouTube but that doesn't allow downloading the music so it depends on the artist to make a url available for the users with the music.

And there’s no easy way to find new music besides looking though all the posts, check out the all the artists on YT, or try to go through the really big list of articles on EqD.

Even though I try to keep up with new songs from YT and check out EqD (etc) for new music, I still miss out on a lot of great new music.

So I'd like to create a portal for all the different kinds of fanmade pony music. And by portal I mean a site where it’s possible to find all the different kinds of music based on which kinds of genre it is (remix, OC, cover etc.).

By sorting all the music, making artist pages for all the artists with info, links and so on and linking YT videos to the songs (if there’s available) it’s my hope that it will be easier for bronies to find new music they like.

So from the things I wanted on this site, I've decided to make this portal run on joomla.

I’ve choose it since it’s easy to use, has lots of premade extensions and I won’t have to build up the entire website from scratch.

Furthermore, I found an extension called Music Collection. It pretty much sums up what I want to have on this site.
Check it out here: http://www.joomlamusicsolutions.com

This extension creates the whole music archive system with artist, albums, songs, genres, tags, etc.

It contains the downloads (if the artist wanna allow this), playing the songs, adding them to playlists, sharing the playlists, commenting, star ratings, showing featured artists and so on (check the site).

It’s possible to use it together with social extensions for joomla as well.

I would also like a news section for the site, with all the news from the music world and maybe interviews, contest and stuff like that.

So why am I writing this here, instead of just starting on the project right away?

Well for starters, I need a name for the site. Both for the domain registration and you know... so the site I'm working on has a name.

All I’ve come up with so far is Ponybeats, Fillybeats or maybe MyLittleBeats (which sounds a lot like MyLittleRemix).
And Ponybeats is kinda taken since the name was used for the Super Ponybeat album.

I already got two people who like to help out, but if you're interested in helping out, please leave a reply :)

Anyway I hope you guys will come with any suggestion/opinions you got. And of course give it a look when it's ready :P
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Re: Pony Music Portal

Postby PHPony » 31 Jul 2011 19:38

Hey there. I'm not sure if you've seen my site, Celestia Radio, but it has some of the features that you are describing. It has a database for authors to register and upload their music. Right now it's only really searchable by artist or song title, but I have most of the system done for tagging, and albums. One thing it is badly missing though is some artists and a good chunk of the music. Maybe we could expand this project and grow the current database or branch it off and create its own standalone system.

I will say that I'm not fond of Joomla. The system tends to be buggy and somewhat hard to work with although building a system from scratch is quite a daunting process as I've found with creating the one on Celestia Radio. Whatever happens I'm free to help out if needed.
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Re: Pony Music Portal

Postby Raindrop » 31 Jul 2011 20:12

Hi PHPony.. I gotta say I probably didn't check it out good enough when I looked around.. Celestia Radio sure does got a lot of the features I mentioned.

As you said the search function still need a little work, but the achieve looks pretty good non the less.
But I would love to talk about improvements or making a standalone system. I'll try to add you on Skype if that's okay
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Re: Pony Music Portal

Postby Rainbow Hash » 31 Jul 2011 20:46

I'm liking Ponybeats, but if I come up with another name I'll be sure to post it here. Sounds like you've got the CMS lined out so hopefully it will be fairly straightforward. I have some PHP experience (thought not Joomla in particular) if there is any way I could help out.

Definitely interested in having this come together, would love a centralized hub to sort by orchestral, techno, dubstep, etc. Plus it would be a good place to get some feedback straight away.
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Re: Pony Music Portal

Postby PHPony » 31 Jul 2011 20:51

If you have skype, add me so you can get into our discussion. Skype is in my profile information.
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Re: Pony Music Portal

Postby Andy Feelin » 02 Aug 2011 07:36

Didn't know that Celestia radio portal had search engine. But yes what it definitely lacks is the genre option. I believe there are many people who are searching for eurobeat, dubstep or chiptune and who dislike, for example, metal or trance.
Also there can be some voting or rating so that the newcomer could check out "the most favoured songs".
Favourite pony: Fluttershy
Genre: eurodance, 80's italo-disco, synthpop
Soft: FL studio 5
Hard: CASIO CTK-900, ALISA 1387, Elsita RMIF e-drumset, Epiphone Embassy bass guitar
Discography on MLR (latest update: 2004 - Margarita)
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Re: Pony Music Portal

Postby Interrobang Pie » 02 Aug 2011 09:15

A sort-by-genre thing would be nice, although it is sometimes difficult categorising music. Let the artists decide what tags they're under.
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