Official Discussion Thread (Ghost Edit)

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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 09 Nov 2014 00:38

Lemme answer that for you :P


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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Callenby » 09 Nov 2014 15:19

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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Ricky Denzel » 09 Nov 2014 16:11

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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 09 Nov 2014 18:26


This calls for a celebration. [insert pinkie pie party gif]

On another note, censorship is interesting. I'm writing a paper about it and shall post it's general content here for you all to ponder when I'm done. In the paper, I am forced to pick a side, pro or con. In reality, I am neither and believe censorship is a case by case scenario.
Like, censorship of how to make a bomb is good.
Censorship of an event like the massacre of the Jews and several other minorities in world War 2 is not good to censor. Yea, censor some details like maybe specifics about nazi human experiments. But censorship that it happened altogether is not OK.

Anyway, I'll post it later. Unless nobody wants to see it.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Acsii » 09 Nov 2014 18:54

Bronies Are Cool wrote:

This calls for a celebration. [insert pinkie pie party gif]

On another note, censorship is interesting. I'm writing a paper about it and shall post it's general content here for you all to ponder when I'm done. In the paper, I am forced to pick a side, pro or con. In reality, I am neither and believe censorship is a case by case scenario.
Like, censorship of how to make a bomb is good.
Censorship of an event like the massacre of the Jews and several other minorities in world War 2 is not good to censor. Yea, censor some details like maybe specifics about nazi human experiments. But censorship that it happened altogether is not OK.

Anyway, I'll post it later. Unless nobody wants to see it.

You have my attention so you better post it
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby MrBronyPlan » 09 Nov 2014 19:10

I'm pretty sure Abby would hunt you down if you didn't post it.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby FLAOFEI » 09 Nov 2014 19:30

MrBronyPlan wrote:I'm pretty sure Abby would do censured things to you if you didn't post it.

There. Fixed it. You can't just miss an opurtunity like that :I
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 09 Nov 2014 20:19

just know that this paper is not super specific about a lot of things, and really generalized because it is supposed to be written for a high school class. I have the ability to skim a lot of topics. I talk about many different things and provide links to websites that dive into a lot more information about various types of censorship. I think though that the most interesting type of censorship though is book censorship. I didn't really know that even text books in first world countries with a lot of freedoms will have text books be edited to avoid being banned. Edited for censorship reasons. interesting indeed
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 09 Nov 2014 21:29

This is my paper. I kind of BS'd a good amount of it and most certainly skimmed a lot of various topics. The general topic is censorship obviously. read it. i lied about my stance in here. i have to pick either of the far sides, nothing between for the assignment. at the bottom is links. go to those. thats where you find way more interesting stuff. I especially found the undernet interesting.

Spoiler censorship is being censored right now:
Censorship is when a government, a group of people, or an individual or technology withholds information from other governments, groups of people, or individuals for one or more of several reasons. The reasons could vary from subject to subject. Governments would censor information that could leak information about weapons of mass destruction, or parents might censor sexually explicit content from their children to prevent them from becoming corrupt. Censorship could be found in all platforms of mass media including television, the internet, radio, movies, books, magazines, music, for political or moral reasons. There are positive and negative side effects when censoring information.
In the United States, freedom of speech is important to the people. The censorship of a topic may offend groups of people while the lack of censorship on other topics may offend other groups. Books are commonly mass censored in schools, public libraries, and national libraries. Censorship in books come in the form of removing lines of text, images within a text, editing words in a text, or banning books altogether. The process of banning a book involves a court deciding whether or not the banning has just cause or not. First, a person or group must challenge a book, and if it is decided that the book is worth banning, then it may be banned. People who oppose the banning may challenge the book to see if they really were able to ban it or not and it may be taken to the court level. From the years 1990 to 2008, the year that had the most reported challenged books was 1995. (Lehigh University) Common books to be challenged are The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger, The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling, and 1984 by George Orwell. (TIME Staff) These are some of the top ten challenged and banned books in The American Library Association. Reasons for the banning of these books range from witchcraft in Harry Potter, satanic concern and anti-ethical concern in The Hunger Games, racism in Huckleberry Finn, sexual content in Catcher in the Rye, and 1984 was deemed procommunist. (TIME Staff) The Catcher in the Rye caused a teacher to lose his job when the school board deemed in inappropriate for the 11th grade class. Although the teacher received his job back, the book did remain off the shelves. (TIME Staff)
Another media of censorship is the internet. Many countries block entire websites and sections of the internet to not allow users to know information that is not favorable to their government or general religion. North Korea is a prime example of a country that censors their internet. Every website is under the government control in North Korea, and only about 4% of the population of North Korea is able to attain access to the internet. In Saudi Arabia, a multitude of websites have been blocked that have to deal with, talk about, or mention anything that politically, socially, or religiously not in line with the Islamic belief system of the monarchy. In China, websites are blocked and searches are rerouted to websites that favor the Communist Party. (USA Today) These examples of censorship have religious and political cause behind their existence. Parents also censor the internet from children, blocking websites of pornographic or unmoral content to try to protect the minds of their children. They do this through hardware or software to filter websites for them. Internet Censorship could happen in a home level, a business level and the international level. (Strickland) At the business level, the restriction on the internet could be simply and most often is because of higher productivity levels. Other reasons could to be avoid lawsuits from people searching for topics that may harass other employees. A way for people to get around the national level of censorship for some people may be through the use of the deep web, which allows users to access the hidden information beyond the reach of web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox, and other commonly used web browsers. Use of the deep web keeps your location anonymous and difficult to track and censor. Government agencies like the military and police use the deep web to prevent crime. However, criminals also use this deep web to sell illegal drugs, illegal porn, and stolen credit card information without worrying about being tracked. This is why the deep web is also sometimes referred to as the darknet, or the undernet. (Paganini) However, this is vital for people who are oppressed by censorship to avoid censoring in certain locations around the world.
The pros and cons of the censorship world are numerous. Some of the benefits of censorship include restraining pornographic material to children, preserving secrets of a nation, avoid religious conflict, hide military information, prevention of the copying of dangerous stunts, privacy protection, preventing plagiarism, preventing racism, shielding morals to individuals, preventing the learning of dangerous information, and controlling public panic during critical moments in time are just a few examples of benefits for the censoring of materials. Some cons to censorship include how censoring affects the freedom of speech, censorship in movies and books compromise entertainment value, it can be used to control people, can hide human abuse and all sorts of other types of abuse, it works against creativity, and it may intrude on the privacy of a person. (Buzzle)People do not want to be controlled by the government. Censorship is like a double edged sword where it has its good and bad purposes and effects.
Censorship takes three sides, or really two with the third being middle ground. However, the middle ground is much larger than the two other sides. There are people who are pro-censorship. These people are perfectly fine with protecting their children and other adults about various things. The pro-censorship people are the people who challenge books and restrict websites on their home internet browsers. Then there are the anti-censorship individuals who oppose the suppression of censorship. These people dislike how censorship tells them what to say, what not to say. They dislike how they are unable to learn the secrets hidden by the government or are unable to openly talk about what they want when they want to. The middle ground is where people land when they both agree with censoring and not censoring, but with a certain degree with how much to censor. The reason that this is the largest region is because a lot of people who are pro-censoring actually fall into the middle ground. People in this region like adults would not like to have everything censored to them, but to their children. They believe that they could view things that other people may not have access to or to censor certain materials only to certain groups.
I believe that nothing should be censored. If you want to know information, go learn the information. The world is a dangerous place and it should be made known to all people just how messed up it can be, just how dangerous it can be. People who are curious about the lives of people in countries with an oppressive government should be able to know about those people. If children want to learn about the life of the fictional character Huckleberry Finn, then they should be able to read about his adventures and know that the people acted different during that time period of society. If a young teenager is curious about the circle of life, the teenager should be able to talk to their parents about it without having to avoid the subject until an older age when it becomes awkward to think about. People should warm up to the world quickly instead of never knowing about it fully.

Buzzle. Pros and Cons of Censorship. n.d. Webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
Harishrustic. Censorship does both harm, good. n.d. Webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
Humphrys, Mark. Anti-censorship page. n.d. webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
Lehigh University. Book Censorship. 2009. Webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
Paganini, Pierluigi. Deep Web and censorship. 19 June 2012. webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
Strickland, Jonathan. How Internet Censorship Works. n.d. webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
TIME Staff. The Hunger Games Reaches Another Milestone: Top 10 Censored Books. 12 April 2012. Webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
USA Today. Top 10 Internet-censored countries. 5 February 2014. Webpage. 9 November 2014. <>.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Acsii » 09 Nov 2014 23:47

Bac can you Spoiler it please
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby S.P.P » 10 Nov 2014 01:47

So my Nan says I might have to shave my beard off to be allowed to work at the supermarket I've applied for. Lolno there's no way I'm getting rid of my beard. As long as it's neat and not unhygienic I don't see why I should.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby FLAOFEI » 10 Nov 2014 01:56

Beard discrimination is worst discrimination! :U
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby S.P.P » 10 Nov 2014 02:00


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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby FLAOFEI » 10 Nov 2014 02:08

Such beard, many fluff!
I'd post my beard, but sharing pictures is a paint in the donkey.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Coloriot » 10 Nov 2014 09:28

Wow. He DOES look like a friendly hobo. :p
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Facade » 10 Nov 2014 10:02

my work doesnt allow me to grow a beard :c ... o-the-dark
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby MrBronyPlan » 10 Nov 2014 11:04

People at the stores where I live would praise you for having a beard like that.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Coloriot » 10 Nov 2014 11:16

EVen if I tried, I can never attain a beard. Probably because I'm what u people call, "yun'ns".

Or onions. That works too.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby S.P.P » 10 Nov 2014 11:39

My beard gets more compliments than me, which kinda sucks. :c

My mum hates it though, not that I listen. She'll also hate the tattoos I'm going to get. :3
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby MrBronyPlan » 10 Nov 2014 11:54

Coloriot wrote:EVen if I tried, I can never attain a beard. Probably because I'm what u people call, "yun'ns".

Or onions. That works too.

You make people cry?
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby FLAOFEI » 10 Nov 2014 12:46

MrBronyPlan wrote:
Coloriot wrote:EVen if I tried, I can never attain a beard. Probably because I'm what u people call, "yun'ns".

Or onions. That works too.

You make people cry?

I think it means there are many layers if you look under the surface.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Coloriot » 10 Nov 2014 13:39

Or maybe yununs and onions sound similar.

Seriously guys you're looking too deep into this...

... if it were an onion.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Fl Brony » 10 Nov 2014 13:46

Coloriot confirmed for ogre
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Coloriot » 10 Nov 2014 14:03

Can we just be ogre with these onion jokes?
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discordshins)

Postby Bronies Are Cool » 10 Nov 2014 18:36

I'm pretty excited about balloon party.
It's time to refine my track and make it top notch.
It has over 20 hours in this one.
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