What made you get into music?

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What made you get into music?

Postby Senator Myth » 24 Jul 2011 21:24

Was there a moment, or a story, or a series of events, or a song that made you want to get into music? Perhaps it happened when you were very young, perhaps not that long ago. Tell us what ignited your passion for music!

For me, it was when, for some reason, my entire sixth grade class was taken to see Pictures at an Exhibition. I wasn't terribly excited, but I found myself enjoying it after a while. I remember the conductor pausing between the various sections to explain to us the story behind how it was composed, and I remember thinking that it was a really neat idea to make a piece of music about your friend's paintings.

But what I remember most is the finale. Great Gates of Kiev. My god, that song. I remember how I was utterly transfixed by this point, how I couldn't take my eyes off of the conductor silhouetted against the stage. It was such a beautiful and moving moment that I remember hunting down a very old toy keyboard shortly thereafter and trying to figure out how to play the Promenade theme (which didn't go over so well). I wanted my dad to teach me the piano, but he never did. I had to teach myself, and before that, in the winter of my sophomore year, I hunted down an ancient acoustic guitar and taught myself to play the chords on the tiny sheet that came with it.

But I don't think I'd be with you guys today if it weren't for that performance. I don't even have anything to say about Great Gates of Kiev; it's not like the perfect piece of music, or the best or whatever. It simply is itself, if that makes sense... I don't know what I'm trying to convey here. It just gets me every time. Every once in a while, there are even MANLY TEARS involved.

My story's a bit lame, but please, tell us what prompted you to start your musical journey that eventually brought you here!
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Dr_Dissonance » 24 Jul 2011 21:39

Ah, the origin story...well, here's mine:

I've played classical guitar for 11 years now (might be closer to 12, but I've lost count), but it was just a thing to do for fun whilst I studied maths, english and the sciences. I also studied music, but again, it was to take a break from the maths and sciences!
I did this for all of my educational life in England (where I was born and raised) and had my heart set on studying to be a vet.

But then my family decided to emmigrate (immigrate? I forget which one), to Australia. I wasn't particularly happy about this, but my parents had their hearts set before I was even born...:P

The move to Australia wasn't a pleasant one...it was very tough for the first year (I was 16 at the time) and to be honest, I found it difficult to cope. I still did the maths, sciences, english and music at school, but music seemed far more inviting in my current state at the time. We studied 3 pieces the first year I was there: Ravel's Piano Concerto in G, Copland's Rodeo and Sculthorpe's Kakadu. Copland's was nice, but the strange sounds in Ravel's work and especially in Sculthorpe's work had me fascinated!

I started figuring out what they did and how it can be done. I started searching for other pieces during this time period (20th Century) and became fascinated by the sounds produced. So I studied them.

I guess music writing became a way to get away from reality at the time. But it blew out into my reality in the end!

After that tough year, everything smoothed over, made plenty of friends and music had become my primary goal! I wrote my first proper piece in my last year of high school (which was crap) and continued from there. Wrote more, got into Uni, now studying with pros!
You are the hero My Little Remix deserves, not the one it needs.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Versilaryan » 24 Jul 2011 22:09

Senator Myth: I know what you mean! The Great Gates of Kiev -- it's, like, the perfect ending to that piece. Whenever I listen to the whole thing all the way through and get to that movement, I just want to keep on smiling forever! The first time I heard Ravel's orchestration of Pictures all the way through, I cried tears of joy at the end. Especially when the Promenade theme comes back in, busting the time signature open but still sounding awesome... Love that piece so much!

When I played a dumbed-down version of it in middle school, I got to play the Promenade trumpet solo. I was SO excited. xD

Me, apparently, I showed promise in music at a really early age, according to my parents. So, they pestered me about taking piano lessons, but being the lazy git that I am, I kept saying no all the way until I was... Eight? Nine? I hated practicing, though, and when I picked up the trumpet two years later, I decided to quit piano in favor of trumpet.

Stuck with that all through middle school and high school. By senior year of high school, I was section leader of the top band. I was all set to go into music... all the way up into senior year, when I realized that I'd be really unhappy forcing myself to practice forever and ever. And I'd be lying /hardcore/ if I said money wasn't a factor in it, too. So I went into computer science instead.

At the same time, I'd be even more unhappy if I let music out of my life at all. So my ultimate goal is to get my degree in computer science while learning about electronic music on the side, and then find a job either in the music industry working with computers, or in computer science working with music. Which is why I'm here! =D
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Bagpipe Brony » 24 Jul 2011 22:41

I saw how cool Malice Mizer and Moi Dix Moix's music was being pop/baroque/goth and I wanted to write music just like them. I tried and failed to form a band and just decided to major in music at the college. Watching Horton Hears a Who and listening to John Powell's score is what really sealed the deal though. I knew I wanted to be a film music composer from then on. Been doing it ever since. ^_^
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 25 Jul 2011 03:42

I wrote something like this before, so here's copypasta (from a different forum, mind, so there's probably a few references you won't get)
ONE DAY, I was making games. Yep. It sure was fun. I was mainly stealing crappy MIDIs from VGMusic and plopping them in, but then I found out Noteworthy Composer. What followed was the most awful songs ever in the worst games ever. I did not even have enough musical knowledge to keep them in 4/4 or any shit like that. I never used any accidentals anywhere. I didn't even know what they were.

The next musical thing I found was Mario Paint Composer after watching all these 'amazing' MPC videos on Youtube. The results were a little better - they kept to one time signature in the very least, probably because of the way the tracker (if you can call it that) was laid out. I did start to experiment with shit like ACCIDENTALS yet the music still sucked. I suppose using MPC was good as it introduced me to games such as Mega Man and Castlevania. And shit. You know. mfmfmfmfmf

So now that I had found out about Mega Man and through the wonders of emulation, I started respecting it's 8-bit music. In fact, I liked the idea of 8-bit in general, so I decided to make an 8-bit game (it was a crappy R-Type rip-off that was never finished). I looked around on Youtube for ways to make 8-bit music and found that great big massive faggot known as Kevvviiinnn had started doing some originals (I do believe Stage 19 was your most recent at the time) and I said "HOLY MOLEY THAT'S A LOT OF HOLEYS THESE ARE COOL WHAT DO YOU USE TO MAKE THEM?!?!?!? ...Oh, FL Studio? Fuck that shit". I instead looked around a bit more and found the perfect alternative - Famitracker!!!!!!

So I downloaded Famitracker and by ‎29 ‎November ‎2009, ‏‎21:16:03, I had made my first .ftm - the best cover of Scrap Brain you have ever heard. I then made my first 8-bit original, Spacey.ftm on ‎30 ‎November ‎2009, ‏‎17:52:51. I then continued to make the rest of the soundtrack (the finished tracks were 3 of the planned 7 stage themes, a title, a stage clear, a game over, and a boss theme). I also made all of the sound effects, which had me playing around with instruments. However, progress on the game was slowing down as I was getting more interested in Mega Man. I had just seen one of MegaPhilX's 'Mega Man 10' videos, and I decided "why not make a Mega Man game instead?!?!?!" And so the Powerpuff Girls Mega Man Fade was born! By 11 ‎February ‎2010, ‏‎21:48:02 I had finished Scorpion Man's theme, but it didn't sound very Mega Man-like. So I tried again. And again. And again. And again. And to this day I am still trying - I have no life.

So whilst I was trying to become a Mega Man master, I started making some crappy MIDI replaces which were basically Mega Man 10 songs with a Mega Drive soundfont (in retaliation to Kevvviiinnnn's Nitro Man MM7 thing). With these crappy MIDI replaces, I was back to square 1 - STEALING CRAPPY MIDIS FROM VGMUSIC. It just so happened that ONE day, I had stolen one of DalekSam's positively awful MIDIs (MM10 Wily 1, I believe). I subsequently got shouted at by him. And to this day he is still shouting at me - he has no life.

So eventually me and DalekSam got in contact with each other via MSN. He said to me one day "why are you not a member of the Famitracker forums yet?", to which I replied "i dunno" (it wasn't till about 4 months later that I did join the forums). I posted, what was at the time, the entirety of the Mega Man Fade OST (Ignite Man, Trick Man and Polar Man (Scorpion Man was on holiday)). This caused everyone to say "THIS SUCKS" in 101 different ways. So then what I tried to do was to insert my songs into Time Tangent's .ftm. That also sucked. So yeah.

I then went on to experiment with VRC6, and posted one of my better experiments - badarse.ftm. After a bit of input from commandycan and such it became the masterpiece that it is today! I then continued to build on this success by adding more songs to it - some were good, most were BAD.

DalekSam then got in touch with me again and said "i'll invite you to the lobby herp". And so I had made history by being the person to break the 16 member limit. As a member of the Lobby I continued to make originals. Some were good, most were BAD.

Now for some updated shit:

Soon after I got into the brony fanbase, I stumbled upon the results of RWI on EqD. I had absolutely no idea that a Remix War was going on, so I just let it blow over. BUT THEN I saw a post about RWII on EqD so I was like "SHIT!!!". But, no link was supplied, so I scoured Google for 'brony remix war 2' for about a billion years. I then checked back at the comments for that page, and there it was - http://www.mylittleremix.com/. I then entered RWII with two days remaining.

And here I am, whipping the shit out of the lot of you because I'm an evil bastard.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Pinkie Cake » 25 Jul 2011 04:01

Well I was allways a melomaniac. Listened to all sorts of music, from crap to awesome. Spent a lot of time learning genres and subgenres of electronic music (and metal when I was into it). The idea is that when I like something in particular, lets say dubstep, which is my current obsesion, I don't just listen to it, I start looking up artists, their biographies, discographies and compare them to other artists, try to find the differences between them and each subgenres of dubstep. Try to learn the beat, how basslines are wobbling. And one day I stubled upon Renard. It was as if god himself came into my ears. Same was with him, I started studying about him and saw that he just started composing electronic music without lots of knowledge. And then I realised the if I am such a big melomaniac, why I shouldn't try doing it myself. And I'm here mostly because of Renard, he's the one who inspired me to create music. Plus I had a few lessons in college about sound engineering, that was like a kick start for me, since I learned a little bit about sound and using a DAW.

For those who might not know Renard - http://www.lapfoxtrax.com/
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Overkillius » 25 Jul 2011 04:45

This is the story of how I got into music and how I eventually got into composing.

Before this story, keep in mind that I pretty much didn't like music. Whenever someone turned on the radio, I USUALLY wasn't happy. I didn't play any instruments and I sure as hell didn't like listening to classical music. It was so BORING! (as I smack myself for typing that). No one really forced music on me either.

The story starts out with a middle school child living in Florida. The music program at the local schools sucked, and the boy thought he didn't want to get into music. The boy didn't know that it was really just a bad music program and simply wondered why anyone would want to do this stuff. The music program at his school certainly did NOT show him why, only why not to get into music. He moved to Texas, where the music program was AWESOME, in the 8th grade, his last year of middle school. He just thought that it was all the same and that he still wasn't interested in music. The boy had to take some kind of elective class though, and he wondered what would be easiest. "Everyone can sing. Choir should be easy." He thought. The teacher of said choir class started out teaching Movable do solfège. The young boy thought it was interesting that now he didn't have to use his ears to know how something sounded. He couldn't quite do that at the time, but he knew with practice that it would prove a valuable tool for reading music. Very soon the teacher explained what notes are called what and how to remember them on the staff for each clef. The boy went home and looked at the keyboard his family owned. He found C and learned to play his part to the songs he sang in choir by reading off of the sheet music. If a piece wasn't in the key of C, then the boy had trouble finding Do (tonic, 1st scale degree, etc.)(explained in the wikipedia article). Usually in class, the teacher would tell him where Do was on the staff for that piece, and he never sang an E flat in the key of E flat... he sang Do... which happened to be E flat when the teacher said "This is Do" and played an E flat on the piano. He decided that it was better to just call C Do all of the time if he himself played something on the keyboard. Little did he know that once mastered, this would turn him into the ultimate transposing instrument once he DID figure out other key signatures, but I wont take the time to explain that later. Around this time the boy also got into guitar hero, which was loads of fun, but all that really did for the boy was improve finger dexterity in his left hand and expose him to more music. Later in life, it would confuse his theory teacher that he was right handed, but was able to play piano on his left hand far better than with his right hand. The boy went through the last year of his middle school career and the first year of high school learning better vocal technique and improving his music reading skills.

His second year of high school, he continued to do the same thing, but one notable thing happened. At an event where all of the high school men's choirs from the district came together to one school to have a concert, the boy noticed someone that would be important in shaping his experience of getting into music. All of the high school choirs learned, along with their own pieces, another piece that each school would sing together on stage. The song for that year was In Taberna Quando Sumus - Carmina Burana Mvmnt 14 (first video. found below.)(by Carl Orff of course). Everyone in the boy's class hated the song, except for the end. The end was awesome to everyone. They hated how hard it was to learn all of the pitches, and all of the Latin. THE LATIN! IT BURNS!! The song wasn't too moving for the boy, no song really was, but no one in his class knew their parts of the song like he did. When the time came to preform this piece, the boy focused his ear on someone next to him. It was someone from another school. Someone ACTUALLY knew this stuff like the boy did. The boy suspected that this guy and himself were the only people on stage that even knew the song perfectly. The rest of the year past and it was the same awesome state of being: reading sheet music better and better, singing better and better, and having more and more interest in something than he ever had in his life.

His third year in high school, there was someone who joined the very school the boy attended. Based on how he singed, the boy had an instant respect for this guy. The boy didn't realize it at first, but this was the guy next to him who actually knew In Taberna the year previous! That year the boy got to sing in the same section as this guy, (who shall now be known as GB) and grew to not only admire him, but wanted to try and best him. The two became good friends over the course of the first couple of weeks. The boy was also encouraged to try out for region choir. He worked hard at the audition music for region choir and made it into the region mixed choir, the top level choir at the region level. This was the first time he sang in a choir where everyone was good at singing. The experience felt amazing! The boy barely failed at the tryouts for Pre-Area and watched GB advance to Area and eventually the Texas All-State Men's Choir. Luckily the director of the boy was the vocal chair vice president for the Texas Music Educator's Association (TMEA) which held the All-State choir competition and needed to send student workers to the convention. The boy couldn't refuse missing a week of school AND being able to hear awesome student groups preform music.

The TMEA convention was incredibly hard work, but he got to hear the choir that GB was in, and after hearing THAT incredible display, the boy wanted to make it to the same place next year even more.

The rest of the school year passed as the boy got incredibly good at reading music. He was also interested that his idol, GB, had taken Music Theory that year, and didn't like it because it was so hard. The boy translated this as a challenge and was set on taking music theory his final year in high school.

His fourth and final year of high school, the boy got into music theory wondering why everyone sucked so much. THIS WAS SO EASY! He also got a voice teacher and made All-State Men's Choir. Which he still considers to this day to be the best thing he has done with his life (seen below. second video).

The boy talked down to the director (also the composer of the song in the video) one day after practice and asked him simply "What made you want to compose music?" To which the director replied, "You." "I want people like you to enjoy singing music! and I want people in the audience to enjoy listening to it!" This had the boy sold on the idea of composing music as his goal in life.

This was also the year that songs moved him. He felt pieces. Expressing emotion became just as important as proper technique. There was one song in particular... that made him shed his first man tear. (found below, third video) His eyes still tear up when he hears a certain part of the song that he sang... The emotions he felt from a piece of music were overwhelming! The magnitude of emotion he felt was GREAT! This continued with all other songs he sang. Some songs made him feel the same way. Not as strongly but still a good feeling. Most songs he sang didn't feel nearly as intense. He knew he wanted to write music though, and that his time and effort could really only go into one if he really wanted to be great. Nearing the end of the school year, the boy had to write a song using all of the rules he had learned in music theory. It was no easy task. He sat there and checked it over for days. He was usually very adept at avoiding part writing errors the first time around, but problems sprung up here and there. He realized that his piece wasn't awesome, but it WAS the first piece of music that he had ever written, so he was somewhat proud of it.

Summer came and he felt great about his accomplishments. He continued to compose pieces of music. One day, the boy, through a series of events explained better elsewhere, came to watch a show called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The man, after finishing the series, discovered the community that was obsessed with the show. He lurked Equestria Daily every hour on the hour, until one fateful day... something caught his eye.

As much as he LOVED singing properly, (RANDOM SWITCH BACK INTO FIRST PERSON) i saw a video of WWU (fourth video) preformed by a bunch of bronies. This was on Equestria Daily, and IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Then, something EVEN BETTER happened.
Particularly the part that said
"They have also set up a website for any of you remixers/music enthusiasts out there! You can find it here!"

I didn't quite care for the idea of people that took sound and put a drum beat to it which is all I could think of whenever I heard remix... but for some reason I though that I would find more than that. AND GUESS WHAT? YOU GUYS ARE APPLEBUCKING AWESOME!

That is my story and I am sticking to it.
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Overkillius wrote:The bad thing about music... is that it is subjective.
The good thing about music... is that it is subjective!
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby [voodoopony] » 28 Jul 2011 17:34

To make a long story short[er],

I thought music sucked and never listened to it. My mum was one of those ex 90s ravers and got me into quality trance music and several others when I was 11. Back then, terms like electronic music and DJ were completely alien to me. Being ignorant as to how music in general was produced, the sounds and noises intriqued me severely. They formed a special niche in my heart, and since day 1 I've devoted myself to being able to make the same noises they made.

tl;dr: Trying to make me mummy proud got me into it.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Circuitfry » 28 Jul 2011 22:44

Music was a total accident for me. My first encounter with a piano was falling on it.

I got really inspired by the show and the music y'all were making, especially Jackle App, so I loaded LMMS back up after months of never really using it and proceeded to write two originals. On an airplane flight back home a couple months ago, I started playing For the New Lunar Republic by ear. I finished it on the car ride home and showed it as complete until Derpy Hooves was like "needs more reverb, the guitar synth is cheesy, and it's too repetitive."

Because I love love LOVE criticism I started remixing him. If you've criticized me at least once, you're getting a remix without a doubt. I remember that shit.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby zorg » 31 Jul 2011 03:44

When i was a kid, my father was learning english and the telly broadcast cartoon network in english, so i learned english that way. (who says tv doesn't teach you anything? :3)

At about the same time, my dad got a computer, and i had access to DOS on it; there was a nice application named XTC-Play(er) that i used to listen to tracker music. (and that digi.com named thingie which was some demo, it's on youtube though)

When windows 95-98 came, i got a program called Midisoft Musicmagic, that's like sibelius but more primitive; still, i liked messing around with it, littering the screen full with them and listening to the chaos...
After some time, i tried to make better sounding short "passes", like anything from 4 to 16 notes. (incl. chords after a while)

Around this time i got a yamaha synth with a basic set of songs and instruments.

Then, i got ModplugTracker (Now called OpenMPT) and sorta tried "just copying" some musics that were on the pc from that to musicmagic. When i was done with that, i made 2 or 3 "original" works in the latter, then that's the end of my sucky period. (this roughly covers the 6-10 age range...also some modules are forever on the modarchive :< )

Not much musicmaking for a while, but then i found FL studio and bam! i started working with that, trying out things... although the first few tracks were substandard... then i gave up and focused on imageboard "culture" instead... to put it mildly, i've been to most of the *chans, it's as simple as that. My mind could not become more corrupt.
(This was approx. from when i was 10-15 years old)

After that period i did 2 collabs with a guy named fox on sovietrussia.org imageboard, then started churning out music slowly with FL9. I did some more collabs with ashtif (masquil52 on soundcloud), a noise artist.

...I bought an EMU X-Board61 somewhere here...

Last Christmas i bought FL for half price, and some plugins for it too, then i got FL10 this year and the rest is yet to come. :3

...and yes, i'm a dried out husk of a 10yo kid, still i don't have the weak part anymore, i'm stronger now.
^feel free to disregard | genres... what are those? | :3
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Lethaargic » 07 Aug 2011 21:07

Lets see, I'll try and keep this short and to the point. Nobody in my family has any taste in music whatsoever. I don't say that b/c they like different stuff then me, they literally have no interest unless there watching American Idol...ugh. I'm so greatfull that somehow music has the power to pump me up or depress me. "they say that music can alter moods and talk to you" - Marshal Mathers. anyway I played Alto sax in jazz band for a few years in school. though I don't know why, I despise jazz. Skipping all the genre phases I went through that would add nothing to the story.

So on one of the rare occasions when I was watching Television, The Venture Bros. comes on, and I'm pulled out of my seat and into the freaking air. That song inspired me to seek out more EDM.

I hit a rough patch of depression at about age 20. Feeling like I was lacking a purpose and place in life. "Were the middle children of history, man" - Tyler Durdon. Don't ask me why, but I decided I would find and go to a rave. Not really knowing what I was looking for - being I live in the midwest and was still very new to EDM. I ended up finding a party about four hours away. none of my friends would committee to something like that so I went alone. (of course I made friends there after like 5min.) What I wouldn't find out until latter was that the midwest is actually pretty big on Psychedelic Trance, and I had stumbled straight into the heart of it. Music would never sound the same after that night.

It wasn't just the music, it was the experience of dancing, after parties at the DJ's crib, Sleeping there then helping set up for the 2nd night at the next venue. Actually seeing these DJ's that I admired so much as real down to Earth people.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Diss Order » 09 Aug 2011 16:43

I grew up with music, pretty much. My parents took me to an open door day at a music school when I was 6 and let me try different instruments and I fel in love with the piano. Been playing it daily ever since. Also with time I've learned to play other instruments such as the clarinet, oboe and soprano saxophone. When I was 9 we moved to a little village. At first I was sad about it but the music community there was big. Pretty much EVERYONE over there played at least 1 intrument and everyone was in a band or an orchestra or something like that. I joined a youth orchestra and now I sometimes arrange stuff for them based on movies or popular media (stuff children like to play). My most recent arrangement is 'Romantic Flight' from the movie How To Train Your Dragon (composed by John Powell). :)

Since about the same age (9) I've also been really into Dance music. I heard Tiësto play live at a party after which my dad bought me a DVD of his big 2003 solo performance at the Gelredome to celebrate he's been chosen the best DJ of the world that year... I was sold. Since then I bought every single one of his DVD's and albums and tried to visit as many gigs as possible. Even though my frame of reference is much wider now (I'm into pretty much all electronic genres), I still from time to time just pop in one of his albums, sit down and let the music lead my mind...

I'm now approaching the age of 18 and a few months ago when I listened to some popular Dance music on the radio (really bad music) I said to myself "You know what, I can probably do it better... way better". I got FL Studio and started looking up tutorials and played around with it and now, about a week or 2 ago, I joined your lovely site and I'm producing (re)mixes for the Brony community.

Anyway, even though it's not going to be my carreer choice, music has pretty much been my life for as long as I can remember, and I will not settle for 'decent'... I will only be content with awesome. Expect more from me. :)
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Chain_Algorithm » 09 Aug 2011 18:14

The earliest thing I can remember is beatboxing DnB sounding stuff at like around 3.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Diss Order » 10 Aug 2011 03:47

Owow, that must have been funny to watch. :P
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby IndustrialBreeze » 21 Aug 2011 02:10

As the youngest in the family, my first introduction to music started when my older siblings began to learn piano. I was enrolled in it at the age of 7 and enjoyed it at first. But then, as many little kids do, I started to change my mind and resented giving up my play time to do something that seemed rather chore-like. At around 9 years old I stopped playing piano and things stayed rather uneventful until the age of 13, when the Internet became readily available.
(Throughout elementary school we were allowed to listen to the radio during certain classes which created an environment in which there was no absence of music.)

It started out as listening to the hampsterdance website, downloading a few small videos here and there, then soon to kazaa and limewire. Sure, I purchased a cd or two, but my appetite for music was near insatiable. At 14, I was into pop and some electronic music, some hip hop too.
Around the age of 16, Disturbed and Static-X came into the scene and that's where I got my first taste of Nu-Metal and Industrial. I. was. hooked.

Bittorrent was and still is my primary means to get new music, though I reserve purchasing music for those artists that exceed my expectations.
I would go onto a site (music.download.com or something) and get music from random artists I knew nothing about. There was also OCRemix which I would go through.
Then music.download.com became last.fm, I joined and started to listen to artists similar to the ones I liked. Then I began to experiment with artists from Europe -- especially Germany.
My tastes now consist of Trance, Techno, Eletronica/Dance, Industrial, Rock Metal, Neue Deuche Hartz, and anything with "high-energy"

So here I am; for my entire life I was a consumer of music. Upon finding the band "Unheilig", I found the ultimate sound I wished to emulate and now give back to the world.

I've produced one real remix in my life and it's not too shabby. The reason I turned to this site is because upon, hearing the Theme for my little pony, I became -- and am, obsessed with creating a remix of that that is heavier, but just as awesome.

Because someponies need to headbang to MLP and it doesn't seem to be done yet.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby bartekko » 24 Aug 2011 13:19

My story will be the most lame one in this thread
I always liked music, and by always I mean that when I was four years old the only thing i was doing apart from playing on my pc was pretending to be kurt cobain by headbanging and humming slts

hop skip n' jump to about a year ago.
I didn't really like dancing, so at a scout "something like party" i was presenting the playlist by pressing "play"
nopony appreciated my music (and by my, i mean what i had on my psp).
sometime later ( exactly year ago, week offset) i got a creative zen MX, and started building my new music library.

skip to 2/3 months ago.
I've been lurking on EQD, when there was second rmx war announced.
And then i've found Magix music maker somewhere in a mess of cd's
of course Magix has nothing to do with magic so after making two songs I've switched over to AbletonLive 8.2.2
Then My PC crashed and here I am on the second PC

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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Sugarholik » 25 Aug 2011 11:03

Nothing really epic here either...
My earliest recollection of music was my mum listening to Rosanna by Toto...
For years i just listened music but wasn't enthusiastic enough to start making it. That was before my dad showed me Rick Wakeman's keyboard solo (i ranted about this already in the non-pony awesome thread).
I guess that egnited a small spark in me which yelled: ''TAKE PIANO LESSONS!''
Soon after my brother had found an dusty old Casio and was tinkering with it. He said something like ''I've been thinking about taking piano lessons...'' To which i had to reply: ''I'll come with ya.''
Next 4-5 years in a nutshell:
Six months of classical piano lessons, fed up and started learning solo, got hooked to electronic music and realized i have everything to do that stuff myself, ponies happened and here i am.
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby NightColt » 28 Aug 2011 16:24

I've always had a piano in my apartment. When I was about 5, my mom decided that it would be easier on her ears if I took piano lessons rather than banged on the piano aimlessly for hours on end. And so began my epic trek through the Fabers' Piano Adventures series.

Fast forward to Sonic Adventure. Maybe 2 years or so later. I had no words to describe the opening theme song whatsoever - no genre, no instrumentation (save for drums), no nothing. The closest I could come was "jazz" or "blues" (bear in mind that I was a 7-year old classically trained dweeb at the time).

Jump another 4 years to middle school band class. My teacher was intent on forming an AC/DC marching band, of all things. My friend decided to form his own band and taught me to play bass. Soon after, I picked up the guitar and drums through a constantly changing band line-up.

I soon discovered trance through the internet (namely, DJ Contacreast). Didn't give a damn about writing it at the time. My friends introduced me to more metal (Sonata Arctica [my fav band] and Trivium) which led to more stuff as both bands began touring.

Enter high school. Enough time without my friends' influence and all of a sudden I discover Melodic Death Metal. And love it to death.

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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Sugarholik » 29 Aug 2011 02:00

NightColt wrote:Sonata Arctica [my fav band]

Hey! Love them myself as well!
And i live in the band's hometown ^^
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby NightColt » 29 Aug 2011 16:02

*le gasp*

Then maybe you can explain why Finland is so damn epic? Nobody I've asked has known so far. And nobody I've asked is Finnish.

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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby PinkieGuy » 29 Aug 2011 17:27

Finland is epic for 2 reasons:

1) They speak Finnish. I tried learning it once. Hardest Language. Ever.
2) They're not Norway.

For these two reasons, Finland is capable of producing some of the hardest metal known to man.

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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby bartekko » 29 Aug 2011 19:40

hardest language ever? try Polish
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Sugarholik » 30 Aug 2011 01:38

NightColt wrote:*le gasp*

Then maybe you can explain why Finland is so damn epic? Nobody I've asked has known so far. And nobody I've asked is Finnish.

Lol :D
Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't know either.
Maybe because of stuff like metal, northern lights, midnight sun?
Maybe it's just me but I don't see anything particularly epic around...
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby zorg » 29 Oct 2011 12:07

bartekko wrote:hardest language ever? try Polish

well hello there, try mine on for size :3
^feel free to disregard | genres... what are those? | :3
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Re: What made you get into music?

Postby Interrobang Pie » 30 Oct 2011 08:19

zorg wrote:
bartekko wrote:hardest language ever? try Polish

well hello there, try mine on for size :3

Gk, ghr pq sdkjgsdg, gdf gjp hgdjpdg fg mgg!!!!!!!
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