MechWarrior: Living Legends

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MechWarrior: Living Legends

Postby Navron » 03 Dec 2011 12:24

Anybody here a MechWarrior fan, or perhaps the BattleTech universe it's based out of?

If so, you're probably aware of the severe lack of MW games lately. Well some guys formed a highly skilled dev team, and made a mod for the game Crysis Wars, and this is the result:




It takes a completely new approach with the MW series, and gives players the ability to choose assets other than mechs, such as tanks, battle armor (elementals), aerospace fighters, and VTOLs.

It's an online only mod that was in production for 3 years before the first open beta came out. Now, 2 years later, the game has been vastly improved, yet still in a beta status while they introduce new features.

The mod is completely free, and only requires you to install Crysis Wars, which you can get for $10 in most places.

Plus there's a pony thread on the forums. The thread that turned me.

Here's a video of an awesome slug fest. Originally intended to be practice:
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