Equestria Girls 2

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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby ganondox » 28 Jul 2014 12:11

Pulse Wave wrote:I wish it'd include scenes like these:

Twilight withdrew her guitar, Buckslayer, from the Anorexic Dimension where all screamed for naught.


A vision then appeared. It was Princess Luna, encased in her cursed Nightmare Moon armor, calling Twilight from her Moonbase which wasn't on the moon.

"Twilight, you must rock the buck out!"

Twilight channeled her rage through Buckslayer.

I'd watch this, that's the only way you could possibly get me to watch anything related to Equestria Girls.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Jokeblue » 28 Jul 2014 16:29

Pickslide1992 wrote:
Fl Brony wrote:I'm really excited for it, I might do some metal covers of some of the songs

Same here, dude, and maybe some genuine hair metal too. I'm excited, man, I really am.

Guys guys guys please tell me you've heard the new song thy was released, "Let's have a battle (of the bands), an please tell me you know the band type o negative. That new song is so so so surprisingly awesome, and to me it's just screaming for a Type O Negative styled cover
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby DJ-G6PON3 » 14 Sep 2014 11:44

Pulse Wave wrote:I wish it'd include scenes like these:

Twilight withdrew her guitar, Buckslayer, from the Anorexic Dimension where all screamed for naught.


A vision then appeared. It was Princess Luna, encased in her cursed Nightmare Moon armor, calling Twilight from her Moonbase which wasn't on the moon.

"Twilight, you must rock the buck out!"

Twilight channeled her rage through Buckslayer.

O_O Okay, forget everything I said. If that became a part of the movie (which I know it won't), then I will run to the store wherever it is at and buy a copy. If it isn't, hopefully some animator will do that badass sequence as a spoof or something of that nature.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby DJ-G6PON3 » 14 Sep 2014 11:47

Jokeblue wrote:
Pickslide1992 wrote:
Fl Brony wrote:I'm really excited for it, I might do some metal covers of some of the songs

Same here, dude, and maybe some genuine hair metal too. I'm excited, man, I really am.

Guys guys guys please tell me you've heard the new song thy was released, "Let's have a battle (of the bands), an please tell me you know the band type o negative. That new song is so so so surprisingly awesome, and to me it's just screaming for a Type O Negative styled cover

I'll check them out, but first, I need to listen to the song you just mentioned.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby DJ-G6PON3 » 14 Sep 2014 11:50

Okay... mind blown. That was actually a really good song...now...type-o negative was it?
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby ph00tbag » 14 Sep 2014 22:40

I personally want to do an Infected Mushroom style psystep remix of the tune.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Coloriot » 29 Sep 2014 19:30

When does this movie actually come out?
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby CitricAcid » 29 Sep 2014 20:26

Coloriot wrote:When does this movie actually come out?

Two days ago, actually. I quite enjoyed it and may see it again next weekend. I like the style of songs they do for Equestria Girls. At some point I want to take a crack at making one.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby itroitnyah » 30 Sep 2014 07:22

Wow, and I didn't even hear about it coming out. Apparently I've been doing such little pony related stuff as of recent that I no longer hear about these things through posts
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby ph00tbag » 18 Oct 2014 14:40

Movie's on Dailymotion in two parts for the time being. Apparently the TV version had some bits edited out for time constraints, so if you want the full glory(?), then you'll have to wait for the DVD. Not gonna link it because copyright, but it's there if you know how to use a search function.

I dug all of the Dazzlings' music. Too bad they were only good because of magical autotuners.

Somehow Flash Sentry is now even more extraneous than he was in the first movie. Don't know how they managed that.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby FLAOFEI » 19 Oct 2014 19:49

Spoiler Lotsa Spoilerz:
Trixie had one fucking awesome track :O Dat bass
I fucking LOVED the fight scene, and the music right before it. My fan was officially gasmed when it alternated 8/8 and 8/7 :O or maybe it was 15/4 time sig... Totally remixing that! As soon as I don't have huge tests to prepare for...

On a more sober note though. I'm not sure about Vinyls car... I could buy that she has a really loud stereo, and maybe that she has a DJ setup ready in the back seat, but a transforming car... That's stretching it a bit. There is only so much that can be done without magic, and if Vinyl isn't the daughter of a worldclass DJ, or perhaps has some magic, I don't see that car plausible :/

You knlow that math kid? The one with the Square root of a heart badge? What's up with that badge? I thought long and hard about that, and I'm starting to doubt there's a pun in it... The only thing I can think of is this: If you multiply him with another squareroot of a heart you get a heart... math nerd*math nerd = love


I also played Buck:Legacy with a few friends. None of us had played it before, but we managed to get through the dungeons :) I assume we broke most of the rules without knowing it. Super fun game though. Totally worth the wait.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby ph00tbag » 19 Oct 2014 20:26

FLAOFEI wrote:You knlow that math kid? The one with the Square root of a heart badge? What's up with that badge? I thought long and hard about that, and I'm starting to doubt there's a pun in it... The only thing I can think of is this: If you multiply him with another squareroot of a heart you get a heart... math nerd*math nerd = love

His normal approach is useless there.

I think, actually a better place for discussing Rainbow Rocks would be in the Equestria Girls 2 thread, or in another thread in the MLP discussion forum, so that spoiler tags aren't necessary.
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Re: Official Discussion thread (for discussions)

Postby FLAOFEI » 20 Oct 2014 07:38

Good point... Didn't think of even looking for a thread like that :I

Anyway, I thought more about the Squareroot of love. (This has nothing to do with EQG btw)
When two people multiply they make love. Therefor, if these two people are the same they must be the square root of love! (or both can be the negative square root of love, they are still the same as eachother)
I'm not gonna continue this analysis... cause now I'm thinking of identical twing... And that's way to mature for a place like this.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 20 Oct 2014 08:34

I'm trying to watch it but musical numbers make me really uncomfortable.

EDIt: Finished watching, didn't like it that much. Sonata was kind of entertaining though.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Freewave » 20 Oct 2014 15:02

The movie was just meh to me. I mean it wasn't bad but dang so many of the girls tracks were bland cartoon pop. the sirens tracks at least had an edge to them. But the whole band battle was just so tween oriented and they of course opened this up for a whole line of future sequels which i will be even less enthused to watch. :evil: Glad trixie got a load of air time.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 20 Oct 2014 21:13

There was a lot of exposition too, like...really bad exposition. Every other scene calls back to either Sunset Shimmer turning into a demon or Sunset's previous life as a major bitch, and it's ok to call back to stuff for continuity's sake but if you have to do it as often as Rainbow Rocks does your movie probably needs work.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby FLAOFEI » 20 Oct 2014 22:40

Maybe it's just me being deprived of new pony content, but I loved it all :3

I loved maybe halfway through when they have the sleepover at Pinkie. Twilight and Sunset have about people having crazy high expectations. I realy related to that scene, but it bothers me that they never realy resolved it. Twilight never realy had to admit she wasn't perfect, not to her friends, and not to her self. Sunset did save the day, both with geting the group to realise they shouldn't fight, and by singing, but I'd much rather see Twilight have to admit she didn't know what to do.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 20 Oct 2014 22:59

I'll admit it, that was a good scene and I was pretty happy to see Sunset get some actual character time in this movie.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby ph00tbag » 20 Oct 2014 23:54

I feel like Twilight's internal conflict of not being able to write the perfect song felt contrived, given that she's learned the lesson that she doesn't ever have to do any of this stuff alone plenty of times. It gets kind of tired every time she goes through that struggle. I did like the scene where she and Sunset connected, though, even if it was predicated on a questionable premise.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Mr. Bigglesworth » 21 Oct 2014 04:24

Yeah, the more I think about it the more I think the movie would have benefitted from being more about Sunset and less about Twilight trying to write a song. Feels like there was more meat to Sunset's situation than Twilight's.
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Acsii » 26 Oct 2014 15:28

So I downloaded it last night :D gonna watch it when I get back from uni :3
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby NightmareRare » 29 Oct 2014 21:53

25 minutes worth of Daniel Ingram's songs... I'm in :D
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Pulse Wave » 06 Nov 2014 12:58

Something that has me pondering...

Will bronies eventually jump upon the ¹⁵/₈ bandwagon? Maybe some "Under Our Spell"/"Tubular Bells" mashup? (Same time signature, ⁷/₈ + ⁴/₄.)
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby CitricAcid » 06 Nov 2014 13:12

Pulse Wave wrote:Something that has me pondering...

Will bronies eventually jump upon the ¹⁵/₈ bandwagon? Maybe some "Under Our Spell"/"Tubular Bells" mashup? (Same time signature, ⁷/₈ + ⁴/₄.)

I think you mean "Welcome to the Show." "Under Our Spell" is just in 4. I wouldn't mind a mashup like that; I myself have fantasized about somehow mashing up the few bits of music I've heard in 13/8. "Welcome to the Show"/"Tubular Bells" might be a little awkward, since Tubular Bells in 7+8 while Welcome to the Show is in 8+7.

Also, what bandwagon?
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Re: Equestria Girls 2

Postby Pulse Wave » 06 Nov 2014 14:18

Oops, mixed 'em up.

And the bandwagon... well... you never know whatever bandwagons pop up for. Then again, that time signature is too far out for this EDM-crazy community.
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