I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

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I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Xyless » 25 Oct 2011 11:33

IMO, the show is good, a breath of fresh air, and I look forward to every episode. However, I don't find that I don't get half as excited for the show as I do when I get a notification that WoodenToaster, DJ Alex S, PinkiePieSwear, Interrobang, or the hundreds of brony producers/DJs has put out another song.

I initially decided to watch the show because Renard got into it, and began my journey into ponies and pony remixes. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have such a huge catalyst (in ponies and bronies) for when I learn my own styles with producing.

So...keep up the good work, psychos. You are all the reason I seem, to friends, to be the biggest, most obsessed brony in the world, when, in fact, I'm simply a connoisseur of good music (but also a brony).
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby bartekko » 25 Oct 2011 11:43

I wouldn't be a musician at all, without MLP, but why did you post this, at all? just a question
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Xyless » 25 Oct 2011 12:06

Felt like getting it off my chest is all.
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Interrobang Pie » 25 Oct 2011 14:35

Xyless wrote:Interrobang


Reminds me of this thread.

The episodes are fantastic, sure, but the content inbetween is what keeps us all alive. Fanfics and fanart are alright, but fanmusic really has something else - you can take it with you, whether it be a catchy melody or stuck on an iPod.

And listening to it is only about... a quarter of the fun. Make and release music. If you have no musical background then it can take a very very very long time to get into, but endeavour and the prize is yours. And then get into a community, and get to know the artists you respect (without being a total stalker), and help each other improve.

Honestly, MLR is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I'm trying new things, improving rapidly, trolling on new levels, but most significantly I've met new people. I'm very lucky to have such talented people I can call friends, and when we all inevitably leave the pony fandom, these are the things that we'll keep.
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby bartekko » 25 Oct 2011 14:44

Interrobang Pie wrote:words

so darn beautiful.... <tear>
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Xyless » 25 Oct 2011 15:07

Oh, I'll be joining in the scene very soon. I've had training in Logic Pro, am teaching myself FL Studio, and have a half-year long workshop starting this week in Ableton with seasoned professionals. Not exactly for ponies...more so I can be able to do music for video games (MY WEAKNESS), but I'll most likely be using ponies as my muse as I train.
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby bartekko » 25 Oct 2011 15:19

on learning ableton, or on making music + adding effects to it?
because taking a workshop on learning ableton is a bit of overkill in my opinion
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Xyless » 25 Oct 2011 15:32

It's on digital music production, Ableton (with a little Pro Tools) is just the main software that they use to train you with. So it's mostly music, effects, and pushing me to be a better composer as far as knowing what to do with effects.
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Versilaryan » 25 Oct 2011 15:47

I wish I'd taken a workshop on that. I keep learning things /after/ I make my tracks, especially the super-complicated, long ones. @.@

And agreed wholeheartedly! The only reason I'm still here is because of all this amazing fan content. Y'all drive me to create!
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Circuitfry » 31 Oct 2011 22:10

This community tends to make its musicians exponentially grow, too. Take Grooves, for example. He's done things from mashups to now doing full compositions, and every time, he's come back swingin' harder. Aussie has also improved so much that some of the stuff he makes can make my jaw drop. It's just amazing how far an artist travels when you pay attention. I can't imagine what the future will bring; we're going to be having a lot of these kinds of exponential explosions. It may blow my mind.
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Re: I wouldn't be half the brony I am without fan music

Postby Howlgram » 01 Nov 2011 23:18

I know exactly how you feel Xyless ^^
I got more than inspirited by all of the brony-sicians, and now i feel more than excited about trying to make music myself (yet to do my first song ever :P ), i dont know what i would be doing if it wasnt for all of you.
The fan music is something very unique from this fanbase, and it is... the greatest thing ever.
Basically taking two of the things that i love the most, ponies and music, and making powerpuff girls.

And music is, just as bagpipe said
Interrobang Pie wrote:"The episodes are fantastic, sure, but the content inbetween is what keeps us all alive. Fanfics and fanart are alright, but fanmusic really has something else - you can take it with you, whether it be a catchy melody or stuck on an iPod."

I wish that this community will keep us all together even if the show ever ends :)
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