by Spirik » 19 Jun 2014 10:27
Stuntddude, thank you for your quite fair criticism!
Yes, the system in its current state may be rather slow at times, I admit that. That’s in part dependent on the state of third-side caching system being used (on free plan, of which I am reaching limit very soon). It may vary heavily at different times of the day because of different loads on that caching servers. On the other side it’s, of course, not the best chunks of code I may have produced=) But considering the system’s Alpha state, I hope (and will try my best), we’ll overcome these difficulties eventually.
The Grid mode is made purely for fun. It is more colourful and slightly more interactive way to visualize the music jukebox, with the ability to select from several random tracks and full-screen mode.
I personally tend to use Grid mode when I want to play random tracks and switch to rather slow Playlist mode only when I want to filter tracks by specific artists and/or tags (as a matter of fact, it works notably faster on Mac).
I started this project in plain HTML and JavaScript, as a simple tribute to my favorite musicians of the community, with (at first) nothing more than plain Jukebox mode with random thrown lyrics quotes. And then challenged myself to make something more with that, to improve my skills and to get new ones in Ruby-on-Rails coding (with the occasional help of @Holek). The RoR version was as a result presented in the beginning of this year. And there is a lot of place for improvements and even rework. The only thing I am pretty confident in and happy with is developed database structure and relations (with the place for tags, activities, artists with multiple aliases and accounts, etc.). Hopefully I will able to return to active development of the system soon!
Thx once again for taking your time to write down your opinion on the project!