[Tips Please]Brand New to Music!

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[Tips Please]Brand New to Music!

Postby TheElegantOne » 22 Feb 2013 21:44

Hello all of my lovely bronies!

So here's my story, I am a HUGE fan of all brony music. I probably have not listened to "normal" music for about a year now. Then, I woke up one morning and my first thought of the day was: I want to make music. Very egotistical right? Well, here's my problem: I have no idea where to start. I don't know any "Good" music makers for the computer other than Garageband, and I am probably so uninformed, anyone else in existence would have a better chance of making good music than me. Its just, I love creating ART. That's my passion, my "cutie mark" if you will. I have been drawing a lot, but my true passion lies in music. Pretty much what I'm asking for is any tips or guides you can point me to. I've been scrolling through some of the threads and i noticed that some of you Skype, and such. I do have a skype, and would love if anyone were to help a brony out.

I so dearly appreciate any and all help given, and thank you for your time.
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Re: [Tips Please]Brand New to Music!

Postby colortwelve » 22 Feb 2013 22:00

Okay, first off, hello, welcome to MLR, we have an intro thread that you should totally stop by and say hi on: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2

To respond to your little request, I'll say this: If I could go back and redo the way I got into producing, I'd have spent the half year I had the demo version of FL Studio both learning how the interface in that program worked and getting into music theory. It's absolutely vital to know whatever program you use (Garageband is pretty decent if you get to know it well, Reaper's extremely cheap, Ableton is powerful and flows really nicely, FL is pretty and easy to use, etc.), but knowing the language of music is also exceedingly important. I didn't realize that for a few months after I really started making music, and it shows in my early work. Don't be me, get to know the basics of both elements of music production before you go and release anything.

You'll also probably need some drum samples, which you can find for free with the wonderful world of Google. And just basic working knowledge of synths (i.e. waveforms, envelopes, filters, LFOs, effects). A lot of this will kind of show itself and beg to be acknowledged at some point, but I suppose it helps to know what to expect.

I'd also spend some time on Youtube looking for basic tutorials on whatever program you decide to go with, and the Technique section here once you know enough to wade through the jargon we use regularly.

And if you've got room in your schedule, I'd also take a look at this free online course in basic production, offered by the good people at Berklee College of Music: https://www.coursera.org/course/musicproduction
Last edited by colortwelve on 22 Feb 2013 23:49, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Tips Please]Brand New to Music!

Postby ChocolateChicken » 22 Feb 2013 22:39

Also be sure to check out this thread. viewtopic.php?f=13&t=1369
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