How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

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How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby Element6 » 06 Aug 2012 23:43

I briefly explained the new My Little Pony series, its brony following, and my own personal admiration of the show to my best friend recently. He was moderately confused, of course, despite seeing a pony picture or two for the music on my YouTube videos and not knowing what it was about. (It was fun to tell him the music itself was about the show too.) He was interested enough in the concept to tell me he would watch an episode, but knowing him well enough, I know he won't actually do anything until I give him a push in the right direction.

How would you go about introducing a curious friend to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

I had the idea to make a YouTube playlist that started off with either the pilot episode or my personal favorite episode, following that up with various fan-made videos inspired by the chosen episode that would include everything from music to humor, and ending the playlist with something along the lines of that PBS Idea Channel segment "Are Bronies Changing the Definition of Masculinity?"

However, before committing to the idea, I wanted to ask some of my favorite people here on My Little Remix how you would go about this. I believe it could start a nice discussion on how to go about delicately, yet effectively, introducing the show to a friend who is willing to give it a chance.

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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby MudPony » 07 Aug 2012 00:23

Personally, I wouldn't flood him with stuff. From the sound of it, you've already hit him with some PMVs and Brony music, enough that he's willing to give the show a shot. So just hit him with an episode or two you think he'd like.

If he likes it, you're set and will probably wind up watching more episodes. If not, well, you didn't make him sit through too much stuff he didn't like. You can always hit him with things like Rainbow Dash Presents, FiW, and such later.

Of course, you know your friend, while I don't. If you think he'd like the fan made stuff better than the actual show, well, then you might want to just hit him with that.

Basically, you're trying to show something cool to a friend, not trying to convert him to a religion. Or at least, that is what you want him to think ;)
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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby Element6 » 07 Aug 2012 00:57

I definitely don't want to make it seem to him like it's some super serious deal, because it's not. I made it clear in the brief explanation I gave him that it's all just for fun, but it really is a ton of fun to watch the show and see what the community has to offer.

As for what I've shown him from the fandom, the most I've hit him with is a CD I burned of music he said he liked of mine, much of it pony related. He's the one that asked for a disc and picked the music it included. Now his favorite song to blast full volume while driving around town is Alex S.'s remix of 20 Percent Cooler.

What you said about not making him sit through too much stuff he doesn't like makes a lot of sense. If I go ahead and make the playlist I'll be sure to make it concise. At the very least he should be able to understand why I and many others enjoy the show, and maybe he'll even begin to enjoy it himself.

Thanks so much for the advice! He'll be converted soon enough, heh heh heh.
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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby VINXIS » 07 Aug 2012 08:09

Give them Lessen Zero, Party of One, A Dog and Pony Show, and/or Applebuck Season.

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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby Element6 » 07 Aug 2012 09:22

VINXIS wrote:Give them Lessen Zero, Party of One, A Dog and Pony Show, and/or Applebuck Season.

Then u hab profit

I've been thinking pretty hard about which episode to pick. The episodes that include a pony who "loses her sanity" such as Lesson Zero or Party of One seem to be great for proving that they certainly aren't having tea parties.

Then again, an episode I've really considered showing him is Read it and Weep. Not only is it my own favorite episode, it features a parody of Indiana Jones that I'm sure he wouldn't have expected, and the lesson for that episode is something along the lines of "don't knock it until you've tried it." Seems fitting to me!

Does Read it and Weep seem like a good choice?
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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby ChromaticChaosPony » 07 Aug 2012 09:25

Episodes: Party of One or Lesson Zero at first. Then show them other episodes if they are willing.

Music: Omnipony, The Living Tombstone, Art Attack, PinkiePieSwear, Lavender Harmony, any songs off of Balloon Party, Jackle App, Mic The Microphone, and a whole bunch of other great brony songs.

Explain fandom in a positive light. Show them EQD. Don't show them 4chan's /mlp/. Show them cool artwork. Show them crossovers. Show them comics. Show them fan-made animations that look almost professional (like Brony Dance Party).

Fanfiction: My Little Dashie (not unless they are ok with bronies), Cupcakes (if they like weird creepy stuff), no clopfics (until they are converted), some light shipping fics, lots of comedy fics (show a shitload of these), a few dark fics, and anything really well written.

Introduce it this way and they should join the herd. If not, at least they will respect our hard work.
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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby VINXIS » 07 Aug 2012 09:33

ChromaticChaosPony wrote:Show them EQD.

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Re: How would you go about introducing a friend to MLP:FiM?

Postby MorteMcAdaver » 07 Aug 2012 13:32

If they were actively curious, I'd just show them the first two episodes, unless there was a specific episode that I felt fit the friend in question. Otherwise, I would just wait until they brought it up and succinctly explain why the show has become so popular and loved.
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