For those of you that don't read fanfics and have somehow stumbled here, I thought the same thing before I read a few. The first one I read was The Last Sonic Rainboom and that got me hooked, so I'd recommend that one as a starting point.
Anyway, do you read fanfics? Do you like the fanfics you read? If so, post a link to them here! Personally I like to keep tags on the fanfics I enjoyed (that being said I have not gone and reread any of them), and it also gives you a chance to see what other people liked - perhaps it is similar to your tastes, perhaps it is one you've never read!!!! WHO KNOWS
There will most likely be some clashes as I imagine we are all getting these from the same source (EqD). Not sure how many of you browse ponychan or anything else though, so there might not be as many as I anticipated.
I rarely have patience for some of the longer, multi-part 'fics. I don't like to admit it, but I read some of the shipping ones too (the guilty pleasure of my guilty pleasure). Anyway here is my list:
With a Spark - good amounts of Rainbow Dash.
The Luxury Lotus Spa Follies - a really really good read despite having Trixie in it. It's borderline clop though (all of Butterscotch's stuff is), so watch out.
A Walk in the Sun - short but very moving. Good read if you all you have is 5 minutes.
Simply Rarity - not as sad as the tag might imply but the style of writing is really interesting.
Tales - my absolute favourite 'fic. It's so well written. Possible spoilers, highlight: goddamn, the shit that happens to Rainbow is so heart-wrenching.
Mommy Nearest - definitely not bad, although the second part didn't nearly live up to the first.
With a Heavy Heart - rather long, but good for its length I guess.
Spark - the only crazed Celestia 'fic I've read. Pretty long but not bad.
Secret Tub Fun - Twilight's and Rarity's episodes were my favourites, but Pinkie and Spike were good too.
Friendship is Tragic - this one's quite long and moving. Still a great though.
The Last Sonic Rainboom - this is another one of my absolute favourites. More highlighting: the best pony is Rainbow Dash yet all of my favourite 'fics feature her heart-wrenching DEATH.
Calling the Shots - a really funny, great read. Gives you a break from reading all the shipping/sad stuff as above.
The Melting Pot - a non-mane cast 'fic. Certainly not a bad read. The ending was great and actually very unexpected.
Campfire Stories - another really great read. It's as funny as it is cute.
Five's Company - another Rainbow shipping. This one's really quite strange though, you'll see why if when you read it.
Party of Two - another borderline clop 'fic. (What I've linked to here is the clop-free version - I did read the clop-heavy version (and am feeling a little guilty for it, ahahah))
Macintosh - long but gooooood.
Prince Charming - grimdark and really quite creepy, but also a very good read. Don't read it late at night.
Anyway, post your faves, guise! (Sorry if I stole yours, I did post a lot, ahahahah).