Scarab's Wonderful World of DIY SID Synth[anAdventureInProg]

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Scarab's Wonderful World of DIY SID Synth[anAdventureInProg]

Postby ScarabOfficial » 25 Jul 2013 11:07

Have you ever wanted to capture the rich and warm sound of a Commodore64 in your studio? ... xgRyU&t=32

There are many routes one can take to achieve this. 1] Shell out tons of money on a used Sidstation or Monomachine (*attempts to replicate the sound of a SID) 2] Buy a working C64 and use software to create and sequence your music 3] Buy or rip samples 4] Download a VST that will *attempt to replicate the sound of a SID 5] Cannibalize a C64 and from its remains build your own synthesizer #organharvest

(*Due to design “flaws” within the chip, SIDs produce sounds that were never intended by their manufactures. The only way to produce a true SID synth is to use the chip itself or samples of an authentic SID recording.)

I chose the latter, and it has been quite an experience. But after finding complete online documentation to build one of these machines: and a store that supplies the PCB, as well as other components:, I could not resist.

I must have started right after my high school’s spring break when I found a bundle of 3 C64s being sold for “parts and repair” on ebay for $75. ALL YOUR SID BELONG TO US! This was my single most expensive purchase as such tech from the 80s has not been in production for decades, and enthusiasts like myself create demand which in turn drives up the price. Still this project is completable for as little as $200 to more than double that depending on how much you pay for shipping, how many times you need to order parts, the price at which you buy your SIDs, and how many features you decide to add if you chose to build based on modules.

Yes, there are different kinds of Midiboxes to make: 1] the affordable and n00b friendly SammichSid kit, featuring a minimal control surface which stacks directly on top of the PCB (so convenient) 2] the expensive MB-6582 with complete control surface and with room for 4 cores and 8 SID chips (This is the best option if money is not an issue and you feel like screwing the rules) :D
3] For those crazy individuals who feel like they have a shot in a career of electrical engineering (stop looking at me like that) you can go with the freedom plan for high rollers by designing your own layout using modules. (Your room will end up looking much like Lain’s and you will have to explain to your parents that it is not a bomb)

So I chose to go with a stereo setup off of one core with a 2x20 LCD display and minimal control surface (facepalming because it is really easy to add add filters/envelopes/etc and only costs just a few extra dollars. Ha, for every time I said “this part will only cost me another $10”). I could not find a 7 pin C64 power supply online so I built my own using this guide as a reference: ... _id=359351 (Those young .gif files, OHMYGAWD) The C64s that I bought came with 6581s instead of the 6582s or 6580s so I designed the circuit to supply my SIDs with 12 volts instead of 9.

As of now I have finished putting everything together, and my multimeter has given me promising voltage readings on both my Core and SID module. Theoretically I am ready to put it to work, but I still require an interface that will allow me to send midi data into the device and audio into my computer. For now I can only hope that someone will hire me so that I can fund the rest of this project.

So what do you guys think? After a few months of research and building I have not given you half the info it takes to make one of these boxes, but is anyone out there interested in exploring the world of DIY electronics? You do not need prior experience. You can teach yourself the basics and if you get stuck you can turn to the the very resourceful midibox community for help. Gotta love them tech forums XD All you really need is, PASSION! Passion and an unhealthy obsession for 8 bit music~
In the end you learn a lot about circuitry and you get a box that can produce all kinds of noises (and lets face it - a SID chip out shines a NES anyday with dat pulse width modulating wine and 6581 grit, hoorah)

I know I have been complaining a lot about price in this post, but please consider the following: The Jehovah's witnesses or LDS evangelicals show up on your driveway ready to spread the good word, or maybe it is the Girl Scouts making their cookie sale rounds. They approach you while you sit at your workbench with soldering iron in hand. Then they make the fatal mistake of asking you what you are doing, and you realize that YOU are THEE most interesting person they will talk to all day. You then go on a rant of how you are a mad scientist and how it is SO COOOOL ~sunavabich~ to hack Commodore64s and turn them into analog synthesizers all while you try to dodge undercover agents and assassins hired by CERN who seek your intimate and utter destruction. Already I have said too much. This is Scarab signing off, but before I do have some music!

Last edited by ScarabOfficial on 17 Oct 2013 21:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Scarab's Wonderful World of DIY SID Synth[anAdventureInP

Postby ScarabOfficial » 08 Aug 2013 21:21

Okay so I got a midi in and out to USB adapter from a friend. I inserted the ICs and turned it on. I got to the "ready" screen. All I have to do now is program the buttons and encoders to control the SID. Once I get it up and running I will definitely upload a demo on soundcloud so that you guys can hear it.
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Re: Scarab's Wonderful World of DIY SID Synth[anAdventureInP

Postby ScarabOfficial » 10 Sep 2013 21:52

It turns out that the installation process is not as quick and easy as it is with most devices :( I am currently troubleshooting with the help of one of the Midibox community members.
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Re: Scarab's Wonderful World of DIY SID Synth[anAdventureInP

Postby Conchetupony » 11 Sep 2013 06:47

So, a MIDI-controlled SID? Sounds awesome, gotta love how old sound chips sound. Especially on demo music.
oops I dropped the bass

will you pick it up for me
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